The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1314: Find a hole

However, just at this moment, just when the many dim lights covered the huge bronze gear, the power of the Zijin King's many ways did not continue to penetrate into it as before. Above the bronze gear, it was ejected directly by repulsion.

\ "Which Xiaoxiao generation! \"

The Zijin King was only a little skeptical and speculative at first, but after seeing this scene, his face became extremely ugly, and the power of the surging Tao burst out at this moment, toward the bronze gear.

With the power of this turbulent doctrine, suddenly the entire huge bronze gear is centered, and the void in all directions is as if the curtain is opened. The original bronze gear that slowly rotated without any problems However, at a very fast speed, a layer of hazy light is covered in the blink of an eye. The hazy light has already covered more than half of the bronze gears, and this bronze gear is about to be completely completed. cover.

This hazy glory, they can clearly feel from the breath, it is exactly the power of the Taoism. When Zijin King and the dwarf ghosts and other people engaged in battle, another person has already changed his Taoism The power spread silently onto this bronze gear, and it was hidden, and even the existence of Zijin Wang and their many demigods was barely noticed.

\ "It's the breath of Yunchuan's little beast, and he has almost completely controlled that treasure!"

Although the gnome ghost was severely damaged, after seeing the breath diffused on the bronze gears in the distance, he also widened his eyes and the breath became extremely heavy. Obviously, his mood was very turbulent. The situation in this desperate situation is not inferior.

\ "Yunchuan!? \"

The Zijin King was furious, and his anger was so inexhaustible that he had previously killed and killed him in the front, and the consumption was not small. He had long given this bronze gear as his own pocket, but now, in his pocket, But things have already been sprinted for a long time, and they have reached the last step, and they will be completely refined.

The roar in his mouth, the divine power like the sea burst out, one wave followed the other, spreading out in all directions.

Wherever these divine powers pass, the void in all directions is constantly collapsing, sagging, annihilating, and the divine power is mixed with a breath of violent violence.

In all directions, those supernatural powers that did not retreat existed. Under the spread of this divine power fluctuation, all of them were crushed into slag, and the bones were not found. After seeing this scene, many people waited and watched in the distance. Wu Xiu headed for a more distant location, far away from here.

Among them, the silver flying boat controlled by Yunchuan and Yunqinger is in the forefront of this area. The spread of the divine power wave is also the first to bear the brilliance. In this divine power wave, the silver flying boat clicks Fragmentation, and the figures of Yunchuan and Yunqinger above the silver flying boat are like ice cubes under the impact of the divine power fluctuations, and there are countless fissures suddenly appearing on the divine body. Collapse, it looks like it has completely died.

This wave of divine power also spread to the giant bronze gear, annihilating everything and smashing, that is, at this time, a layer of ripples appeared in the void, and the next moment, you can see In the place where the ripples of the void appeared, a silver flying boat suddenly emerged again. On this silver flying boat, the already broken figures of Yunchuan and Yunqinger stood on them, there was no one at all. The slightest scar I saw before.

\ "The King of Zijin is indeed the existence on the killing list, I feel really keen! \"

On the silver flying boat not far from the bronze gear, Yunchuan sighed, showing a regretful color on his face, and sighed towards the Zijin King.

The talented Yunchuan has already focused on the bronze gear, and his previous images generally exist, which is exactly the one formed by Yun Qinger's use of Taiyuan's **** and the condensing of the origin of the air. Illusions generally exist.

This existence is like an illusion. Although they are extraordinary in Yunchuan and Yunqinger, in the face of the existence of many demigods, it is difficult to completely hide their breath. Under normal circumstances, they will definitely be the king of purple light and so on. Demi-consciousness exists.

However, Yunchuan had chosen the right time before, just when the King of Zijin was fully absorbed in dealing with the dwarf ghosts and other demigods, and demigods and other demigods were also diligent. Yunchuan's silver flying boat docked there, and there was not much military suspicion at all.

It is for this reason that Yunchuan will take advantage of this opportunity to infiltrate more than half of his Bronze Gear in one fell swoop. This Bronze Gear does not reject the Bronze Gear, but requires a high level of power to understand it. Even if Yunchuan had been promoted to the perfect state of demigod, he realized that the imprints are a bit laborious, not much faster than Zijin King.

He smiled and looked at Zijin Wang and others, but the output of the power of Tao was faster than before. Now, four-fifths of the area of ​​this bronze gear has been silently controlled by him. Only the last trivial part is left.

But as he was discovered by the keen Zijin King, before he took full control of this bronze gear, he fell into the situation that Zijin King had encountered before, and immediately became a living target here.

\ "Just give me half a column of incense again. \"

Yunchuan looked at the Zijin King that was getting closer and closer, with some anxiety in his heart, not only Zijin King, dwarf ghosts and stone giants all looked at this side in the distance, although they still dare not approach Zijin King, But as long as he reveals any flaws, they will definitely hug them like a hungry wolf.

From the perspective of the breath power displayed at present, this bronze gear is at least an amazing power of true gods. The existence of killing lists like the King of Purple Gold is so exciting that I do n’t know how many eyes are secretly watching. .

\ "A small worm that hasn't even reached the semi-god realm, compared with the previous wastes, it ’s even more unbearable. You actually drilled such a big leak under my eyelids, and you almost controlled this true god. The treasure is really a good means, but my vacancy is not so easy to drill! \ "

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