The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1167: Only on my own

Wan Yao's supreme face became a little dazed at this moment, saying: "If I don't have enough strength, I can only be a mermaid. Who will protect my Wan Yao Palace? By you? Or by you? Stop dreaming, only by myself can I guard the Wan Yao Palace! "

"Crazy, Wan Yao Supreme, you are really crazy, you go backwards, absorb the magical energy into the body to enhance your strength, you say there are no hidden dangers, but your personality has changed drastically because of this. Extreme, don't you find it yourself? "

Listening to the crazy words of Wan Yao Supreme, the evil star evil master suddenly showed a thick sadness in his eyes and sighed.

Among the people present, the demon star evil demon is obviously the person who is most familiar with the Wan Yao Supreme. Knowing that the Wan Yao Supreme now seems to have fallen into a crazy obsession, which is very different from the previous one, and it is judged as two people.

"Hehe, the demon star evil demon, you still can't see the current situation until now? Whether it is Yunchuan or the ancient god, there is no way to get the shadow, no way to me, what I lack now Only your source of the demon, my foundation is still not very stable, but with your source of the demon, I can immediately break through to the realm of demigods or even higher, you have heard me show before After knowing my mind, I also know that I want to quickly improve my strength, not for myself, but for me to wait for the big demon in the sunset mountains. Now that troubled times have come, I do n’t need two of them when I wait for the big demon. The super-chambers are fighting against each other, and they are crushing each other. Instead, they need a unified super-chamber and a unified leader. You are behind the times, or contribute your last strength for my rise, die! "

He roared violently, rushed to the crown, and rushed towards the demon star evil lord. In the distance, a large part of the attention of Yunchuan and the ancient **** was focused on the containment of the poisonous clam, and Wanwan Supreme caught this Rare opportunity, shot suddenly towards the evil star evil respect.


The demon star evil body appeared, and it was an extremely huge blue crane. This blue crane opened its mouth, and the air in all directions was sucked in at this moment, forming a dark cyan wind blade, splitting its head and covering his face, and approaching there. Wan Yao Supreme beheaded.

"Extreme demon Wan, you have only used speculation and tricks. I took a step first, and I was promoted to the late stage of the world. I really regarded me as a muddy pinch!"

As a mid-world existence, he had previously stood with Wan Yao Supreme for countless years. Naturally, he has his own heritage and capital, although now the Wan Yao Supreme has realized the shadow of the demigod state, and repaired There is already a world stage for strength, but this does not mean that the existence of the old world world of the demon star evil demon, there is no battle in the face of the million demon supreme.

Countless teal wind blades are cutting away towards the Wan Yao Supreme, except that Wan Wan Supreme does not evade, his figure is like a faint shadow, no matter what kind of attack it is, all the way through it Just passing through it did not have any impact on Wan Yao Supreme, even letting it not stop at much speed.

"Shock the tree."

Wan Yao Supreme sneered, his body stunned, and one palm blasted out. The palm of his hand contained endless light of the gods, and contained the horrible wave of mighty power. It was entangled with all kinds of roads, directly printed on On the chest of the demon star evil respect.

Rehabilitation has reached such a level, and there are extremely amazing doctrine powers in the hands and feet, and the killing moves are all in hand. The magical powers often don't look gorgeous, but this is the sign that the power is restrained. All power Energy is compressed into one.

The gap between the realm and the doctrine is vividly manifested at this moment. Regardless of the realm or the doctrine, the Wan Yao Supreme has surpassed the unreliable demons of the evil star, and the two men who were evenly matched at the moment, shot at this moment. There is a one-sided situation.

"Master Wan Yao, you can't kill me!"

The demon star evil lord was blasted by the power of the million demon supreme with Dao Zewei's palm, and the blood surged in his mouth, and a gray and black road formed a vein, as if the chain was wrapped around his body, it looked like It's like being entangled in chains.

However, immediately after this extremely large blue crane exploded, a series of blue roads were permeated with flesh and blood, and the flesh was reorganized, so that the roads that had been imprinted on him by Wan Yao Supreme became invisible.

The confrontation between the two avenues, although the demon star evil lord has fallen into a comprehensive downwind, how terrible is the vitality of the world-class figure, as long as the spirit is immortal, the flesh is only a drop of blood, They can be reborn again. It is impossible for Wan Yao Supreme to kill the evil star evil master in a short time.


On the other side, I saw that the demon star evil demon has a battle power under the demon of the demon Wan Yun. The battle power of Yunchuan and Gushen can also be completely released, and the reckless poisonous clam is once again intercepted.

Three horrible horrors, the extremely dazzling sword light showing off from the falling cloud sword, and between that, it was chopped down on the reckless poison clam. When he was on the body, he didn't cause much trauma to the reckless poisonous clam from the outside, but his body stopped completely at this moment.

These three sword lights are truly Yunchuan's long-established three swords that cut three lives. This magical ability created by Yunchuan has become more and more important as Yunchuan understands it. The power that can be exerted is too scary compared to the previous.

Three swords of light fell to the body of Mangkong Poison Clam, and then the eyes of Mangkong Poison Clam became dull. On the body of this monster, its spirit was involuntarily stripped from the flesh and the power. That way, it is directly exposed.

Immediately after the other two sword lights were cut off, one after the other, towards the soul that was forcibly stripped from the Mang Poison Clam. On top of these two sword lights, there was also a bit of time. The spirit of this reckless poisonous clam is decaying at an extremely fast speed.

"My essence is magic!"

The ancient **** widened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him. With his gaze, he saw that the reckless poisonous clam had completely lost its vitality with the destruction of the spirit, and Yunchuan said this. The power of Jian Guang, however, is still not over, and the physical body of this reckless poisonous clam is constantly decaying.

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