The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1126: Mother Emperor Shadow

After seeing these two monsters go far, the reincarnation of the female worm transformed by Yunchuan turned pale, and her body was a little shaky.

"Chuan, are you okay?"

Yun Qing'er, who was not far behind Yunchuan, was stricken with his eyes, and he held Yunchuan aside. At this moment, a bit of anxiety appeared.


Yunchuan took a long breath and pressed down the pale color that appeared on his face, and his face returned to normal, looking coldly ahead.

"Unfortunately, the female worm source I obtained previously has consumed seven or eighty-eight weeks after this release. Only the last time, it will completely dissipate. The suppression of monsters can be described as a natural enemy, but because of its high grade, my thirty-sixth transformation has been very difficult to simulate the transformation, and even the back-bite just made me slightly injured. "

Yunchuan looked up and looked at the other palace that was already dim. A smile was sketched on his face. Now his greatest crisis has been passed. The two monsters have already believed in his identity and are dead. The trust of these two monsters can be described as being pushed down the river in other places. In a short time, he can completely sweep the treasure of the mother emperor.

After a while, the ape-faced monster came, holding a black log-like log in his hand, and handed it to Yunchuan, saying, "Master Antona, this is the treasure I am guarding. In order to make the sky wood, it contains extremely sophisticated wood properties, and it has a strong restraint for all things with wood properties! "

"Oh, I see."

Yunchuan heard the introduction of this ape-faced monster, and when his eyes lighted up, he covered it up the next moment, took this piece of black log like coke, played it in his hands, and then passed it to Yun behind him. Qinger, let Yunqinger close it.

This Tongtianmu is indeed an extremely rare treasure in Yunchuan's feelings. Yunchuan's vision nowadays has been extremely profound and extremely broad. Naturally knowing such wonders and treasures, even in the whole There is no such thing in the world of Tian Xuan, let alone the supreme treasure that exists in the world of refining. Even the refining treasure of gods is more than enough.

In Yunchuan's eyes, he was no longer as boring as before, but showed a great interest. From his previous understanding, the mother emperor was the existence of a true god. At this moment, a real **** is used. Only half came together to form such an incarnation cross-border formation. I can imagine how precious these precious materials are.

Although Yunchuan now says that he has been promoted to the state of the world, he has not condensed his own supreme treasure, because he has not found any materials that can make him see in the eyes, and now, if He can completely loot all these precious materials, which will definitely enable him to sacrifice one of the strongest supreme treasures.

The white fat monster and the ape-faced monster have consciously confirmed Yunchuan ’s identity. Therefore, Yunchuan ’s words were afraid to obey. After taking the treasures guarded by the ape-faced monster, these two monsters At this moment, take the initiative to open the road and lead Yunchuan and Yunqinger towards the palace where the other monsters are stationed.

If it is possible that these monsters may have doubts about Yunchuan's identity, then, now, there are two big monsters, namely the white fat monster and the ape-faced monster. The worm-like atmosphere is common, and many other monsters have no suspicion at this moment. They each took the treasures from the palace where they were stationed and passed them to Yunchuan.

In the psychic land, this area previously occupied by demons is already dark, and only those palaces are still flashing with black and red light. However, if someone looks at it from the sky at this moment, it can be very It is clear that those lights are now fading at a very fast speed, like dominoes, and are all in darkness.

"No, except for a place where the altar that summoned the mother emperor is coming!"

Yunchuan watched one after another extremely precious treasures being taken by these monsters. Even with his fixation, he couldn't help but a slight jump in his heart, and Yun Qinger behind Yunchuan was still holding back. Excited, pretty face turned red.

When the light of the last palace dimmed, Yunchuan looked into the distance. At this moment, this large building complex left only the location of the most central altar, and it was also exuding black and red. Like a lighthouse in the dark, it looks extremely conspicuous.

"Well, the altar that you built does not meet the requirements of the mother emperor. Under this kind of altar, the power of the mother emperor cannot even come one thousandth, and you quickly go and tear down the altar. So as not to delay anything! "

Yunchuan spoke and ordered the dozens of monsters in front of him.

These dozens of monsters have now truly believed in the identity of Yunchuan's mother worm. Among the monsters, the power of the superiors over the inferiors has been brought along by Yunchuan's order during this period. The inertia of the moment, at the moment of Yunchuan's discourse, these monsters did not hesitate one by one, and went directly to the altar one by one, and began to take off many precious materials on that altar.


At the same time, many palaces that have already had precious materials removed. After this period of time, the cracks on the walls have reached an extreme, and they are no longer able to support them. This area remembered a loud thunderous sound followed by a thunderous sound.

"Who! Who is dismantling my altar!"

When all the monsters boarded the altar one by one and began to dismantle the many precious materials inlaid on it, suddenly above this altar, the situation changed, and the endless black magic was gathered suddenly, looming and appearing. With a huge figure, this figure is like a fragile woman, with thin wings like cicada wings covering the body, looming skin as white as jade, and sky blue as ocean-like eyes are intriguing. It's going to sink into it.

However, this illusive image condensed by the absorption of many elements of magic from the altar, the blue eyes that day, watching the continuous palaces that are constantly collapsing and collapsing, suddenly Filled with boundless anger.

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