The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1124: Yes, I am satisfied

The boy with red lips and teeth groaned at this moment, and said sarcastically, "How can you, such inferior monsters, know the plan of the queen mother, and how to build an altar that incarnates across the border, where is the queen mother? Half of the savings, after all, the mother queen is a real god. The reason why the mother queen asked you to build these palaces and altars is just for one reason, for me! "

"For Lord Antona?"

At this moment, the white and fat monster was incomprehensible again, and some wondered why he looked at the boy with red lips and white teeth.

"My lord, your men are really stupid. No wonder the mother-in-law doesn't trust them, letting you build the final thing for the altar."

At that moment, the **** the side poked her lips, seemingly unable to hide anything, said sarcastically.

"Shut up, don't think that you have just supported me for a while when I was just born again, the most dangerous moment, you can be flattered and proud, the decision of the mother queen is not what you can judge!"

At this moment, the boy with red lips and white teeth showed a gleam of cold light and angrily opened his mouth. The words of the two were not transmitted, and they were also clearly heard by the white and fat monster. The sound of solitude in China becomes clearer, it seems that all the causes and consequences have been sorted out.

"No wonder this human race was eaten by blood. It was not eaten by the mother worm. The original mother worm was able to be born again because this white and tender baby girl saved her life. I waited for the altar in charge. The Lord God was given to Antona, who has been reborn. I thought it was a bit incredible. After all, this is such an important thing. The Lord Mother has given it to her confidant to do it. Lord Antona. "

This chubby monster was a little disappointed, and a little relieved, to welcome the arrival of the emperor avatar. Although it is said that the glory of success is infinite, it is of great benefit to them, but if something goes wrong, they will definitely die. Can't die anymore.

Now the arrival of the female Antona, although the biggest credit is not on their heads, but they have the backbone, even if something goes wrong, the status of the female will not let them do anything. It can be said to be mixed.

"Well, now that you already know, then take me to the treasures left by the Mother Emperor. Now I want to take over as soon as possible. Once things are delayed, no one of you, the low-level monsters, will be guilty. Up! "

The boy with red lips and white teeth was gloomy and coldly opened his mouth. The cold eyes made the white and fat female insect tremble like a chill, and did not dare to make any sense, and continued to crawl towards the palace he was responsible for.

"Well, now that I've arrived, other monsters, please give me a support first, don't delay too much time, this time, I also want to see what the monsters are, my mother Antona Heresy! "

The boy's voice with red lips and white teeth seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell, so that the chubby body of the white fat monster leading the way trembled, nodded in agreement, and led Yunchuan to the palace he was responsible for more enthusiastically.

When you reach the inside of the palace that is almost completely built, you can clearly see that this palace today has many black and red runes entwined, just like the entire wall is bleeding continuously, flashing. A dim dim light.

And in the middle of this palace, there is a brilliant red gem.

"Master Antona, in the palace I am in charge of, there is an illusive rough stone. This original stone contains the magical energy on my star and other stars, and the illusive rough stone of the mother emperor can make The existence of a demigod replenishes his own power within the time of Ayaka. "

The chubby monster looked at this shining red jewel, and when he opened his mouth, he had the covetous covetousness and greed in his eyes, but the next moment, he suppressed his greed. Such treasures were not something he could dye at all. He rushed to dye, and the mother emperor could directly crush it into **** with one finger.

Immediately afterwards, this white fat monster suddenly patted his heart, and a bitter green heart blood spewed out of his mouth, and fell on this gleam of glittering red light.

The glimmer of the faint element fainted, then immediately fell off from the palace and reached the wall. The young boy with red lips and toothy eyes was very sick, grabbed it, held it in his hand, played it, and seemed to feel a little bit after pinching it. The meaning is average, thrown to the girl behind him, let the girl put away.

"Master Antona, the jewels I keep are in your custody."

Seeing the mother Antona's look indifferent, the eyes of the white and fat monster twitched a few times. Obviously, he didn't care much about this faint stone.

However, thinking of the other person's previous status, this white fat monster feels a bit unusual. This is the vision that the heir of the mother emperor should have. If his face cherishes his joy, he is still a little skeptical. Is the other person deceiving him?

As this fainting stone was taken away, the original black and red light on this palace faded instantly, and cracks began to spread from the palace, making the palace's walls instantly Kung Fu has become like a cobweb. If you go on like this, it won't take long for this palace to collapse.

The precious materials inlaid in these palaces are not without any use or embellishment, but provide a source of power for the entire palace, forming a part of it. Once this precious material is missing, this ring will appear problem.

Originally, under normal circumstances, this white fat monster would not let people take away the precious material embedded in the palace, but now the mother Emperor Antona, the mother's most important mother, takes home and is reborn. The order of the mother emperor came here. Under the preconception of this white fat monster, naturally the collapse of these palaces was also considered as part of the mother emperor's plan, so she didn't care much.

"Well, go to the next place, hurry up, don't let me say it a second time, yes, you just don't mess with things, yes, I am very satisfied."

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