The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1173: Shadow space

Yunchuan didn't answer, but his face suddenly became gloomy, and he suddenly waved his hand. Then, the karma that was originally rooted in the Supreme Master Wan Wan suddenly rose at a very fast speed in the wind at this moment. Inside every cell of Wan Yao Supreme.

The boundless karma not only burns the body of the Wan Yao Supreme, but also burns the soul of the Wan Yao Supreme, so that the horrible illusions emerge from the eyes of the Wan Yao Supreme, and make Wan Wan Supreme the world ’s supreme figure. At this moment, a scream was made in the mouth, and it seemed to contain great pain.

"Yunzong ... Yunchuan! Your beast ......... Yunzong stopped ..."

The supreme figures in this world screamed screaming. After being burned by the boundless industry fire, they complained for a while, and then yelled aloud, all kinds of ugliness.

"My brother, I didn't do it on purpose, but now, can you tell the truth?"

After half a column of incense, the fire surrounding Wu Wan Supreme Body's infinite industry gradually extinguished, Yunchuan laughed and groaned, looking at Wan Wan Supreme who had the color of fear at this moment, and slowly spoke.

Wan Yao Supreme is sweating all over his body at this moment, looking at a cluster of red flames in Yunchuan's hands, showing a color of fear that can hardly be concealed. As a supreme figure in a world, he is now emerging. With this look, it can be seen how shocking the previous burning of the boundless karma has been.

"I came here before, and I heard a voice in Ming Ming that only those with fate can overcome difficulties and obstacles, come here successfully, and accept the legacy of the Shadow Demon King."

Wan Yao supremely swallowed and said, "The reason why you can't come here to perceive the mark left by the previous shadow devil, presumably should not be the person with the fate mentioned there!"

"This shadow devil is as good as I know before, or it's so foolish!"

On the other side, the ancient **** with a cross-shaped face seemed a little impatient at this moment. His fists were raised, his joints clicked, and he hit the sky with a punch, and smashed into Wan Yao's supreme old face, smashing his mouth. His nose was bleeding, and he said angrily, "If that's the case, then I'll teach you how to make you a fate!"

Wan Yao Supreme is bound by Yunchuan's cause and effect path. He can't show his strength at all, he can't hide it. This face-scarred monster hit his face with a punch, and his hair band was beaten. Exploded, the blood was so terrible, and there was no such transcendent color as the former master of the super stanza.

"You probably haven't heard of it. When the Shadow Demon King was still alive, he relied on his Shadow Road, and Kengmeng abducted everything, and what he believes in is that his fist is big, and now you are in our hands. Here, it is not you, but us, who has something to do with his legacy. "

This devil is proud, and now the monster in the ancient devil's nest is almost completely dragged down by Yunchuan. When he speaks, his face is not red and his heart is not beating.


Wan Yao Supreme anger rushed to the crown and was furious. He was previously the world ’s supreme figure, the master of a super block, where he suffered such humiliation, but then, he saw the cold star killing the evil star evil master After a deliberate look, Wan Yao Supreme bowed his head despite spitting straight blood.

He is not incapable of seeing the situation. He was caught by Yunchuan before, and has not been killed directly because it still has a part of the role. However, the demon star evil demon does not think so. At the moment of dead hands, it can be said that there is no room for any good offices between the two. I am afraid that the evil star evil demon must be trying to kill him soon.

"I'm not sure, but I can try it."

Wan Yao's supreme heart trembled, trembling, vomiting blood, and forced the anger in his heart to step forward.

And at this moment, with the constant advance of Wan Yao, several people in Yunchuan are following in step.

"this is......"

The original sneer face of the demon star evil smirk was showing an incredible color at the moment. As his eyes looked, I saw a kind of obscured gray and black in the original plain area. The breath, looking at it, is exactly the area where the former Wan Yao Supreme is located.

However, if you leave a distance from Wan Yao Supreme, the various mysteries previously presented will no longer appear, but the most common and most common look in the depths of the sunset mountains.

As if at this moment, two distinct spaces began to overlap, one side being the most normal normal sunset mountains, and the other side being the area diffused by this gray-black shadow.

These gray and black shadows pervading the surroundings, as soon as Wan Yao Supreme stepped on, it was as if a magnet appeared, constantly trying to pour into Wan Yao Supreme's body.

And with these gray and black breaths constantly rushing into the body of Wan Yao Supreme, it can be clearly seen that the intensity of the shadow path of Wan Yao Supreme is increasing at an extremely fast speed.

A bit of intoxication was revealed on the face of Wan Yao Supreme, indulging in the increasing pleasure of this shadow path. If he continues like this, he has already realized the shadow path of the early demigod. This kind of extremely fast speed increases, even to the next level.

"I really have a strong talent for Shadow Road, and this area is also my blessing, so that my understanding of Shadow Road can be improved at a rapid pace!"

Wan Yao Supreme is overjoyed, but his face remains calm. As long as it is his shadow path, he can ascend to the perfection of the demigod here, and he can successfully break through the blockade of Yunchuan ’s causal path, and even In turn, he can refine the demon star evil respect and successfully enter the demigod realm.

After all, his understanding of the Shadow Doctrine has reached the level of demigods, and he is now in the late stage of the world and has entered the demigod's realm. There is no bottleneck in the realization of the Tao, but it is lacking in Accumulation on the basis of the big demon.


However, at this moment, Yunchuan snorted, Wan Yao supremely thought that he had no idea of ​​the God of the shadow, but the power of many causes and effects of Yunchuan has been deeply rooted in With every change in every area of ​​his body, Yunchuan felt clear.

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