The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1264: Decent

Obviously, the enchanting enchantment of those who are horrified by others is the best supplement for this demon eye monster, which not only makes its previously severely damaged body a quick The speed recovery is even better than the previous one. The degree of solidification of the re-condensed magic eye theory has been at least doubled compared with the previous one.

"Master, according to the breath I feel, the areas in front of which have been affected by magic gas should be where the Lord of the Dead is!"

While this monster was absorbing the enchanting rushing from the wave of void, the colors of excitement appeared in the eyes of each one, apparently it was about to see the Lord of the Dead, which made him very excited.

"The Lord of the Dead really appears in this small world on the other side, but it is unlikely to be its true body, because this small world on the other side is sacrificed by the existence of the main level of the other side of the Lord. In the small world sacrificed by others, as long as the master of the other shore thinks of it, this small world on the other shore will become the natural home of the other shore's master. Presumably, the demon master cannot be involved in such a risk. "

Yunchuan groaned and secretly said: "Previously, according to my calculations, the physical condition of this dead demon master should have a big problem. Although he said that it is the existence of the god's realm, but now this avatar in the small world on the other side or Incarnation, I should let it come and go! "

He smiled, looked at the demon eye monster, and said, "Since the Lord of the Dead has arrived here, then it is just right, you take me there, and I just have something to ask him."

"Brother Yun Dao, Lord of Death ..."

Yunchuan's words fell, and suddenly the Tianyou Protector's face changed, and the smile on his face suddenly became a little embarrassed. He murmured, "Brother Yundao, don't you say we are not going to be so thrilling? Is something wrong? "

They walked along the way, after passing through two small worlds, two small worlds have collapsed one after another, making the celestial demigod that was originally high above the demigods a little timid and scared. When I got up, I was afraid that the Lord on the other side would blame him.

After hearing Yunchuan ’s swearing-in pledge before, the heart of Tianyou Protector was slightly relieved. Although he said he had ambition, he just wanted to get more and better in this small world on the other side. The promotion method allows him and his sons on the other side to get better resources later.

However, the current situation has changed a lot because of the retreat of the Lord of the Other Shore and the invasion of the Lord of the Dead, far beyond the control of the protector of the Heavenly You, and he followed Yunchuan during this period. What he did was something he didn't even dare think about before.

But now, Yunchuan actually wants to go and kill the tiger's whiskers that exist on the main level of the one who died. This kind of behavior, in the eyes of the protector of the sky, is far from being daring. Yes.

You know, now the status of the two of them is completely derived from the deception of Yunchuan ’s pit. This demonic eye and monster is just because it was born. Although it is said to be fierce, it ’s compared with the mind. Simply, it was easily turned around by Yunchuan.

However, the Demon Lord can become the main existence of one party. Whether it is strength or mental means, it must be far beyond this demon eye monster. I am afraid that it will expose them directly at a glance.

In this case, Yunchuan still wanted to go to the Demon Lord of Heaven, which naturally made the Tianyou protector unwilling. In his opinion, this is simply no different from the self-throwing network.


Yunchuan looked at the bitter gourd face of the protector of Tianyou, and smiled and said with consolation, still the same comfort words as before, not even changing his tone.

The Tianyou Protector can't help but feel a little bit upset, but although he said he was still reluctant, the two of Yunchuan and the Demon Eye Monster have already flexed their muscles, and they have already prepared for him. With a sigh in his heart, he stopped speaking and followed Yunchuan forward.

Compared with dozens of hundreds of small worlds of scrolls, those small worlds that have been affected by magic can not be said to have much advantage. However, the immersion power of such a small world that is already dark is extremely amazing. Toward the continuous spread of the surrounding, these magical qi seems to be life-like, disillusioned with all kinds of demon illusions, and expanded towards the teeth and claws spreading in all directions.

With the arrival of a few people in Yunchuan, there was also a layer of magic gas surging towards Yunchuan, but these unbelievable magic energy suddenly disappeared when they just reached Yunchuan's side. There was no trace, and it fell into Yunchuan's body.

Earlier Yunchuan controlled the dark founder with the doctrine of faith. He once knew the cultivation of the demons on the stunned star. Although he was not proficient enough to reach the point of mastering the doctrine, this escaped magic Qi, but also able to refine some.

After these refined magic energies wandered in his body, the kind of fury contained in the magic qi disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by the most quintessential elemental power. Absorbed refining.

In the face of the almost endless erosion of magical energy, the existence of the demigod of the celestial protector needs to make every effort to contend with it. The cultivation of Zhou and his strength is constantly eroding, and Yunchuan is in this magical energy Zhong Xiu ’s strength is not only not consumed, but the previously worn Xiu ’s strength is constantly rising, such as water.

"Brother Tianyou, how are you doing?"

Yunchuan turned back, watching Tianyou Protector's difficult situation at this moment, and expressed some concern.

"It's okay, huh, this kind of magic can't help me!"

Although Yunchuan said that he was concerned, at this moment, the protector of Tianyou Tao was aroused by Yunchuan, shook his head and opened his mouth. The dark road exploded in and around his body, thus forming a tangible and intangible The protection of those magic qi is also protected.

Although it is said that the consumption he did in this way is several times more expensive than normal conditions, but the stability of the power of the doctrine has made him no longer embarrassed and able to decently. , Followed handsomely behind Yunchuan.

"Boy, don't hold on. If you come behind me, you will be safe!"

The demon eye and monster were washed by the billowing magic gas during this period of time, and they have completely recovered and recovered to the full state.

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