The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1165: Host here

There was regrettable regret and surprise on his face. His shot was originally a long-planned sneak attack. How amazing was the sneak attack that existed in the later part of the world. If it had not been for his early protection, It is impossible to stop his attack at the critical moment of life and death.

"Extreme demon Wan, you cover up very well, but, for cause and effect, you have nothing to hide!"

Yunchuan sneered. With a wave of his hands, countless intangible lines of cause and effect appeared densely, and emerged out of nothing in Wanxu Supreme's body, many of which were directly connected in the void where he did not know where to lead.

And with the appearance of these invisible cause and effect threads, on the body of those 10,000 demon supreme weeks, the black breath began to escape, and at this moment, the magic qi released from the reckless poisonous clam was almost It's the same.

"Extreme Wan Yao, you have trusted in monsters!"

When I saw the strands of magic radiated from the whole body of Wan Yao Supreme at this moment, the face of the demon Xie Zong who was still angry was exposed with a stunned and incredible look. The sound was full of incredible, Squeaked out.

The former demon star evil demon has also seen the Lord Buddha and Xue Liantian, the super masters of one case, after taking refuge in the demon, but now Wan Yao Supreme, from the body of his surroundings Judging from the strands of magic, it is obviously not much different from the Buddha of that day.

"Extreme demon Wan, the master of the Buddha and others, do you not know yet? I said, why did you suddenly rise to the realm of the late world, it turned out to be this reason, despite the powerful Power, but you will be controlled by the devil! "

After the evil star evil master understood the reason, his face was anxious and angry, and he spoke anxiously towards Wan Yao Supreme.

Although he was annoyed by Wan Yao Supreme that wanted to cause him to die in the dead, after all, Wan Yao Palace is one of the two super ancestors of the Yao clan, which contains nearly half of the elite power of the Yao clan. The Supreme relied on the monster, which must have been a tremendous blow to the entire demon race.

It is precisely because of this that the evil star evil demon is so anxious that he wants to make Wan Yao Extreme cliff cliffs, and even sweat beads ooze on the forehead.

"Huh! Do you think I would be the stupid of the Lord Buddha!"

Wan Yao Supreme snorted, exhaling from his nostril, and said, "Why, Yao Xing, are you jealous of me, jealous of me? You take one step, and you have been promoted to the realm of the later stage of the world? The Buddha Lord was Bewitched by the creators of darkness and accepted the magic boost of the creators of darkness, this will be controlled by the monsters of the creator of darkness, but I am different. I got the chance and got the magic Ascension, but this is my active self-promotion, the spirit is not lost, and is not subject to others. In this case, the ascension of magical energy not only does not have any hidden dangers for me, but also completely turns into my chance! "

The demon world ’s big demon laughed at this moment, and his voice was full of joy and incomprehensibility, saying: "I am the demon star, I am now the first person in the demon family, but I still need With your little help, if you give me the source of your big demon, I will be able to refining without any hidden dangers to devour some magical energy, so that my cultivation will be completely improved to the level of demigod! "

"Origin, do you want my origin to help you ascend? Wan Yao Supreme, I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that you have really been demonized and become mad."

The demon star evil master heard the words of Wan Yao Supreme at this moment, and his face was full of sadness and sadness. Although Wan Yao Supreme said that his power had been raised to the late stage of the world, from his actions and words, it was clear that his temperament It has changed a lot, and it is very different from the previous one. Except that the memory is still there, everything is like a personal change.

"What to call, since it is the enemy, let me kill you first!"

The ancient **** looked up and down the Wanxun Supreme with a smirk on his face and a sullen white tooth. At this moment, his body full of flesh turned into a streamer, breaking the layers squeezed by the void, and smashing the home. Appeared in front of Wan Yao Supreme, Zhou was surging up and down with blood, raised his big hand, and thumped to the Wan Yao Supreme.

Wan Yao Supreme was promoted to the late stage of the world. Although the demon star evil devil is extremely jealous, but for the ancient gods who already have the power of demigod, they don't pay much attention. After all, not everyone is Yunchuan. The strength that can convince him.

Coupled with that imminent poisonous clam is about to die, the essence of magic has begun to dissipate. In this way, the ancient gods naturally can't wait, and when they encounter this suddenly demon supreme, they are naturally the first shot. To kill it completely.

The ancient **** now not only has successfully restored his cultivation to a state of demigod, but also turned a part of the elemental power into a divine power. Although it is only a trivial amount, the total amount is equivalent to 12%, but It has also increased the power of ancient gods.

Moreover, at the time of his shot, in the void of Wan Yao Supreme, he was naturally banned. This can be said to be a kind of natural suppression in the realm, so that Wan Yao Supreme can only face this palm stiffly.

"Oh, ancient god, I'm not afraid of you anymore."

However, Wan Yao's supreme face did not show the slightest fear, facing the roar of the ancient god, the **** palm, not even the meaning of dodging, showed a slight disdain on his face. He laughed, hehe said.

And he did not dodge, so that the palm of the ancient **** full of divine power was completely blown to the body, but the flesh and blood flying scene did not appear as expected, the supreme body of Wan Yao is like a The ghostly shadows made the ancient god's attacks all penetrate the past, and the figures were faint. After shaking, they returned to normal.


The rough surface of the ancient **** revealed a strange color, and shot again towards Wanwan Supreme, and a blood-colored spear emerged from its hand, turning into a blood-stained afterimage, stabbing towards Wanwan Supreme.

It is still the same as before. Although the body of Wanxun Supreme seems to be standing in place when it looks, after the attack comes, it is like a phantom, allowing all the attacks to pass through its body. No A little bit can stain his whole body.

"I said that even if there is a demigod, there is nothing I can do. I am the master here!"

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