The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1157: Wan Yao Supreme Opportunity

"Mr. Yun, what about the monster in this ancient god's nest?"

The demon star nodded and expressed understanding, but immediately looked at the ancient god. The color of vigilance on his face had not yet dissipated. Obviously, the demon star still had a strong power over the monster in the ancient god's nest. Dreads.

"I abandoned the dark cast and made it clear that I am pained to change the former. I am going to help the Lord Cloud to find the devil's nest here and make up for the previous sins. Why, bird, do you have any questions?"

Faced with the vigilance and fear of the demon star evil lord, Yunchuan had not had time to speak, and the ancient **** full of cross meat not far from him had snorted openly, his face was full of scowl.

This ancient **** had eaten several times in Yunchuan's hands, and after Yunchuan refined his own Supreme Treasure, his strength was already compared with the previous one. Even though the ancient **** ’s cultivation strength has initially recovered to the semi-god realm, it is no longer Yunchuan ’s opponent. In addition, the two have found a new point of interest again, so this is why they are convinced by Yunchuan. Post.

However, although it is said that the ancient **** served in front of Yunchuan, but in the presence of this evil star, he did not have such a good attitude towards Yunchuan, and his evil behavior and evil phase opened his mouth. Qi Qi, who was full of breath, smoked and snored.

As the world's most supreme demon, his demon star evil demon, although he is now transformed into a human form, his body is like a big bird, but few people talk about it because it is an insult to him. .

Especially now, being called by this ancient **** with such a contemptuous tone, even this demon star Almost almost shot directly under the rage.

However, as the master of a super stupid demon, the demon star evil spirit is far more ordinary than ordinary people, and he still barely maintains a bit of saneness. He can still tolerate the anger in his heart, and looks at Yunchuan, his face squeezes out With a smile, he said, "Master Yun, in your face, I will not be held accountable with this monster, huh! Grasshopper after the autumn, I will see if you can find this monster Another magic nest in my sunset mountains! "

Yunchuan looked at the two who were facing each other at this moment, shook his head, somewhat helpless, and interposed between them to persuade him: "Okay, two people. Now that we have the same goal, let's talk about it later. Ancient god, do n’t delay, first go to find the hidden magic nest in this sunset mountain range! ”

Yunchuan's faint opening, but with his opening, neither the demon star or the ancient **** opposite to the demon star, did not continue to speak, but hummed, the ancient **** went directly to the depths of the sunset mountains. And go.

The host of the demon Xing Xun is the host of this place, even if he is dissatisfied with the ancient god, this monster, but in the face of this situation, he does not dare to have any neglect, and temporarily put the previous kind of unhappiness aside.

"The demon star evil master, why the master of the Wan Yao Palace Wan Yao Supreme did not come. If I expected it well, the breath of the ancient gods here should definitely be known by the Wan Yao Supreme."

Yunchuan seemed to be thinking about something, a little doubt appeared on his face, and he opened his mouth and asked the demon star.

Both Wanxun Supreme and Yaoxing Xunzun are two world-class extreme figures in the setting sun mountains, and they are naturally extremely sensitive to the breath, and the setting sun mountains are their two super-monster areas of the demon. All of them are extremely valued. Soon after Yunchuan and Gushen had penetrated this area, the demon star evil demonstrator had already noticed the movement and showed it directly.

And according to Yunchuan's knowledge, the former Wanzhao Supreme paid no less attention to this demon nest than the demon star, and felt that the magical spirit brought by the ancient gods, after such a long time passed, it should definitely come That's all right.

"Wan Yao Supreme, he seems to be in retreat recently, or I haven't seen Wan Yao Supreme for some time since the traction beam came."

Hearing Yunchuan ’s words that seemed to be asked casually, a little doubt appeared on the face of the demon star and evil demon, and he groaned and said, "According to the nature of Wan Yao and Lao Gui, if you feel the demon head of the ancient **** comes In the setting sun mountains, it is bound to be like an enemy, but there is still not much movement at the moment. It is indeed strange. I heard previously that the cultivation of Wan Yao Lao Gui seems to be at the late stage of promotion to the world. In this case, the period of dormancy should have broken through the realm in retreat. This is a good luck!

The evil star Xunzun spoke. At this moment, there was a bit of sourness in the voice. Obviously, he already thought that his inference was close to the correct inference, and it was even a little stunned.

Although the two super monsters in the two demon races, Wan Yao Gong and Yao Xing Xie Zong, both belong to the demon race, but before the evils in the Tianxuan world have appeared, the two super races between the demon races There are mutual grievances due to the final ownership of the sunset mountains and the problem of the site, but because of the emergence of magic troubles during this period of time, the two super-blocks have temporarily abandoned the previous gap, and there are still some Quite a fight.

Now the demon star evil demon speculates that Wan Yao Supreme, who has not appeared for a long time, is likely to be a bit frustrated when he is preparing to retreat to the late stage of the world.

"Breakthrough to the end of the world? If so, it is really something to celebrate."

Yunchuan heard the opening of Yao Xie Zun, and his face suddenly showed a bit of surprise. He had seen Wan Yao Supreme before that. It must be noted that martial arts cultivation has reached the state of the world, and every step of promotion can be said to be It is extremely difficult, and the former Wan Yao Supreme has obviously not accumulated his martial arts to the point where he can be promoted to the later stage of the world in a short time.

If it really is as speculated by the demon star evil demon, Wan Yao Supreme has accumulated in the late stage of promotion to the realm of the world in this short period of time, then only one may be able to explain, Wan Yao Supreme is in this period During the time, he had obtained some chances, and his cultivation strength has made rapid progress in this period.

"The ancient **** mentioned earlier that there is a magic nest hidden in the sunset mountains. If there is any great opportunity for the world to be improved before the sunset mountains, this magic nest will be the first to bear the brunt!"

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