The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1253: Demigod

"Should I go and help that monster eye monster?"

Seeing such a scene, a glimmer of nervousness appeared on the face of the protector of the sky, and it was necessary to take a shot to help the magic eye and monster in the absolute downwind.

"No need, although the strength of the cave guardians is strong, but this demon eye monster personalized by the dead master is not so easy to give. I waited to collect the origin of the other side first, the cave guardians Why can't I wait!

Yunchuan shook his head, opened his mouth softly, and walked towards the huge bird corpse with a calm face, but the Tianyou Protector was still a little uneasy. His gaze was still looking at the area where the two fought. However, Yunchuan at this moment Since he didn't need to intervene, he had no plans to take a shot.

He and Yunchuan were originally a cooperative relationship, but with the passage of time, at this moment, even the Heavenly Secret Protector himself did not find it. Now he has trusted the words of Yunchuan very much, and regarded them as guilds.


The next moment, he already found some anomalies, knowing why Yunchuan said words that he didn't need to intervene for the time being. From the previous look, the demon eye monster was in an absolute disadvantage, even that The magic eyes that walked in the cracked void were squeezed and crushed by the forces of the caves, which caused the black sky of this crumbling little world to rise and fall.

However, after the black demon eyes burst, the layers of black rain that fell down were mostly the bodies of the cave guardians, and the huge caves formed by them. Up, and then, these caves made a sound of cormoration.

These caves are huge and full of breath. They were originally condensed by the endless power of the cave guardian, but at this moment, the black rain formed by the black magic eyes burst and fell on them, soaked. After that, the divine power on these caves was assimilated into the breath of this demon eye and monster at a very fast speed. Then, these assimilated caves began to rumble and turn toward the cave. The other caves of Yuanyuan Taoist attacked.

Compared with the cave guardian ’s body, which almost occupies half of the ruined small world, the black rain formed after these black demon eyes burst can be said to be insignificant, even those caves that are impregnated with magic gas, It only takes up about one thousandth of the huge body of the cave protector, but under the assimilated caves, the areas not affected by the magic are also extremely fast. Direct assimilation, as if infected, spread towards the perimeter of the cave protector.

Grunt, grunt.

Immediately, on these caves that have been soaked by magic, there is a black light flowing, and between the grunts and grunts, the black eyeballs are formed like black holes, and the magic eyes are replaced one by one. Those scarlet eyes on the cave.

If you look at it from afar, such a scene is so infiltrating and weird. On top of the caves that are like abyss, there are scarlet eyeballs and black magic eyes. At first glance, when you look away There are tens of thousands of these magic eyes.

"Damn, what the **** is this!"

The cave protector originally had the absolute upper hand, but did not expect such a scene to appear at present. Obviously, he was the first time to fight with this kind of monster.

Although he didn't expect the method of this demon eye monster at the beginning, the cave protector could clearly perceive that his power was constantly dissolving and disappearing, and was absorbed by this demon eye monster.

And this demon eye and monster not only drew his strength to grow, but even assimilated his body, and even the divine power that was hardened by his hard work was transformed into a sensible magic at this moment. My heart was so horrified that the huge cave that occupied half of the small world that collapsed began to shrink, and the divine power contained therein flowed like a wave of waves, heading towards the spreading area covered by the center, leaving the area that had been demonized. The air-soaked area is trapped and not allowed to continue to spread.

In a short period of time, the offensive and defensive situation between the two has been reversed, and the distant Tianyou Protector saw this scene in shock.

He was naturally aware of the strength of the cave protector, but at this moment, he was also stunned by the strange attack of the demon eye and monster. If there was no series of words from Yunchuan, he would calm down the monster and serve him. Be persuaded, then the situation they are facing today is naturally conceivable.

Moreover, when this demonic eye and monster had previously shot at him, he did not use such strange means. By virtue of his own strength, he had been hit hard by a moment without investigation. If he used it to deal with the cave The guardian's method, I am afraid, he has suffered more serious injuries than before.

"Get out of me!"

The cave guardians roared, and one of the huge caves made a dull sound at this moment. Then, many of the huge caves that had been infected with the magical spirits collapsed and exploded directly at this moment. Come on.

These huge caves are part of the body of the cave protectors, but the fragmentation of the caves is not the simple collapse at this moment, but the divine power that constitutes the caves has been shattered at this moment. Became invisible.

The breath emanating from the cave guardians around the cave also inevitably declined with the collapse of those caves. In a short period of time, the effort has gone from the peak of the demigod to the first half. The look of the later stage of the miracle.

He did this as a last resort, and under his temporary inquiries, the little half of the power of the demon's eyes and monsters had gathered on these caves through the many disintegrating demon's eyes. The enchanted caves invaded his power, if he did not rely on this method, I am afraid he will lose even more.

The distant protector of the heavenly envy saw some envy in this scene. Taking this method is also a unique ability of the cave protector. The body of the cave protector is too large, even if it is broken. A part of the meteor can be recovered soon, and if he is replaced, I am afraid that the realm will fall for a long time.


This near self-harm attack by the cave protector, even though it caused a part of the **** body to collapse, but the demon eye and monster also issued a series of painful screams, accompanied by the collapse of this part of the cave protector Part of the power of this demon eye in that cave was also annihilated by the force of collapse.

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