The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1145: Mercilessly

Although this starry sky giant mountain exists in the semi-god realm, it can't hide things in its heart. All its thoughts and thoughts are presented on its surface, giving Yunchuan and Yunqinger a clear view.

"Chuan brother, I heard that the monsters had spoken about this starry sky mountain today, and it seems to say that it is very rare. The first thing after full advent is to catch it and demonize it."

At this moment, Yun Qing'er, not far from Yunchuan, was also indifferent, and spoke openly.

The pair of Yunchuan and Yunqinger sang together, and Yun Qinger's words were heard in the ears of this starry sky mountain, which immediately made it more confirm the authenticity of Yunchuan's previous speech, and its illusion. The face of the stone man that emerged became even more panicked at this moment.

This super-life starry sky mountain knows about the illusory disaster star and the many monsters in the inherited memory. Although the previous beam of pulling light did not pose a great threat to him, if the illusory disaster star fully descended, but Supposedly, at that time he would be in a precarious situation.

This Murphy Heaven hadn't thought of this before, but until now, after Yunchuan and Yun Qing'er sang together, after thinking about this, the stone man suddenly scared the boulders rolling down and down. , Even the words are not clear.

"Murphy, you know, now you are in a precarious situation, haha, if I and Qinger had just reminded you, I'm afraid you won't even know how you died! "

When I saw the starry sky above the mountains, the countless rocks were falling, just like people are dripping with cold sweat. At this moment, Yunchuan hit the iron while it was hot, and continued to open to the starry sky mountains that seemed a little scary. .

"Yeah ... yeah ... I am now ..."

And now, after a period of contact, Yunchuan has already figured out the temperament of this starry sky mountain. If he completely angers this starry sky mountain, the other party will simply ignore whatever it is, and anger it. Under this state, in this state, the starry sky mountain has very low sanity. After being challenged by Yunchuan, he even dared to shoot at the traction beam.

However, now that his reason has recovered, it is because of his inherited memory that he has recovered to the previous extremely fearful situation, and has an incomparable fear of the stunned star.

"Now, if you still want to live, and don't want to be caught and demonized by those monsters, you should follow me, I can save you a life."

Just as the stone man transformed by this starry sky mountain was in a state of restlessness, Yunchuan's face appeared a bit of a smile, and with a bit of temptation, he spoke again.

"Can you save me a life?"

However, after Yunchuan's words were finished, the stone man transformed by this starry giant mountain looked at Yunchuan up and down, as if there was a little suspiciousness on the faces piled up with large stones, and the rumbling rumbling opened. Road: "Little little, your cultivation is ten thousand miles away from me. If I want to, a little finger can completely crush you, so that you can't die anymore. Will you save me a life? . "

The stone man transformed by this starry sky mountain exhales from his nostril. Although he didn't say it clearly, it still made Yunchuan and Yunqinger feel the disdain contained in his words.

"Big man, have you forgotten that the traction beam that always made you do nothing? But Brother Chu and I broke it together. Nowadays, it can only be said that I and two people have the qualification to say Can save your life! "

Yun Qinger, who was on the side of Yunchuan, heard Murphy's words. His voice was crisp and open. He suddenly changed the color of the stone mountain on the starry sky, which was a bit disdainful. And disappeared without a trace.

After all, no matter how suspicious the heart of this starry giant mountain is, it is an indisputable fact that Yunchuan and Yunqinger successfully blocked the giant mountain. It can be said that no one can deny this.

And it is precisely because of this, that this super life, the starry sky, has always been a little hesitant, and even has doubts about Yunchuan ’s words. After all, Yunchuan ’s cultivation is there, Doubting is naturally a matter of course.

But Yunchuan's body did have the kind of breath that made him feel terrified. Under Yunchuan and Yunqinger's hypnotic indoctrination, this one was originally a bit confusing. The stone man who is unclear about the situation, the color of suspicion in the previous eyes has finally completely converged, and he sighed loudly and said, "Then you have to tell me first, the source of the breath in you that makes me feel a bit fearful is Where it comes from. "

The reason why this starry giant mountain has always been obedient in these times has never been to Yunchuan and Yunqinger. One of the big reasons is that the kind of body on Yunchuan made him feel at ease The horrifying breath has been lingering, so that the supreme existence of a world and a demigod have the basis of equal dialogue.

Now, to a large extent, this starry sky mountain has been convinced by Yunchuan and Yunqinger, and then, it is to prove the basis of equal communication.

Yunchuan sneered, showing his arrogant face, and stretched out his own palm. In his palm, he had a small colorful castle imprint shining.

"what is this?"

Seeing this colorful castle in Yunchuan's palm, the stone man's pupil transformed by the starry sky mountain shrank, his face involuntarily exposed the color of jealousy that could not be concealed, swallowed a spit, and the boulders rolled on him Fall, said: "What is this?"

"This is ...... hehe ..."

Yunchuan grinned, and folded the colorful castle with a palm of his hands, showing the respectful color in his eyes, saying: "It is an ancestor in my world, the treasure left to me, and its three Taos are sealed inside. As long as I am a little bit motivated, I can erupt the wounded enemy. Unfortunately, my cultivation is not enough. The power that erupted when the Tao was used to activate the magical power is probably equivalent to the power of dozens of true divine realms. It ’s just a pity that if my cultivation is better, maybe all parts of the traction beam will be wiped out directly. "

The young man's face showed regret, pouting and sighing, and glanced at the gigantic starry giant mountain in the distance. It seemed to inadvertently say: "The deity's body is huge, rough and thick, it is estimated that it is far away. It is more tolerant than the traction beam and the monsters, and will not break like a few demigod monsters, just like the paper is boring. The younger brother has a relentless request. If the younger brothers can experiment ... .. "

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