The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1206: Saw ambition

However, Rao is so, and Yunchuan can clearly feel that nowadays, compared with the previous one, he has a very general promotion in terms of the power of the soul, compared with the previous one. This kind of promotion It is not that the power of Yunchuan Divine Spirit is a little stronger than the previous one, but that Yunchuan's Divine Spirit has a great promotion compared with the previous one, which has consolidated his foray into the Demigod. The soul foundation of the realm.

If it wasn't for him entering into this nether world, it would be difficult to ascend to this step in the Celestial World, even if he could raise the power of the soul and soul among all the supermass in the Celestial World. After he plundered, he couldn't raise his spirit to the level of the present level. He could only do this in a long period of time.

What Yunchuan lacks most now is time. It will be less than ten years before the stunned star strikes, and Yunchuan ’s cultivation is in the state of the world. He wants to be promoted to the state of demigod. First, he The understanding above the Tao is enough, and the power of physical blood has always been Yunchuan's strong point. Yunchuan also has enough grasp to promote him. The only thing that makes Yunchuan conscious is that there is nothing. It can be said that although Yunchuan is now in the state of ascension to the early stage of the world, the capital for promotion to the state of demigod has been paved from this moment.

Yunchuan looked at Yun Qinger next to him. This time, the opportunity in the crossing of the soul pool made him a lot of gains. Yun Qinger's gains were also great. Although the young girl has just been promoted to the early stage of the world, but The strength of its soul is at least the level of an old-fashioned world character.

"Guardian, I don't know when to leave and go to the small world on the other side?"

Yunchuan turned his head and looked at the black robe guardian who looked ugly as if eating a fly. He grinned and asked.

"After the two of you Yun Dao are ready, I can wait for them to go at any time."

The guardian of the son of the other man in the black robe reluctantly adjusted his mind, smiled at Yunchuan, and spoke.

The relationship between the two today is quite a bit of a reversal. This black robe protector originally had a demigod spirit and he was undulating, but previously he had no choice but to get Yunchuan and Yunqinger, but now However, Yunchuan and Yunqing'er are because of the crossing of the soul pond, and their strength has been further improved. In this extradition city, he may barely have some advantages, but out of this extradition city, he lost After the previous home advantage, facing Yunchuan and Yunqinger, maybe the victory is only between the five and five.

"Today, this can only be the case. The small world on the other side is too important for me and the children on the other side. Now these two outsiders have been recognized by the children on the other side, and the adults on the other side are in retreat. There is no time to be separated, but it is a rare opportunity for me. In contrast, the loss of such a crossing soul pool is within acceptable limits. The stronger the two people are, the more I will meet. The plans that come down are even more favorable! "

The black robe guardian ’s eyes flashed, and Yan Yan smiled: "If the two have other things, you can solve them while you are in the extradition city. Although my brother and your soul have been roughly condensed, But to achieve complete success is due to the opportunity, and the opening of this small world on the other side is the opportunity for two people. "

Yunchuan nodded and said, "In a few days, I will come to the extradition city to find you, Qinger, let's go first."

Yun Qinger nodded, followed Yunchuan's footsteps, walked out of the extradition city, and blasted away toward the distance.

"Master Guardian, do you really let them both go? If they never return ..."

Watching Yunchuan and Yunqinger leave, the owner of the extradition frowned, and he stopped talking several times before finally speaking.

If his voice was carefully listened to, he could clearly hear the dissatisfaction and heartache anger contained in his words. He extradited the water of the crossing soul pool that had accumulated for countless years this time, but this time it was It was taken by Yunchuan and Yunqinger as if they were robbers, and they were taken away by ninety-nine percent. This made the extradition city sorrow sore, and they were afraid that Yunchuan and Yunqinger would go straight after they left. Going back makes them lose their blood.

"Oh, they will come back, I can't read it wrong."

The robe of the black robe opened his mouth, and behind him, a fascinating flower from the other side emerged, so that most of the extradition city was stained with a gorgeous and red color.

"Why?" The master of the extradition was puzzled, and the determination in the words of the black robe guardian was puzzled.

"Because, in their eyes, I saw the ambition, the ambition of the strong ..."

Extradition outside the city.

The bodies of Yunchuan and Yunqinger turned into two streamers, heading towards the direction where the entrance of the Utopia Universe Tianxuan World is located. As the two moved forward, a blossoming rose appeared in front The red flower on the other side, or in other words, is a sea of ​​flowers on the other side.

"Chuan, do we really want to go to the small world on the other side? I always feel that the black robe protector is a little bad."

Yun Qinger Liu Mei froze and opened his mouth toward Yunchuan. Although previously said that Yunchuan has been negotiating with the black robe protector and the other city master, the girl is attentive and she is the existence of the world, both in eyesight and perception. Is far beyond ordinary people.

"The black robe guardian just wanted to take advantage of me and the two of them."

Yunchuan sneered, and said, "Whether it is the extradition city lord or the black robe guardian, neither of them has good intentions. If I had some strength before, otherwise, they would have been given by the two. Life and life are stripped away, where is the cost of an equal dialogue with the two, and it is precisely because of this that I will not leave a little bit of space before this, and will directly swallow the water of the crossing soul pond, Since it was a mutual relationship, I just had to wait for the two to collect some interest. "

"What's more, I waited for the first time to arrive. After all, I didn't know much about this nether world. This nether world is said to be connected to all realms. When I look at it, it is indeed very extraordinary. The opportunity for the robe guardians to join hands and understand many of the mysteries in this nether world, maybe you can find the method of ascension to the demigods! "

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