The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1306: Bronze gear

In all directions of this huge shadow, there are small silhouettes gathered, and there are many of them that radiate the world and even the demigod, and the gods are as high as a thousand feet or even ten thousand feet, but even that is the number There are not many demigods, but beside this tall figure emerging from the ground, it still looks insignificant and looks like the smallest tiny ant.

This huge shadow is still emerging from below the ground, and from the distance Yunchuan can see that the part of this huge shadow exposed to the outside world looks like a giant bronze gear, and it is still slowing down. Among the slow rotations, the kind of tremor they felt before was precisely because of the slow rotation of this bronze gear.

"What the **** is this gear? Unearthed from the top treasure, luck, this is my good luck!"

With the slow rotation of this huge bronze gear, there are more and more martial arts being perceived here in all directions. Each of these martial arts has different appearances. Some people saw the huge bronze gear and couldn't hold it. Haha laughed, Booming forward, wanting to imprint his soul and soul on this growing giant bronze gear.

And this first shot is a supreme figure in the realm of the world, the snake head. Although he is not the strongest among many people present, he also surpassed at least 90% of his existence. This shot Now, this quiet battlefield was like a hot soup, and there were a series of dozens of beings. There were even some supernatural figures who wanted to mix in the muddy waters.

"It turns out there are so many people in this killing battlefield that we haven't met before."

Yun Qing'er was a bit shocked to see the vast battlefield in the distance. From a distance, there were already dozens or hundreds of martial arts not far away from the huge bronze gear, and this was just the surface. When looking up, there is still a breath hidden in the broken giant mountains. Apparently more people have come here, but they are hidden.

The earth-colored stone man who was followed by Yunchuan all the way was also here, but Yunchuan did not see the other person's figure, and apparently he was also in hiding.

"Find your way."

Seeing dozens of martial arts unable to hold back, one after another went towards that huge bronze gear, and some people in the distance heard the sound of laughter.

Creak, creak.

At the next moment, a sour creak came out. The dozens of martial arts who wanted to go towards the huge bronze gear had not landed on the bronze gear, and their faces were all on their faces. There was a look of astonishment, and some of them looked down at their bodies unbelievably, only to see their bodies, and when they did not, he had begun to shatter and wear out.

The speed of this mashing and annihilation is extremely fast. Before they can scream, the whole person has been mashed into slag, mashed into a rotten meat, and even the spirits have been mashed up.

This is not only the existence of the supernatural giants who shot them, but even the supreme figure of the world, also screams in the mouth, the spirit that wants to be imprinted on the bronze gear is instantly stirred by the rotation of the bronze gear Into a slag, even the rest of the spirits will be involved in this bronze gear.


Such a world-class figure has shown thousands of methods, but his spirit is still being crushed and eroded by this bronze gear. In the end, he only escaped less than one percent of the spirit and turned into a streamer. , Chu Hu rushed away in the distance.

After all, the supreme-level characters are extraordinary. Under the ever-changing conditions, they finally found a trace of vitality for themselves, without a complete fall.

However, Yunchuan's eyesight can clearly see that in the escape of the soul of that supreme figure in the world, there are several horrific atmospheres that have followed, apparently he has no intention and wants Although fortunate to escape, but has been extremely weak world extreme figure shot.

With such a lesson learned, all of the original bewildering existences were all embarrassed and did not dare to continue to shoot, but one by one waited for the real emergence of the bronze gear from the ground.

This bronze gear is extremely huge. It was unearthed slowly from the ground. As time passed, I learned that there is more and more information here. Often a humble rock contains a terrifying atmosphere.

During this period of time, as more and more martial arts from all walks of life came to and from all walks of life, some battles broke out. These battles, large and small, burst out with blood.

"Chuan, that dwarf ghost has arrived."

After a month had passed, Yun Qing'er suddenly looked at him from one direction and whispered.

Yunchuan nodded, and he also saw a black altar from a distance. In addition to a bald man on the altar, there was a small figure, which is exactly the gnome ghost and ghost The bald man occupied by Ling Lingmu.

The dwarf ghost is a demigod, and the soul and soul are extremely sensitive. When Yunchuan and Yunqinger looked at each other, they noticed the attention of Yunchuan and Yunchuan. His eyes looked, and the next moment, his face suddenly gloomed, and a horrific murderous blast came out.

However, at the moment of his murderous outburst, he had already come to many existences here, one by one, stimulated by his murderousness, and had a chain reaction. Many eyes focused on this dwarf ghost.

The dwarf's ghostly complexion changed quickly, and he quickly conquered his killings around him. He glanced resentfully, and made a gesture toward Yunchuan Yaoyao, wiping his neck.

"Giggle, Yunchuan, next time, I will turn you into my puppet."

The bald-headed Dahan made a charming voice, and also opened to Yunchuan, looking weird.

"Little gnome, dead lady."

Yunchuan shook his head and stood on top of the silver flying boat. He shook his head and smiled.

Although he said that he had seen the dwarf ghosts and ghost spirits, but he did not intend to shoot them in this section, because the current situation does not allow him to shoot.

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