The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1143: True God Treasure

This familiarity brought to Yunchuan's palm, Yunchuan is no stranger to him, and has the same origins as his colorful Taoism. It is no longer the same as before, and he is also repelled and stripped away. feel.

The appearance of this familiar feeling also means that Yunchuan can rely on his understanding of the colorful doctrine to slowly infiltrate and control the treasure of the true **** left by this colorful god.

This is the greatest wealth left by the colorful god. If he can control the colorful castle to a certain degree, then he can discover the real hidden secrets in the colorful castle, and find that the remnant soul of the colorful **** has been emphasized. Seeds of hope.

Yunchuan looked around, and after the efforts of the colorful true gods to use the entire psychic land, that traction beam has been completely broken from the middle into two sections, as long as there is no traction in the heavenly universe like the dark creator , The tractive beam of light projected from the stunned star will no longer be connected to the heavenly world.

The biggest reason Yunchuan and Yunqinger set foot on the starry sky this time was to find a solution to the traction beam. Although it is said that the traction beam has not been completely solved by him, they have not changed much, at least in the short term. Within time, the crisis that led the beam of light to make the enchanting disaster star come earlier had been resolved by him.

However, in Yunchuan's heart, there was not much joy at the moment, and it was more of a faint feeling.

"Qing'er, let's return to Tianxuan World first."

Yunchuan shook his head, pressed many thoughts to the bottom of his heart, and turned back to Yun Qing'er.

It's been at least half a year since they stepped out of the starry sky. Although there are many world-class figures guarded by Arakawa Supreme and many other world figures in the Celestial World, Yunchuan is still afraid of what will happen again.

In fact, although Yunchuan said that he had left Tianxuan World for half a year, he didn't know anything about the dynamics of Tianxuan World. The remnant soul left by the Dark Creator has been taken by him. Du Hua, in this way, through his unavoidable connection with the creator of darkness, has a vague understanding and understanding of the various species in the heavenly world.

Before that, Yunchuan also knew about the change of the ancient god. Now in the entire world of Tianxuan, there is only one monster of the ancient god. For the time being, only the ancient **** has the ability to make that The broken traction beam continued.

Yunchuan now also knows the history of the Tianxuan World that has been annihilated in the dust a lot. Naturally, it knows that the Tianxuan World is not as simple as it seems. In the battle that happened a long time ago, it triggered the Dark Age. The advent monsters confronted the real gods like Wucai True God. The final result was that Wuluo True God failed, but it also caused a lot of monsters to be damaged by it. It has been turned into a devil's nest and is still there until the tenth. Erupted after the advent of the dark ages.

And the mother devil's nest, the devil's nest, the devil's nest, and other devil's nests previously annihilated by Yunchuan and others. These devil's nests are the specific devil's nests that Yunchuan knew from the mouth of Qinglian Sword Fairy. It has been said that in addition to these several magic nests, there are other magic nests that have not been found by him, and they are still sleeping.

"However, each of these many magical nests that I haven't discovered yet is so deeply hidden that I can't even detect them at all, and the main purpose of my return this time is to put these magical nests that I have not discovered before Once recovered, of course, before that, I still have to learn about Wucai Tao, at least it can give me a preliminary grasp of the true God of Wucai Castle! "

Yunchuan looked at the imprint of the colorful castle in his hands, his eyes flashed and glowed. You should know that, like the weak river of Arakawa Supreme, if the power can be fully exerted, it would be no less than a world. Can greatly help its strength, but now, this colorful castle is the military soldier used by the colorful real body god, at least it is also a treasure of true god, if the power of this colorful castle can be fully exerted , Even can be compared to the existence of the real divine realm, the help to Yunchuan is extremely great.

Of course, with the current repair of Yunchuan as a strength, let alone the full strength of this colorful castle, even if it is a thousandth of it, there is no way to show it. For the time being, only When a bauble exists.

And Yun Qing'er's progress in this period of experience is also extremely great, especially when Yunchuan and the mother emperor confront each other, this girl is alone, blocking the apes face monsters and many other world-level monsters for a long time Time, enough time for Yunchuan.

In that battle, Yun Qing'er, even if he had the details of the many sacred sacred sects given by the Arakawa Supreme, was also very expensive, and even several times he could be called a life-threatening life, but it is because of this. , Yun Qing'er's previous hidden dangers of being repaired too quickly because of the body of the yin were eliminated one by one. Now, Yun Qing'er's body is full of blood and blood, and the power of the **** is inextricably linked. Spreading out, people have no doubt, as long as it takes a while, Yun Qing'er will be able to enter the world directly.

The two galloped all the way in the starry sky. Compared with the cautiousness when they came, the two nowadays Yunchuan and Yunqinger did not care too much, and they returned very fast when they returned.

"Huh? Is that big guy still there?"

Yunchuan and Yunqing'er returned to half of their journey. Suddenly, Yunqing'er's complexion moved, his voice surprised, and he opened his mouth toward Yunchuan.

With the eyes of Yun Qing'er at this moment, Yunchuan saw that at this moment in the distant starry sky, there was an immensely huge mountain range wandering throughout the starry sky, which was the one they had encountered before in the starry sky. Giant mountain, super life Murphy day.

This starry sky giant mountain has the ability to cultivate as a demigod, and its deity is also extremely huge, far beyond the ordinary semi-deity of the same realm. There is also a source stream village inside the starry sky giant mountain. Almost none of those martial arts who strayed into this starry sky mountain walked out of the paradise created by that starry sky mountain. Even if it was a demigod, it also became a walking dead in that Yuanxi village.

When Yunchuan and Yunqinger just stepped out of the starry sky, they suffered a big loss from the beginning, and they almost fell into the starry sky forever and became members of Nayuanxi Village.

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