The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1180: Blame

He is constantly resisting, struggling, trying to stop all this, but at this moment, Wan Yao Supreme can clearly feel that those who have been tempered by him to the perfect state of the demigod, let His pride in the shadows, one by one, completely lost his control, which in turn became the shadow shackles that controlled his body and soul.

And he previously passed this shadow giant and improved to the strength of cultivation in the later stage of the world. Those magical qi also began to riot in his body. Various factors superimposed each other to make Wan Yao supreme self-consciousness. There is not much resistance at all.

"That's the case, it's the case. The wish I realized earlier was just the Shadow Devil's calculations. I was so naive that I fell into this category!"

Continuously eroded by that shadow demon king, all the resistance of Wan Yao Supreme has completely lost its effect, and it is only at this moment that the master of this super block and the supreme figure of the world has thought about the cause and effect of the matter, the words There is deep despair in it.

Because from the beginning, he stepped into the trap, and the coincidence that he thought previously was not inherited by the shadow devil after his death. This is not the case. Although the shadow devil died, he did not die. Stiff, tempting him, paving the way for his resurrection step by step.

And those three desires, with the help of Wan Yao Supreme's greed, and the desire for strength and strength, transformed Wan Yao Supreme step by step, and the transformation can hold a trace of his thoughts.

What makes Wan Yao supreme desperate is that although the shadow devil said that he was dead and not deadlocked, when he was just discovered, it was just a lingering thought. He used his cultivation in the middle of the world as his strength at the time. At that time, the remnant of the Shadow Demon King could not have any consequences on him, nor could it have any impact.

It can be said that he is caught in this situation at the moment, it is all his fault and he can't blame anyone at all.

"A shadow of the Devil of the Shadows, who wants to live off the weight?"

At this moment, Yunchuan looked at Wanxun Supreme, and a look of surprise appeared on his face, but then, this surprise turned into a sneer, and Luo Yunjian exploded again, towards the moment he was already flesh and blood. The rebirth of Wan Yao Supreme was cut off.

Wan Yao Supreme is now in this state. Although Yunchuan couldn't fully understand it for a while, he can still see some clues. He can see that if it wasn't for his sword, he would give that shadow giant. Cut into two sections, so that only half of the shadow giant has been submerged in its body, I am afraid that Wan Yao Supreme body has long been directly occupied, rather than a little room for resistance as now.

The lingering thoughts, which have been dead for a long time, want to rely on Wan Yao to respect life, and this lingering thoughts are not even gods and souls. Therefore, it is impossible to regain rebirth. Only the two can be merged into a new existence.

This is the first time Yunchuan has seen this, but since it happened under his eyelids, Yunchuan Yunchuan will naturally not sit still, and now it is the most critical time for the integration of the two. The demon supremely resists the fusion of the two, so that this fusion between the two cannot really continue.

His sword fluttered, shining with horrific and amazing power fluctuations, so that the body that had just been condensed into Wan Yao Supreme was cut into two pieces at this moment.

A mass of shadowy air escaped from the broken body of the 10,000 demon supreme, escaping towards you, and issued a harsh scream, saying, "All the demon, you just need to fuse with me, Then you will become the most revered existence in this world, inherit my title, become the shadow demon king, have the most powerful strength, you can control yourself, this is not what you dream of, why should you resist my fusion! "

This group of gray and black shadows is located in the two demon bodies that were cut off by Yunchuan, and screaming loudly is exactly the voice of the previous shadow giant, but the shadow giant's voice is no longer like It was as cold as the dead before, but full of emotional fluctuations.

"I naturally want to have the most powerful strength ....."

Wan Wan Supreme's voice was full of confusion at first, but then the words changed and became a little disturbed, becoming Wan Wan Supreme's voice full of uneasiness and struggle.

"Extreme demon Wan, you can pursue power, powerful power is indeed the foundation and guarantee of everything, but you, like the Lord Buddha, have chosen the wrong method, even the words of these demon are exactly the same Don't you even have that discrimination? "

Yunchuan sneered. Although his sword light did not cause too much trauma to the fusion of Wanwan Supreme and Shadow Demon Canon, the time channel and the cause and effect channel combined, but they successfully separated the shadow Once opened, the strength could not be reunited for a while.

"I want strong strength, and I have to live. I want to be the real me, the shadow devil, get out of my body!"

Wan Yao Supreme roars, his body bursts open, and he wants to forcibly exclude those thoughts of the Shadow Demon. The current state of the Shadow Demon is after all a thought that is not even a soul, although it is said that The fusion prevailed, but after Yunchuan's various obstacles, those shadows were divided into countless pieces, and the strength was greatly weakened.

"Extreme demon Wan, I can blend with you, that's your great honor, even if you resist it is useless!"

The evil and spooky words came out from the mouth of Wan Yao Supreme again. With his words, the pieces of flesh that had previously been smashed by Wan Wan Supreme had their own shadows in them. Have become that kind of gray and black color.

"Want to run away?"

Yunchuan stood up and watched that the minced meat separated into hundreds and thousands of pieces escaped in all directions, Yuanli slammed, and the cause and effect blasted out, following this piece of minced meat, facing in all directions Spread away.

"Add me!"

The ancient **** had previously suffered a big loss because of the strangeness of the shadow path, but the Qi and blood path that he is best at did not have much use at all, but now, the remnant of the shadow demon and the supreme Wan Yao have been merged. Together, and Yunchuan divided the previous shadow giant into numerous pieces, its shadow path is far worse than before.

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