The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1320: Half-step true god

At this moment, in the void, the existence of these realities that can be called half-steps of the real state of God flickered out of the void, and there was badness and covetousness in Yunchuan's eyes, one by one, like no one talking. , Yunchuan is not in his eyes at all.

However, to avoid the power of the bronze gears, these half-step true gods did not immediately step forward, but all of them were hesitant. They wanted to wait for the others to take the lead and hit Yunchuan's blow. Force drained.

"How many, do you want the treasure of this god?"

Yunchuan saw the presence of these half-step real gods, and looked at him with a general look of prey, and immediately frowned, and began to speak in a deep voice.

"Of course, otherwise, you thought I was waiting for thousands of miles, just to find out you ca n’t tell the story?"

Hearing Yunchuan ’s words, a sharp-billed monkey cheek with fine hair on his face, a half-step true **** sneer like an ape, said: "Even if I am promoted to the semi-god realm, what can I do before I wait? It ’s just a corpse. Bronze gears are destructive to me and so on, but it ’s impossible to hurt me when I have been prepared for it. ”

There is another scent with fragrant aromas and dense roots around it, like an old ginseng, and the old eyes are turbid. He walked forward with a crutch and trembling, looked up and down Yunchuan, shook his head, and sighed. "Even after life is terrible. Even with external forces, it is very good to be able to injure or even destroy Zijin King's muddy goods. However, after all, external forces are external forces. You are destined to be useless in the face of a destined fate."

"The old man is right, but what if I have enough strength?"

Yunchuan heard this crumpled, like a half-step true divine realm of old ginseng, and nodded, his face showing a deep color of conviction, and opened his mouth.

"You have enough power? You mean, you have enough power. One who has just been promoted to the demigod can fight against the existence on these killing lists?"

After Yunchuan's words fell, these several half-steps of the real **** suddenly appeared dumb, one after another, and then this came over. The laughter fell, and the tears of laughter flowed out, as if it was the funny thing to hear. Things are average, saying: "Sure enough, it is a fledgling. I haven't heard how long such arrogant remarks have been heard, but every time I hear such words, I still can't help laughing. Just how ignorant a little bit can it be to such a degree of confidence. "

"A group of courageous rats, other people's cultivation has turned into a terrifying horror magical power, and your existence on the killing list, but they have all turned into mouthpieces, but the mouthpieces are incredible, but Dare someone come over! "

Yunchuan sneered, looking at the half-step true gods hiding in the void around him, he could see that the reason why these half-step real gods existed was scornful and ridiculed, just to stir him up. The anger in his heart made him go ahead.

He now holds the bronze gear. In the eyes of the existence of these realities in these half-steps, now Yunchuan has at most one strike and two strikes that can threaten his strength. As long as Yunchuan takes the lead, he will After one hit and two hits can be severely damaged until their attack cost, Yunchuan can become the flesh of the chopping board.

Yunchuan can also see that from the positions of these half-step true gods, although several of them are also half-step true gods, and they exist on the killing list, they are not cooperative relationships with each other. This has been true from the beginning, and until now, no one wanted to be the first to hit him.

The silver flying boat galloped galloping, no longer paying attention to these people, and suddenly turned into a streamer, blasting towards a distant place.

"Want to run away?"

The sharp-billed monkey cheek has fine hair on its face, a half-step true **** like ape sneers, and sneers forward, chasing away the silver flying boat. The other four half-step true gods are also following closely, saying: "I want Escape to the depths of the killing battlefield? I don't know you came to the depths of the killing battlefield as if you were in my home. "

Seeing Yunchuan's escape position, the existence of these several killing lists suddenly laughed, and the speed was a little faster than before, and they pursued Yunchuan.

At the same time, a horrible channel of gods bombarded, rushing towards Yunchuan's galloping silver flying boat.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

A series of horrific attacks exploded not far from Yunchuan, hitting not far from the Silver Flying Boat, and the blast of waves that suddenly made the Silver Flying Boat crooked to the west and slowed Yunchuan's speed down.

Yunchuan looked back, his brows frowned slightly, and there were as many as five deities in the half-step true state that chased him behind him. Among the five famous names on the killing list, they belonged to the previous ones. The old man, and the sharp-billed monkey cheeks are like chasing apes, martial arts are chasing the forefront. Obviously, these two are not afraid of their own cultivation strength, or they are the two strongest in this industry. .

The other three were hanging behind Yunchuan far away. Although they said they were pursuing Yunchuan, they were in conflict with each other. The blasting **** channel not only blocked Yunchuan, but also stopped them. Keeping a few people around you can make them not reach their maximum speed one by one.

"As for the two of you!"

Yunchuan snorted, and with one finger, within his small world, the bronze gear blasted out, and the jade that appeared appeared to have turned into a huge gear, toward the ape-like half-step true **** Cut away.


That ape-like half-step true **** was shocked, but he dared to chase Yunchuan ahead, but he was already prepared. On his body, countless golden hairs fell off, and the moment he landed, he became Dozens and hundreds of them appeared in the blink of an eye, one after another.

Each of these golden velvet avatars looks just like me when it looks, even the breath of spirits is the same, making it impossible to tell which one is the true body of the ape half-step god. .

But then, a scream came out of the ape's half-step true god. Under the urging of Yunchuan, the bronze gear was so fast that he had already passed the ape-like half-step true god. Avatar.

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