The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1301: Shijie Wuxiu

"Stone world? Is it the existence of other worlds coming to this killing battlefield?"

Yun Qing'er tried his best to stabilize the godship. The only reason for this silver flying boat to have a violent shock was that a huge stone hammer fell to the silver flying boat not far away, and the shock wave generated by the void shock, If this silver flying boat were only taken a step further, the body would be hit by this huge stone hammer, and it would certainly be greatly damaged.

Yun Qing'er's power to control the silver flying boat spread away, and she has always been in a state of painstaking effort, but this is also the case, so that the silver flying boat escaped a crisis that could be severely damaged.

She looked in the direction of the rough voice, and saw the ripples of the void gradually spread out, and two tall figures appeared. When they looked, the two tall figures seemed to be stacked like giant stones. The result is generally rude, and the body exudes the strength of the cultivation near the middle of the demigod.

These two stone giants have huge bodies, which is not the legal form they transformed with the help of elemental power, but the real **** body.

Under the blessing of such a huge divine body, even if it is not as super-life as the cave protector, it far exceeds Yunchuan and Yunqinger.

"There is a demigod that wants to wait for me, it's a sleepy pillow!"

Just then, on the deck, Yunchuan, who was covered with mist and mist all over his body, laughed and got up and said, "Since you provoked me, then I'm welcome!"

"Uh ... Chuan, the direction is reversed, they are behind you ..."

Yunchuan's warfare was upright, but not far from his side, Yun Qing'er was a little stunned, worried, and he reminded, and saw that Yunchuan had risen up, but his position was exactly the opposite of the two stone giants. , Laughing in the air.

"Behind me, these two stone men hide really fast."

Yunchuan heard Yun Qinger's opening reminder, his body turned, and the falling cloud sword burst out, sending out a dazzling sword light, the power was amazing.

"Chuan, wrong, they're on your left."

Yun Qing'er was still stunned and more worried. I saw Yun Chuan's reminder but she still could not find the right direction. Only the amazing powers of several mighty powers had been blasted in the air.

On Yunchuan's body, the cursing power is becoming stronger and stronger. It can be clearly seen that Yunchuan has a canopy formed by a cloud of black clouds, which is permeated with bad luck and bad luck. It was this power of cursing Taoism that made Yunchuan unable to distinguish between true and false for a moment, affecting Yunchuan's judgment.

"Ha ha ha ha, this kid in the underworld is here to juggle for me, to make me wait for fun, huh, first catch this funny kid, it is also good to have fun every day!"

This behavior of Yunchuan first caused the two stone giants to be stunned, so it was unclear. Then, they laughed and laughed, and the tears of laughter came out. The body was huge and big. Overbearing, rumbling towards Yunchuan.

"Chuan, on your side!"

Yun Qinger took control of the silver flying boat and escaped from this attack with Yunchuan. He heard Yun Qinger's reminder, Yunchuan moved towards the side of his figure, and his heart was full of anger. This situation was clearly the curse. The influence of Taoism has reached an extreme for him, so that his senses have been blinded, and even the divine spirit has been blinded because of this, thus making a series of wrong judgments and actions.

Until the power of the cursed doctrine is resolved, his current state is obviously going to continue, but as long as he can accumulate enough soul value in his golden scrolls, let him curse the way His understanding was raised to a state of demigod, and the influence of the cursed Tao on him could be resolved by him.

After knowing that his five senses had been affected by this cursed doctrine, Yunchuan no longer trusted his thoughts and thoughts, but heeded Yun Qing'er's reminder to him.


The two stone giants slammed into their fists. Amazing power was mixed in their fists. What made Yunchuan somewhat surprised was that although these stone men from the stone world said that the power of the physical body was extremely arrogant, they did not feel it on them. At the slightest point, the spirit is volatile, as if the two are completely without spirit.

Two demigod stone giants are constantly attacking with horror and arrogance. Although only the power of the flesh and blood and no invasion of the spirit are invaded, the intensity is comparable to that of the mid-demi-state or even the latter The presence.


Yunchuan Luoyun Sword blasted out, seized the opportunity, and slammed to one of the stone giants.

This opportunity was exactly the time for Yunchuan, and with Yun Qing'er's hint to him, although he said that the cursed Tao had an impact, but he did not deviate from the direction. One shot will definitely make this from the stone world. The two giants suffered minor injuries.

However, suddenly at this moment, the sword light of the falling cloud sword in Yunchuan was about to be chopped to a moment. Suddenly, a broken giant mountain floating in the void burst into a blast, and a magical power escaped, impacting Yunchuan. Then, the power of Yunchuan, a long-awaited sword, was offset by seventy-eight.

"Good luck! That's a trick!"

The stone giant originally had some palpitations in the face of a stunning Jian Guang like Yunchuan, but Yunchuan's shot timing had great accuracy with the help of Yun Qing'er, which made him unavoidable at all. Ready to be hit hard.

However, what Yunchuan and the stone giant among the stone world did not expect is that in a fractured giant mountain where Yunchuan passes, there is exactly a surviving magical power, which is also just as Yunchuan's falling cloud sword The prestige spurred Yunchuan's surprise, and the stone man escaped because of it.

Yunchuan's face turned black, as black as the bottom of the pot. The probability of such a thing was very small, but it made him run into it. These cursed words not only affected his senses, but also affected him. Luck, let him encounter all kinds of unlucky things.

boom! boom!

It was also at the moment when his magical powers were lost that two stone giants who were firing at him came down abruptly, blasted on the silver flying boat, and trembled the ship.

Although it is said that the material of the silver flying boat was sacrifice by Yunchuan from the material of the true God's treasure, its defense force and its arrogance are unbearable at this moment.

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