The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1322: Want to lie to me again

However, his speed was extremely fast, rushing rushing and rushing to the first headed, and the bronze gear that had already arrived was also the first to bear the brunt, and even the evasion could not be avoided, and it was directly cut up and down. The upper and lower bodies were separated in blood dripping.

The previous situation was really changing too fast, so that the ape-like half-step true deity's avatar was not displayed.

After that, the old ginseng did not have time to avoid it. The heavy roots had to be densely entangled before, but this did not prevent the cutting of the bronze gear. Half of the roots were cut, green. The blood fell down and it looked miserable and unbearable.

Although the remaining three and a half steps of the true **** are behind the two, but in the previous situation where you are fighting for me, they have not fallen far behind, and the bronze gears have been passed one by one.

Even in the case of the genius, the channel of the gods of several people did not turn into defense. Facing this bronze gear, it was more unbearable than that of the ape.


Yunchuan stood on the silver flying boat, his face turned pale, his blood spit out, his body was empty, and his divine power remained.

After all, these five people are half-steps in the realm of true gods. Each one is comparable to the previous Zijin King, and even has never before. This time, it was able to achieve such a great result, except that Yunchuan had long planned. In addition, it is the reason why Yunchuan's spirit has been promoted to the semi-god state in this period of time, and the divine power has sufficient support.

That Laoshan Ginseng waited for the existence of five and a half steps of the real state of God at this moment were all cut off by bronze gears, because of the special force contained in the bronze gears, so far they have not been able to re-aggregate, or even their The spirits contained in it have all turned into two halves, looking miserable and mournful.

\ "How is it possible, how can you urge that bronze gear! \"

The old ginseng had panic on his face. After all, he was half a step away from the real state of God. At this moment, even if he was cut into two sections, he still had a fight. However, despite this, watching Yunchuan in the distance crumbling His body shape, he did not dare to continue to attack.

The other several half-step real gods existed in the same panic and horror, and did not dare to continue to shoot at Yunchuan.

Yunchuan showed such a distant appearance at the beginning, but the bronze gear was so fierce to motivate it. Now Yunchuan is still weak, and some people are a little stunned. I do n’t know Did Yunchuan pretend?

\ "Oh, some of them showed me a wonderful show, wonderful, really wonderful! \"

However, just as these people were confronting each other, a sound of laughter full of metal texture came from a distance, and came from a distance.

\ "Purple King! \"

Hearing this sound full of metallic texture, the complexities of the two and a half steps of the real divine realm that were divided into two halves became ugly and looked away.

Yunchuan's voice also became shaky, and looked towards the direction of the sound from a distance. With his gaze, he saw a copper-colored metal giant roaring toward their location.

This huge copper-colored giant is the Zijin King who had his arms broken by Yunchuan. However, the arms of this Zijin King have regrown. Compared with the previous one, the color is a bit bleak. Other places are just like ordinary places.

\ "Purple King, you issued a killing and killing order to kill me!"

The ape-like half-step true look was extremely ugly, his voice was cold, and his voice contained anger. Apparently, he had understood it after eating two big losses in succession.

"Oh, golden ape, have you reacted to it now? One of the killing orders I issued is indeed true. The body of Yunchuan is indeed carrying heavy treasure and the power of bronze gears. The appearance of a few people has been taken care of, right? "

Zijin Wang snorted, his voice was rumbling, full of a metallic texture, his eyes were like a knife killing his breath, glanced at several people who had been slashed by their waists, and their faces were playful, and continued to say, "But I have a little It seems to be wrong, this Yunchuan is a monster-like existence. At first, it once urged the bronze gear twice, alas, now it has actually been promoted to the demi-god realm, but it must be exhausted!

He laughed, and the half-step true look of the golden ape and the old mountain ginseng, which had been cut in the waist, became even more ugly.

Yunchuan's face showed a sorrow. Although Zijin King said that he had issued a killing order, he did not release all the information completely, but left it alone, so that the old ginseng was a half-step god. There was a problem in receiving information about the existence of the environment, which made him hit these five people in one fell swoop.

"Now, it's my harvest time, old ginseng, I've waited for these killing lists to exist for a long time, but I haven't changed them for a long time, but today, you guys are all cheaper. , There will be five vacancies on the killing list! "

Zijinwang's huge metal body trembled and murmured, making a dull sound, leaping towards a few people, with the appearance of a winning ticket.

His cultivation strength is now in its heyday, and the existence of the real half-steps of Laoshenshen has been cut off into two parts. His vitality is severely damaged, and he cannot recover much in a short time. Combat power.

Yunchuan has exhibited bronze gears twice before and after, and it still struck the existence of the five major and half-step true gods in one fell swoop. In his opinion, let alone Yunchuan is a real **** who has just been promoted to half-step. How long there is, even him, at this moment it is absolutely exhausted and no more miracles will occur as before.

"You're wrong. On the killing list today, you have to vacate six more places!"

However, just as Zijin Wang sneered, he suddenly heard a weak voice, trembling, not far from him.

"Six places, do you think that you can also reach the killing list? Yunchuan, you are dead, and you have such unrealistic fantasy!"

Zijin Wang laughed absurdly, looked up and down Yunchuan, and determined that Yunchuan had no resistance, and his huge fist blasted towards Yunchuan: "You lied to me once, and you want to re-do the trick, really when I am a fool No way? "

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