The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1178: Third wish

Yunchuan stared at the red lotuses formed by the karma fire, and said: "Wan Yao Supreme, you are from a low background, and the body is a most common big snake. You do n’t know any big monsters, and you are fighting against the beasts of the sunset mountains. He was dying from serious injuries and was rescued by a hunter. Later, he opened his wisdom and killed all the hunters who rescued you. He used the flesh to build a demon, and then met several demon to become best friends, but in a treasure In the middle, you killed all of your best friends by sneak attacking them, so that they swallowed up the treasure and became the capital of your fortune. After worshiping at a middle gate, she fell in love with the lord's daughter, but later it was repaired again. Ascension, make the lord's daughter who is in love with you and destroy the soul into a puppet, let the former old lord's mind and chaos be swallowed up by you, and you become the new lord, and this middle ancestral gate is the embryonic form of the Wanhou Palace. ..... "

In the blossoming red lotus, the life of Wan Yao Supreme is clearly reflected, allowing Yunchuan to see the existence of Wan Yao Supreme in the middle of the world in a lifetime, especially the few thousands. The key node of the Demon Supreme's fortune, after reading it, Yunchuan once again looked at Wan Demon's face, showing his disdain.

"Extreme demon Wan, when you think about cause and effect, the million industry door opens. What you have done can be said to be self-immolation with fire, and it is no wonder that your own karma will burn so fiercely. In this way, no one can save you, I I didn't know before that, as the master of a super stupid mansion of Wan Yao Gong, how could you take the initiative to demonize yourself and take refuge in demons, but it is not surprising to combine what you have done in your life. "

Yunchuan's big hand was raised high, and in his hand, the light of the gods' hands filled with immense and horrifying power fluctuations, and fell down on the head of Wanwan Supreme.

After this period of time, the burning karma on Wan Yao Supreme not only did not rest, but also burned more vigorously, making Wan Yao Supreme's body burned into a kind of coke, and its spirit is even more It was burned into bits and pieces of gold liquid, which continued to vaporize and evaporate.

"I make a wish, and my third wish is to stop the karma of my body from burning and restore my cultivation to its full state!"

Seeing the light of God's hands in Yunchuan's big hand, the next moment is about to fall completely, Wan Yao Supreme is about to be completely burned and burned on the body, the gold liquid formed by the spirits shakes, and the Wan Yao Supreme's Head, exclaimed anxiously towards the shadow giant in the distance.

In the distance, the shadow giant has taken Yunchuan three as a sacrifice because of the second wish of the Supreme Master Wan Wan, and has divided numerous shadow roads, as if they were octopus octopus, facing Yunchuan. The three were entangled, but the main thing was on the body of the demon star evil demon. During this period of time, the demon star evil devil has been wrapped around the body by the many shadow paths, wrapping it into a mule, grabbing To the mouth of that shadow giant.

The ancient **** now has restored its strength to the point of the beginning of the demigod state. The original fragmented body has been reunited, and the power of the blood and blood channels is extremely full. Even if it is injured, it is in that amazing blood. Under the force of it, it will fully recover without taking a breath.

However, although his Qi and Blood Channel say that it is extremely amazing in its resilience, in the face of this shadow giant, in the case that the opponent has the home court advantage, it is difficult for the attack of the ancient **** to affect this one. The shadow giant's body can only be passive defense.

"The third wish ....."

At this moment, after hearing the words of Supreme Master Arakawa, the many shadowy roads like the octopus octopus swayed around this shadow giant Zhou suddenly stopped, even the monster star who had reached its mouth was because of These shadowy roads stopped with tentacles and crashed down.

"The third wish, I can fulfill it for you, you finally made the third wish, and my fruit finally came to the harvest season!"

At this moment, the tentacles that spread from the Shadow Giant, pointing at the direction of the Supreme Demon, rumbling in their mouths, but the voice of the Shadow Giant's previous mouth was not sad. No joy, no mood swings, just like a dead person, but now the sound coming out of his mouth is with a weird, but a bit sharp, people feel unconscious at first glance There was a feeling of fear, as if being stared at by some inexplicable existence.


The next moment, this shadow giant seemed to be teleporting, disappearing directly from the place, and when it appeared again, it was already not far from the 10,000 demon supreme.

"What is your offering ..."

The shadow giant stared at the Wan Yao Supreme, who had been melted by the karma and was about to completely disintegrate. He opened his voice in a deep voice. If someone looked closely, he could clearly see that It contains a very clear glow, just like looking at the most precious baby.


After hearing the scorching question from the shadow giant, the sweat on his forehead suddenly oozed. The shadow giant should be the remnant of the shadow demon in his understanding. When he met each other before, the shadow giant said he Able to fulfill its three wishes.

However, these three wishes are not without any conditions, and this shadow giant can not achieve any wishes. Previously, he said for the first time that he wanted to make his cultivation break through to the demi-god realm, but This shadow giant only realized one thing for him, that is, he gave him the realization of the Shadow Tao, which enabled him to realize the demigod in a short time.

The other half, Xiu Wei's strength was elevated to the level of demigod, but the shadow giant did not achieve it, but pointed out a way for the Wan Yao Supreme, that is, killing the evil demon, and seize the origin of the big demon.

However, even so, he paid a small price, more than half of the elders in the Wanwan Palace have been deceived by him as the flesh and blood offering.

Now he has made this third wish, and in his current state, there is no way to find a sacrifice, that is, the third wish cannot be fulfilled at all.


Wan Yao Supreme is now dying by the karma fire. His third wish was the last straw he caught, but now this last straw is useless, and his face can't help showing Desperate.

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