The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1204: Rest assured

And Yunchuan and Yunqinger are like a sponge at the moment, they are absorbing the water of the crossing soul pond flowing from all directions in a very rapid manner, and after a short time, The water in the pond of the crossing soul pool has been so little visible to the naked eye.

"How can they absorb the water of the soul pond so fast!"

After seeing this scene, the face of the extradition city's owner suddenly showed a shocking and incredible look, and some voiceless opening, the face that had given birth to half of the flesh was full of pain.

"It's okay, presumably, the world in which the two men were originally was not very good. They haven't seen the world before. They will be so rustic after seeing the treasures such as the cross-soul pond, regardless of all the absorption. It's just the two of them. It won't be long before the souls of the two will be completely eaten, and not only can't be absorbed anymore, even the previously absorbed ones must be spit out! "

Seeing that Yunchuan and Yunqinger are constantly absorbing the water of the soul pond at a speed that can be described as horrible, the black robe guardian also showed shock in his eyes at first, but then it seemed to be another Thinking of what seemed like, shook his head and sneered.

"The same is true. Although the soul crossing pond is said to be extremely precious, even if the strength of cultivation is the existence of the world, it can only absorb a small amount of it. If it absorbs too much, if it is not gradual, it will be too late. The benefit of one star is not good, but now that the two of them don't know about it, they can only eat a big loss for themselves, which is no surprise to me and the other two. "

The look of the extradition city owner was now assured, and he grinned, grinning.

Kakah Kakah.

At this moment, in the central area of ​​the crossing soul pond, an extremely huge vortex has been formed with the naked eye. In the central area of ​​this huge vortex, there are two people, Yunchuan and Yunqinger. If the two of them are also in this central area, they can clearly see that now they have wrapped around the layers of Yunchuan and Yunqinger. The Tao above human souls is also absorbing the water of the crossing soul pool from all directions spreading at an extremely fast speed.

The breath on the two people is intertwined with the spirit and the soul, and the water in the crossing pond that Yunchuan absorbs from many of the words has been transformed into one of the most quintessential soul power, which nourishes the soul. The body, as time goes by, it seems that at this moment it can be clearly seen that in the body of Yunchuan and Yunqinger, flesh and blood have begun to grow. It is no longer the same as before, it is only the simplest soul. Make up.


The water of the crossing soul pool formed an extremely huge vortex, like a waterfall flowing into Yunchuan and Yunqinger's spirits. The two bodies that were previously condensed by the spirits, although they are as essence, but After all, it is not a real existence, but the pool of water in the soul pond has made the souls of the two people from the original illusion to the real existence, and the souls have condensed their own flesh and blood. .

"Why haven't they stopped!"

Outside, after a long time, the owner of the extradition city looked at the less and less water of the crossing soul pool, but became a little restless, and muttered, "No, it shouldn't, so long time passed. Even if I enter the crossing soul pond, I am afraid that I am already overwhelmed now, and was directly rejected by the crossing soul pond water. Why did the two persist for so long! "

This kind of crossing soul pool water can be clearly seen from the quantity. Compared with the previous one, it can be said that it is about a third less. This crossing soul pool water is so much less at once, it can be imagined that During this period of time, how much this kind of cross-soul pond water Yunyun and Yunqinger absorbed.

It can be said that from the establishment of the entire extradition city to the present, there has been no such horrible consumption as it is now, and under this kind of consumption that can be called massive, Yunchuan and Heyun Qinger and the two are still not directly rejected by the water of the crossing soul pool, as they had previously guessed, but like two bottomless pits, they are continuously absorbed.

After a lapse of time, the owner of the extradition city really turned a little green, and now, half a day has passed since Yunchuan and the two entered the crossing soul pool. In this time, it can be said that it is almost visible to the naked eye. The water in the crossing soul pond has dropped by as much as half. Within the crossing soul pond, there are still no signs that Yunchuan and Yunqinger can get out of it.

"Master Guardian, if this situation continues, I'm afraid it won't take long, and I will extradite this soul crossing pond in the city to be completely absorbed by both of them!"

His voice was full of anxiety at this moment. The guardian of the black robe narrowed his eyes, shook his head, and said, "Be assured, I have had a fight with the two of them before. Power, it is impossible to absorb much of the crossing soul pool water. The reason why the crossing soul pool water has dropped so much in this short time is definitely because the two have surged in some unknown sneaky tricks, but this The soul crossing water still has the ability to discern. Once the soul crossing the river is not refined with the power of the soul, it will return to the soul crossing the river directly by special means when it is out of the soul crossing. , Huh, the two outsiders have been on par with me in the previous confrontation. Although the foundation of the joint has been laid before this time, this joint also has a sequence and a lead. It ’s a big loss, I throw people in, and then I say what the two guys will say!

Obviously, the guardian of the black robe also had a deep understanding of the crossing soul pond, even better than that of the extradition city lord, showing a sneer on his face, and continued to say: "The two are greedy, but they are positive In my opinion, the greed of these two people means that they have considerable weaknesses that can be controlled by me. On the contrary, if these two people do not have any weaknesses, then let me think about it! "

He talked bluntly. Although the extradition city owner is said to be the one city owner, here is the area under the control of the other side of the Lord of the Ten Sides. There is a lot more than the ordinary existence.

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