The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1210: Ghost blood

And the loss of that part of the record is equivalent to the appearance of a huge fault and gap in the entire Tianxuan world. Even the oldest world-class figures such as Arakawa Supreme are also unknown. Every scene that happened.

The huge faults and gaps that appear in the entire Tianxuan world may not have felt much when Yunchuan was repaired as a weak state, but as he cultivated a state and increased strength, it was an urgent desire. Learn what happened long ago.

You should know that before that, the seeds of hope that the colorful **** had talked about were gifts given by predecessors in the Tianxuan world, but also because of the historical fault in the Tianxuan world. Appeared, so these gifts, as well as everything venerable beings like the multicolored true god, have previously done for the entire heavenly universe.

"According to this Tianyou said, the Lord of Forgetting River has talked about the Tianxuan World many times because he has already remembered his previous memory. So it seems that the Lord of Forgetting River is in a sense It is a newly born existence, but this newly born will also has a lot of entanglement with the previous life, otherwise it would not intentionally or inadvertently reveal that her previous life was born of the heavenly world. "

After the two were on their way again, the black robe guardian did not continue to speak, but accelerated a few minutes faster than before, and continued to drive forward.

After a few days passed again, the speed of Tianyou, the black robe protector, gradually slowed down, and he could see in front of him that the emptiness had a sense of haziness and distortion, which ran across the eyes of the two It is as if a cascading Tianhe is very common, and even in this void like Tianhe slumps, there are layers of ripples.

Yunchuan is clearly in this state. With his accomplishments in the way of the void, it is clear that in front of it, the void has been distorted and folded.

"And from this folding point of view, it is not an ordinary simple one superimposed by the void, but there are several voids, all layered, layered and intertwined together. Brother Tianyou, is this the small world on the other side?"

Yunchuan's face was surprised and looked towards Tianyou, the black robe protector. Tianyou, the black robe protector, also stopped at this moment, with a dignified color on his face, and nodded: "Yes, the other side is the small world of the other side gathered by the ten children of the other side. It contains the son of the other side who really opens up the spiritual wisdom and has the greatest chance of being passed down by the adults of the other side. For further opportunities, only according to the previous description of the other side, the biggest opportunity that belongs to the son of the other side, only the final son of the other side can get, so the competition between each other son and the protector is extremely fierce. "

The black robe guardian looked at Yunchuan and laughed: "But you do n’t need to worry too much, Brother Yun Tao. Although other guardians and the son of the other side will have their own means, they absolutely can't think of it. I can find a big arm like Yunchuan. I and the two of us joined forces. The final winner in this small world on the other side is definitely me and the other two. Brother Yun, you ’re condensing the soul. Accomplishment has far surpassed me a lot. With this opportunity, not only can I truly condense the soul and body into a demigod state, but Yun Daoxi, your soul and body will also be fully integrated. The power of the soul has greatly increased. After returning to your world, you will definitely increase your strength several times. After that, you will have a smooth journey to the demigod realm! "

His words also contained a bit of excitement and inspiration, and looked at Yunchuan and continued to say, "This small world on the other side is a small world condensed by adults on the other side, but although it is a small world on one side, the adults on the other side are It is a god-level existence above the real divine realm. The figure of the one-level master level, the small world she has condensed, is far beyond me on the mystery. This small world on the other side consumes the other side. The Lord's Lord has accumulated a lot of hard work. Among them, in addition to the biggest opportunity that can promote me and the son of the other shore, there are other small opportunities, but the thin dead camel is larger than the horse, if I can get some The small chance can also benefit me and wait for both of them! "

"Oh, the benefits are endless, it depends on your life and ability to get it!"

However, at this moment, there was a strange sound of yin and yang in the distance, and then a blood red streamer came from a distance.

The speed of this blood-red streamer is extremely fast. It appears from the distant sky. The next time to breathe, it is not far from Yunchuan and the black robe protector. The **** light is gone. After that, I could clearly see that a figure composed of a group of blood, and the twisted and flowing black and red blood flowed between the flowing, forming a face full of irony, and sneered openly. .

"Mysterious blood, your legs and feet are still pretty good. I didn't expect that the last time I beat you into a mass of pus and blood, you actually rushed over this time, and thought I would break your legs and feet again. ?"

The word introduced to Yunchuan by the black robe protector Tianyou was interrupted. After seeing this group of blood-like figures, his face became gloomy, and he sneered.

"Tianyou, you still have sharp teeth and sharp mouths as before, the fight between you and me at that time was just to give you a slight advantage. Although I said that you were blown up a few times, you are not I have also been incarcerated for several years, and I think you, now, should not have recovered from the last time I gave you a blow? "

This group of black blood was stunned by the words of Tianyou, but it was not annoying at all, but turned into a human shape in the blood squirming, and looked at Tianyou, the guardian of the black robe, and said with a smile.

"This is the blood of the guardian of the No. 5 son of the other side. It is said that a group of blood from the strong outside of my nether world fell into the nether world. As a result, spiritual wisdom was generated. In addition, the strength is even stronger than mine, and his heart is more perverse. "

Tianyou, the black robe protector, was gloomy, and did not continue to open his mouth toward this ghost blood, but passed on to Yunchuan.

"This is, why is your face a little strange?"

Tianyou didn't continue to speak, but at this moment, the ghost blood's face was surprised and looked at Yunchuan.

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