The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1304: My life is off


On top of the black vortex formed between the rotations of this black altar, there is a black cloud permeating from it, and another black lightning is split from it, and the scene is appalling.


The dwarf ghost spreads on the black altar, and suddenly burst out drinking, and saw a black streamer burst away, and fell into the black altar and disappeared.

"do you died?"

The bald and strong man with the ghostly aunt's body exposed the color of expectation on this facet, and stretched his neck to look at the black altar. The black altar was hollow, originally black, but only with the black one. The streamer's immersion, there is a dim scene, flickering scene after scene.

"Wait a minute, the kid from Yunchuan is too far away from me and the other two. The cursing power will take a few more breaths to spread."

The dwarf ghost stood against his hand, and the black robe hunted and hunted, looking like a stranger.

In the distance, the battle between Yunchuan and the two stone world martial arts has reached the fiercest time, and the moldy canopies formed by the black clouds are on top of each of them, and each one looks like a moldy mold. The magical power between shots also shifted from time to time, blasting into the air.

However, Yunchuan has Yunqinger's help, and the earth-colored stone giant has not been eroded by the cursed Taoism. Therefore, the wind and water that can be fought between the two parties are all fighting desperately.

"Brother, the juggler is in the upper left!"

"Chuan, there is a magical strike on the right front."

The stone giant who was full of ebb and flow was not relying on his own senses to judge, but had learned things and let the other stone giant guide himself, each seized an opportunity and shot out.


However, just as the two were about to collide with each other suddenly, the bad luck canopy on the gray giant's head suddenly trembled, and then turned into a small black sword, a brain sinking into the top of the gray giant's head .

"I'm dead!"

The gray giant yelled, his voice filled with panic, and as the little black sword was cut off, his vitality weakened at an extremely fast speed, and his body continued to tremble.

Above Yunchuan's head, the moldy canopy formed by the cursed path was too strong, and it suddenly disappeared into Yunchuan's body, and a strange power burst out suddenly, arousing The cursed doctrine that had permeated him long ago should be killed directly!

"Most of the cursed Taos that have been dispelled by me can't help me, my friends in the stone world, I will give you a ride!"

However, compared with the situation of this gray giant entangled by bad luck, Yunchuan was only put into the body by the black little sword formed by that bad luck cover, and just shivered. Although the vitality was also weakening, but Unlike the gray giant, there was no resistance.

After all, his comprehension above the cursed Tao already has the perfection of the world. In addition, because of the golden chandelier, the cursed Tao has been shared by the gray giant for most of it, so in the face of this gnome ghost The curse can still be suppressed briefly.


The next moment, Yunchuan stepped forward, and his palm blasted out. If the cloud of the sky fell, the gray giant who was being killed by the curse was crushed in his hands. This gray giant had been completely lost due to the spread of the power of the spell. With the force of resistance, countless forces of power spread in Yunchuan's palm, crushing his body at a very fast speed.

"Let go of my big brother!"

In the distance, another earth-colored giant suddenly saw this scene and was stunned, rumbling towards Yunchuan.

"Late, your elder brother will help me to a higher level, and now I can finally exert my full strength!"

Yunchuan laughed loudly, and the soul of the soul was extremely tall. He was just as good as the two stone giants. The falling cloud sword burst out, and the three dazzling sword lights showed up in a sudden, just listening to a grunt The sound, the huge head of the stone giant fell down, and after a few shakes, there was no vitality at all.


With the death and death of this stone giant, the power of the curse that pervaded him was as if he had found the dyke, and again he thundered and attacked Yunchuan's body.

"The curse of the early demigods, dwarf ghosts, you can't help me!"

Yunchuan laughed, and allowed the many cursed passages to return to him again. However, these cursed passages that originally made him bad luck and drowsiness spread to his whole body again, but it was like a mud cow entering the sea. Except for letting Yunchuan's body shake, it did not have much influence at all.

After he blasted the stone giant in the demigod, the soul value obtained from the golden scrolls has already enabled him to comprehend the cursed Tao to the demigod's introductory realm, although he cannot be cursed with the dwarf ghost. Compared with Dao Ze, but the influence of the opponent cursing Dao Ze has been reduced to a minimum.

On the black altar, although the dwarf ghost is short, he has a look of pride, and the bald giant with a look of anticipation looks at the hazy scene shown below the altar, but immediately, this The faces of them were startled and incredible.

In the black altar's altar, it is exactly the scene where Yunchuan's big hands are like clouds, and the sword of the cloud is beating down the head of a stone giant, and Yunchuan's scornful voice seems to follow that The hazy scene in the altar came out.

"Gnomes, ghosts, ghosts, aunts, wash your neck and wait for me!"

The hazy picture in the black altar dissipated at this moment. The bald man with the dwarf ghosts and ghost spirits gazed at each other, looked at each other, and there was no sound at half a ring.


Suddenly, the black altar collapsed and exploded, and the gnome ghost snorted evilly, angrily, "How can the Yunchuan junior know how to curse the Tao, and at least with the demigod state, he conveyed the cursing path I used to pass. Then they all stayed, bullying too much, bullying too much! "

He thundered violently, and his eyes were skewed by Yunchuan's eloquence, and it made him even more angry. It was embarrassing that he had previously made Haikou in front of the ghostly aunt and arrogantly bragged. It is said that his curse can curse Yunchuan, but it seems that not only has he not been able to curse Yunchuan, but also helped Yunchuan a lot, helping Yunchuan eliminate a strong enemy. .

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