The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1183: Daoyou, let's go

As soon as many cause-effect paths shrouded in Yunchuan's body appeared, they suddenly turned into red karma, and these red karma even turned into a blossoming red lotus, surrounding Yunchuan's body. Spin.

These karmic fires enveloped him as a whole. However, the karmic fires that ignited around Yunchuan did not cause the slightest damage to Yunchuan. Yunchuan went on fire and walked peacefully. Those who came into contact with him were annihilated as soon as they encountered the many karma in front of him, disappearing without trace.

"Wanying Devil, if you use this method against others, it may be of great effect, but before that, I have been trained by karma, and my cultivation in the state of mind is far beyond ordinary and equivalent. Existence, your biggest dependence now is shattered, but there is still something to say? "

At this moment, there is a stark contrast to Yunchuan and the ancient gods. The evil star has the blessing of Yunchuan's Luoyun Island, and the various shadow paths are passed to the monster star. At least it's going to weaken by as much as half, but at this moment it's still trembling, like joy and joy, immersed in its own world.

As for the ancient spirit of Qi and blood, although it is towering, but under the innumerable shadows of this side of the shadow space, there is also a sense of being unable to control himself, even the immense surging energy of Qi in his body. All escaped at this moment, forming a stream of blood dangling, the power in the body was flowing at an extremely fast speed.

"Yunchuan, in the memory of the 10,000 demon supreme I have merged, you are indeed extremely outstanding. You can even be called a Tianjiao who has been born for thousands of years, but now you are the only one left. In my shadow space, I am the absolute master! "

The wan demon-like fusion demon king Wan Ying saw the sight of the fire in Yunchuan's bathing industry, his pupils shrank, and then he sneered and said, "Your cause and effect is not bad, it is really not bad. It ’s expected, however, that fire can extinguish water, and water can also extinguish it. When my shadow path is broken, the traitor of the demon star evil **** and the ancient **** is renegade, turn around and pour all over you again. Causal flames can also play a role, can you feel that kind of despair? "

"You have no other means?"

Yunchuan's face showed impatience, and said, "The reason why I haven't done anything, I just want to see if there is any other means for the demon formed by the integration of your consciousness. Since you only have these three axes, it is still me Come and send my friends to the road! "

"Send me on the road?"

The Wanying Demon King was scorned by Yunchuan's discourse, and the countless Shadow Roads came out with a billowing spirit, like an octopus, spreading toward Yunchuan.

Even under his fury, those shadowy roads that were previously divided into three to deal with the ancient **** and the demon star evil respect were stripped off by him at this moment, all pouring towards Yunchuan, regardless of quality. Still the number has tripled as before.

Previously, the shadowy roads that enveloped the ancient gods and the evil star evil deities were transferred away. The ancient gods and the evil star evil deities who had previously controlled their minds by their own dark sides returned to normal, and looked up, their faces can not help showing A little shocked.

With the eyes of the two people, I saw that in the distance, where Yunchuan was located, I could no longer see Yunchuan's figure. I could only see a gray-black shadow path like a python, which was piled up like a mountain. , Submerged Yunchuan in it.

Previously, they were only a small part of the shadow channels, which caused them to fall directly into their own boundless dark side, but now it is all shadow channels in the entire shadow space. There are three times as many.

The karmic fires formed by the Yunchuan Shadow Road can dispel these many shadow roads, but the number of the two is incomparable. These karmic fires are like a drop in the sea, and a lone boat in the sea is always possible. Overturned and annihilated.

"It's true that there is mutual restraint between water and fire, Wanying Demon King, but you are a bit wrong. Between us, don't you know who is the disadvantage?"

At this moment, within this side of the shadow space, the projection of a small world crashed down, covering the side of the shadow space.

And within the projection of this small world, there are endless raging fires, covering every corner in this shadowy space.

In addition, in the body that is the same as that of Wan Yao, the Wanying Demon King has many fiery red patterns. These fiery red patterns are like a yoke. The whole body is entangled, compared with the previous Yunchuan.

Immediately after that, the form on the field was reversed immediately. The shadow path in this side of the shadow space, compared with the flame formed by Yunchuan's endless causal path, which filled a small world, became Trivial.

"Wan Ying, you previously integrated the shadow of the shadow devil, you should be able to know that this side of the shadow space is just a broken little world left by one side. Even the broken small world of one side is not called the broken space of one side. The Tao contained in it, how can it be compared with the Tao contained in my small world. It can only be said that it is a pebbled stone, not to mention, do you think that it is so easy to occupy the Supreme Body of Wan Yao? "

The remnant of the shadow demon and the body of the Wan Yao supreme are fused. Above the consciousness, the remnant of the previous shadow demon has taken the upper hand, but its body is essentially the body of Wan Yao supreme that was burned by karma. Yunchuan As soon as his words came out, the many red silk threads that had spread on the body of this Wan Yaozun supremely ignited again instantly.

"How is it possible that the karma burning in Wan Yao Supreme has not been completely extinguished by me and how can it be re-burned. Moreover, I am not Wan Wan Supreme but a brand new consciousness. Burning on me! "

The moment the almost endless karma fire ignited again on the body of Wanying Demon, suddenly the Wanying Demon really panicked, and his voice was mixed with panic and unbelievable.

"If you are still the remnant of the shadow demon, and you are still in this side of the void, I can't really help you, I can only say that you have thrown yourself away."

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