The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1227: Is my treasure

The entire giant strange island is undergoing a violent turbulence at this moment, and the endless rays of light are spreading, accompanied by the gentle woman's voice, gradually condensing together, and turning into a golden key like .

"Named Wangchuan? He is the master of Wangchuan!"

Hearing this voice, the guardians suddenly looked at each other, and then someone seemed to think of something like it, and some voiced out.

"This giant strange island seems to be a treasure set by the Lord of the Forgotten River, but I don't know. The conditions on this giant strange island first depend on the origin of the Celestial World? No wonder so many years In the past, the giant strange island left by the Lord of the Forgotten River has never been able to meet the conditions opened by this giant strange island. However, as far as I know, the dead wood guardian does not seem to be that day. World origin? "

"The dead wood guardian has been doing it right for so many years. His bottom line, I know it well, is just an ordinary big tree in my underworld. It is said that it was spread by the fighting of God Lord level, so Only the roots are left, but because of this, they are blessed by misfortune. A few drops of blood permeated by the existence of the wounded God ’s homeland have been wounded, and the spiritual wisdom has been successfully opened. It ’s not the existence of a heavenly world at all. Otherwise, with the dead-faced character of the dead wood guardian, I ’m afraid that I would have gone to seek the master of the forgotten river and wo n’t wait until now! ”

"Is it because the ban on the giant Qizhen Island was wrong? What celestial world existed on the dead tree guardian? But it shouldn't be, Lord of the Forgotten River can be the Lord of the other side. There is a horror of leveling up, and the ban she has set, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to have even a trace of omissions, and it is absolutely impossible to give the dead wood guardian to the person who is considered to be a heavenly mysterious world! "

In the distance, the wither of the dead wood heard the voice of the Lord of Forgotten Rivers, and the ecstasy of the previous face disappeared without a trace, replaced by thick mistakes and sorrows, because he also knew, The origin of his identity is not the same as the past life of the Lord of the Forgotten River, and he does not even know which world of the mysterious world that day.

However, in the current situation, it also made him feel puzzled for a moment, and did not know what was going on, so that the prohibition shed by Supreme Forgotten River on that giant strange island spoke the same words as before.

"Mofei, because this giant forbidden island has not been used for a long time, it has been in disrepair for years, so that there has been an omission in the screening, which has led to the wrong interpretation of what I think is the heavenly world. Origin? "

Thinking of this, the heart of this dead wood guardian bounced a little at this moment, and his breathing became a little heavy. Obviously, he thought he was too lucky this time, and the ban in this giant strange island was just right There was a leak, and he just happened to catch up with the moment when the giant Qizhen appeared, which made him a big deal.

Seeing that giant Qizhen Island is constantly collapsing and collapsing, in the rays of light, it gradually condensed into a treasure map. The joy on the face of the dead wood guardian was even stronger, and it was a bit eager to wait for the treasure. The picture is taken directly.

"The seed path of hope? I haven't heard of it before, but the Lord of Forgetting is the same level as the Lord of the other side. The treasure she left here must be extremely amazing!"

The dead wood guardian's eyes were burning now, watching the treasure map shrink continuously.


However, just as the treasure map transformed by that giant Qizhen Island was reduced to an extreme, all of a sudden, that treasure map turned into a streamer, passing by not far from his whole body.

"My treasure!"

Seeing the treasure made by this giant strange island unexpectedly passed directly from his surroundings, there was no meaning to stay at all. Suddenly the dead wood guardian widened his eyes and his face was incredible. In this scene, it is obvious that the giant strange island was not opened for him at all. What he had thought and done before, all kinds of things were just delusions.

At this moment, the tall and thin dead wood guardian spit out blood directly from his mouth. The twisted complexion looked like a dry old bark, and it was filled with raging murderous powers, facing this giant. Look at where the treasure map transformed by Qizhen Island flew.

"Who is my treasure, who is robbing me of my treasure and robbing me of opportunities that belong to me!"

Suddenly, from big to big, even if this withered wooden guardian has always been very good in mental state of cultivation, his face at this moment has become extremely dazed, and he suddenly turned back and looked at the direction where the treasure was floating away. .

"Dead tree guardian, you are wrong, this is my treasure."

With his gaze, I saw the golden treasure map where a young boy in white was smiling, and the treasure map was slowly falling to his palm, as if it had returned to the original owner In general, the amazing power contained in one of them faded at this moment, and was stolen by Yunchuan and disappeared.

"Dead tree guardian, I am just collecting one of my treasures. What are you so excited about?"

Yunchuan looked at the withered, angered, dead wood guardian with a look of surprise on his face, and asked in amazement.


Seeing Yunchuan's innocent face at this moment, the dead wood guardian was immediately spit out by a breath of blood.

"Yunchuan, haven't you been killed in the earthquake, why ..."

The dead wood guardian looked at this moment intact, and there was no Yunchuan at all in his body, and he couldn't believe it.

"Who said I was dead, huh, huh, did you disappoint me to see me come out intact?"

Yunchuan smiled slightly, his face indifferent, and said, "However, your disappointment or not has nothing to do with me. Now let me, you are blocking my way."

Due to the big ups and downs of his mind in a short period of time, the dead wood guardian also had some uncontrollable roots and whistles around him, and escaped on his own, covering a large area of ​​this strange sea It looks dense.

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