The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1133: Resolve road injuries

Yunchuan narrowed her eyes, and after hearing the words of the female emperor butterfly, her voice was a little dignified, and she spoke slowly.

\ "Still you? \"

\ "You mean, and you? \"

Yunchuan's words had just been spoken. The mother Huang Dieer could not help but looked up and down Yunchuan, sneered and said: "" After all, Tianxuan World once had a glorious past. Although it has now truly fallen, I Still afraid of those old antiques, what will be left behind before dying, but now it seems that I really feel relieved to see your words today. \ "

At this moment, the mother emperor ignored her actions, and the laughing flowers trembled, and tears came out.


But also at this moment, just at this moment, suddenly a terrible wave of terror burst from the mother's body. Then, this charming woman turned into a phantom, in less than a blink of time, When it appeared again the next moment, it had already appeared less than three inches in front of Yunchuan. Even Yunchuan could feel the kind of virgin fragrance coming from his whole body. Then, the mother Emperor Butterfly The boneless jade hand was already printed on Yunchuan's chest.

\ "Little thief, I haven't heard such a joke for a long time, I am very happy, in order to reward you, I decided to let you make way. \"

This female emperor butterfly exhaled like orchids at Yunchuan's mouth. Although the jade hand was weak and boneless, the speed was extremely fast and the power was so extreme that Yunchuan's body appeared a layer of goose bumps. .


Yunchuan boomed and then retreated, and it was already dozens of miles at once. Then, in the whole body of Yunchuan, the force of horrific blood burst out suddenly, forming a beam of blood and blood, hindering the emperor's jade hand photographed towards him .

Although the palm shot by this mother emperor seems to be ordinary, Yunchuan's intuition as the world's most supreme figure is able to acutely feel the amazing magical powers contained in it. Countless magical powers are already here. For a moment, they all came together, together in one palm, so that their power was even increased.

Although Yunchuan has already reacted in the first time to avoid the sudden attack of the mother emperor, the current strength of the mother emperor's projection has been promoted to the level of demigod. Even if Yunchuan has dodged, the mother The emperor's attack, however, still had most of the power, and fell directly on Yunchuan.


In Yunchuan's mouth, a spit of blood was directly spit out. For Yunchuan, there is an attack of the projection of the true divine realm. Even if the strength of the projection is only a demigod, it is difficult to bear it. He can I feel that in this palm shadow, there are even several distinct attacks raging in Yunchuan's body. It seems to be the next time to breathe. These completely different paths are about to burst out.

After all, the existence of true divine realm can be said to be two ranks higher than Yunchuan. Under normal circumstances, this qualitative difference between the two can already be called a stark difference, or even It is no exaggeration to make a difference.

In Yunchuan's body at this moment, the causal path was aroused, and his causal path reached the level of demigod perfection, occupying a leading position among many paths, and Yunchuan's only The kind of injury on the Tao, the general healing does not work at all, even Yunchuan's horrible blood power can not make up for it, the power of that palm is still endless in Yunyun Chuan's body is raging. If there is no Yunchuan cause and effect path, I'm afraid it won't take long. His entire body will explode directly and he can't die anymore.

Now, Yunchuan ’s cause and effect path is the place where Yunchuan ’s injuries have directly formed a large net, and the countless raging Taos that were previously in Yunchuan ’s body are merged one by one. When they got to the net, they immediately turned into a blazing red flame, and directly extinguished these Taos before they had fully bloomed.

Yunchuan flew back, and spit a new blood in his mouth. This spit of blood spit out, and it can be seen that there are countless small maggots wriggling in it, and then this black blood swelled and rose into a red flame. No trace of its burning.

After the blood was spit out, there was no entanglement of those rules. The surging energy of blood and blood in Yunchuan once again exerted its effect. The blood gas transpired and enveloped the entire person in Yunchuan. The previously broken The bones healed one by one, and the necrotic flesh and blood re-condensed and formed.

From the time when Yunchuan received the palm of the mother emperor to the present, it is only a short period of ten breaths, but this is just a short period of ten breaths, which has caused Yunchuan to be severely damaged from the previous body. , Restored to its current state of heyday, outsiders do not seem to have any abnormalities.

Yunchuan ’s amazing physical strength and blood power far surpasses the power of the equivalent realm. At this moment, it finally has the most vivid manifestation. Even if it is a full-strength projection of a true divine realm, it can breathe in a dozen It has completely recovered in time. If it has been replaced with another world-level Supreme Existence of the same realm, if it is hardly hit by such a blow, the power of the flesh can be restored, but it is contained in the palm of the mother emperor The Tao is only terror, but it cannot be resolved by the existence of an ordinary world. The power of the Tao cannot be resolved, and no matter how powerful the power of blood is, it will not play any role.

\ "Is this the way? \"

Yunchuan grinned, his teeth were still stained with blood, and he looked at the incredible female emperor butterfly with a look like a lone wolf.

\ "How could this be just an existence shortly after being promoted to the world, how could there be such a horrible Taoist realization. \"

The mother Emperor Butterfly has not yet given her all one's hand. Yunchuan only recovered after taking a dozen breaths to fully recover. Her family knows her family affairs. Although her condition has been greatly improved compared to the previous one, and she can even exert the power of the demigod, but the power she pulled from the traction beam is not her own gain. In this case, naturally, there are great disadvantages.

After all, her altar was destroyed by Yunchuan, and now it is only a projection of the reluctance to come down. Only then can she attack with that level of strength. Otherwise, she will not be able to urge it several times. Otherwise, there will be a danger of power collapse.

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