The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1190: Into the realm

It seems that the weird power above this bridge is just for them, but there is no limit to the souls of these ordinary people after their death.

"Muff, this Umbra is really a piece of land for the dead?"

Yun Qing'er's face was surprised, and Yunchuan walked forward and backward, and soon reached the end of the bridge.

Yunchuan turned back and said, "Qinger, I'll go inside first, check it out, if there is no problem, I will convey the voice of the soul, and then you will follow me in."

Yun Qing'er nodded. The two did not know the truth of the other part of the world in the bridge. Naturally, they needed to investigate this way to ensure foolproofness.

The boy in white stepped into the world at the end of the bridge. Behind him, Yun Qing'er looked nervous and changed the color of the next moment, because although Yunchuan said that he stepped out, his body remained on the bridge. Above her, ahead.

But it's just the body. Yun Qinger can clearly feel that Yunchuan's body has become empty and empty, leaving only the physical body, and no trace of spirits has remained in his physical body. .

In Yunchuan's physical body, the power of horror of blood and blood is still surging, just like a waterfall falling down over nine days. There is amazing power between his hands and his feet.

But in this kind of blood and blood, the only thing missing is vitality, without the **** of the spirits and souls, making Yunchuan's physical body as dead as it is now.


However, just when Yun Qing'er was in a hurry, a light flashed suddenly and fell into Yunchuan's body. Then, Yunchuan's body came again with a spirit wave.

"Chuan brother!"

Yunchuan looked up and saw the color of worry in Yun Qing'er's eyes, shook his head, and laughed: "I'm okay, but I didn't encounter any danger, but because there was a weirdness in that nether world. It is involuntarily separated from the soul, and ultimately only the soul can enter. "

"So it is."

Yun Qing'er was relieved when he heard Yunchuan's explanation, and said, "If I do this, will I have no problem waiting for the body left here?"

"Anyway, this time you and I entered into the Umbra, this time just to prepare for a preliminary investigation, there is no need to delay how long, as long as you successfully condense your own small world, I will return after waiting, and this The entrance to the Umbra is uncertain. This time, if I do n’t have the guidance from the other side of the flower, can I find this place or two? If other martial arts are deliberately searching, it will not be found in a short time. "

Yunchuan smiled and said, "The hidden place at the entrance to the Umbra is just the right time for me to wait, and this weird place may be of great benefit to you and me."

Luoyun Island also emerged at this moment, covering the bodies of Yunchuan and Yunqinger. Although it is said that there will be no problems with their bodies for a while according to Yunchuan's inference, but It is also necessary to make a foolproof plan. As the supreme treasure of defense, Luoyun Island, after the sacrifice of Yunchuan and the integration of Taoism, the defense power has been improved much compared to the previous one. It takes a long time for a supreme figure in the world to shoot at full strength, which can make Yunchuan and Yunqinger perceive danger in advance.

Immediately afterwards, Yunchuan and Yunqinger stepped forward one by one, and their bodies remained on Luoyun Island at the end of the bridge, but if anyone is here, they can feel it in Yunchuan and Yunqinger. The two of them have no worries around their bodies.

It was also at this time that the spirits of Yunchuan and Yunqinger had already left their physical bodies and actually entered the realm.

"this is......"

Yun Qing'er entered the underworld behind this bridge. After seeing the surrounding scenes clearly, the shocking color appeared on his face.

On the other side of the bridge, what appeared to the two of them was an endless sea of ​​flowers on the other side. The strange sea of ​​flowers on the other side looked almost endless, and looked magnificent and strange.

And those who walked down the bridge, one after another, the white forest figures, just like the unconscious, fluttered across these other seas of flowers, and continued to float forward.

There is no sunlight in this nether world, and there is no sun in the sky, but this world is not completely dark, but only a little dim.

However, those white people who walked through the sea of ​​flowers on the other shore, the ordinary souls formed after the death of ordinary people, most of them passed by the other shore flowers, were directly wrapped in the other shore flowers and swallowed up Only a few can successfully pass through the sea of ​​flowers.

This endless sea of ​​flowers on the other side grows up by devouring these souls, forming such a sea of ​​flowers on the other side.

And Yunchuan and Yun Qing'er are now on the edge of the sea of ​​flowers on the other side. The two are now only in the state of the spirit, although the power of the spirit in Yunchuan is far beyond ordinary equivalent. The world exists, but without the blessing of the flesh, without the surging blood power of the flesh, the combat power is still not as good as before.


Just then, in front of the two, the endless sea of ​​flowers on the other side found the spirits of Yunchuan and Yunqinger who stepped in here. Numerous amazing red flowers were facing Yunchuan and Yunqinger. People are coming in many directions, and they want to swallow both Yunchuan and Yunqinger.

The two are now in a state of spirits, and these other shore flowers are just restraining the power of the spirits. So many other shore flowers suddenly surged, and Yunchuan and Yun Qing'er were suddenly discolored. If they were surrounded by the sea of ​​flowers on the other shore, , Then it will not be dead, and the soul will also be hit hard.

Nearly the first time, Yunchuan and Yunqinger faced these many flowers on the other shore without even having to compete, and fled to the distance. Seeing the scene where the flowers on the other shore swallowed the soul, Yunchuan I also know why these other seas of flowers came to him and Yun Qinger.

Entering into the nether world, their physical bodies have been forcibly stripped by the rules contained in this nether world, and they have lost their physical bodies. The spirits of the world of the two are extremely large compared to many ordinary souls, and the gap is like a firefly. The light of fire is just like the sun, and naturally will attract these many other seas of flowers to them.

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