The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1326: Mando vine

"The main point is because my understanding of the power of the doctrine has not been promoted to the real state of God. If my power of the doctrine has also been promoted to the real state of God, then it can definitely counteract this kind of light. However, to realize a Taoism to the realization of the true state of God, it takes too much soul value, unless I can kill the existence of a true state of God, otherwise it would not be possible in a short time. "

Yunchuan's eyes flickered and he shook his head and said, "Tianjing True God, you exist as a true god, how can you still hold back such small treasures that I have obtained, a true **** exists, and the treasure of true **** is not so difficult to obtain, I No one has ever been able to **** the treasure, and those who want to **** my treasure are dead. Are you really sure? "

"Hehe, it seems that you are indeed a junior who has just arrived in the killing battlefield. Before Tianjing has been promoted to the real **** realm, I will cross the killing battle field. Now, I did not expect that after I was promoted to the real **** realm, One day it was threatened, it was strange, it was a novel experience. "

The crystal man laughed suddenly, shook his head, and walked towards the numerous huge vines below, saying, "However, the threat of the weak is like the mourning of a small ant. What use is it? Give me!"

He rumbled openly, reached out a stroke, and filled the whole space with thousands of phantoms who made the same action at this moment. The momentum was so great that it was hidden in this area. Many of the vines in it all came into being.

The horror might that existed in the real state of God disappeared at this moment without the slightest reservation, and turned into a large crystal hand. Each big hand grasped one of the vines and wanted to distribute this to the treasure. Light vines caught up.

This huge area was trembling with the action of Tianjing Zhenshen, how amazing the mighty power of the True God Realm is, and at this moment under the full exertion of Tianjing Zhenshen, It even made the entire sky dome to crack and crack innumerable cracks at this moment, and the earth was also rumbled, and those vines that had been hidden in the ground and the sky dome, and even the void, were dragged. come out.

"This is a plant life? What a huge **** body."

Tianjing true gods one by one phantom grabbed the vine, dragged it out suddenly, with a look of surprise and joy on his face, saying: "" And, there is no trace of the soul in this plant life. In other words, if I could refine the body, my divine power would be endless! \ "

He was shocked and happy, and laughed. There was no reservation of divine power at this moment, and rumbling rushed out, toward the tens of thousands of huge vines.

With the emergence of thousands of huge vines in this area of ​​the killing battlefield, the rumbling started to collapse, and numerous huge vines emerged, covering the sky, and being caught by the true **** of heaven. Hand.

In the distance, there are many demigods that are attracted by the huge movement here, and the envy and covetousness are exposed on each face, which is also the terrifying divine power that shocks the **** Tianjing.

This huge vine is completely composed of divine power, and there is no immortal imprint in it. It can be said that the innate is a huge deity. If all vines appear completely, it will be more than the several super-life deities seen in Yunchuan. Too big.

If it is possible to take away these ten thousand vines, or to refine these ten thousand vines into avatars, then the entire human life level will undergo a significant change, and even in a sense, it will exceed the ordinary super life. .

Even in the distance, some of the restored half-step real gods such as the old mountain ginseng and golden ape that have been partially restored have gone back and watched from a distance.

\ "Get me up! \"

Tianjing true **** roared, and the divine power of the real divine realm rumbling out, drove all these vines out of the ground.


The huge vines were dancing, and at the moment when they were fully exposed, the treasure light overflowed and suddenly shrank. It seemed that time was flowing back on it, and it quickly shrank from those vines and became a fist-sized seed. .

Immediately afterwards, this precious light overflowed, and the seed that gave off the dim light turned into a streamer, freed from the hand of Tianjing True God.

\"what happened?\"

Tianjing Zhenshen was shocked and furious, like a crystal, with his big hand outstretched, and fished for this fist-sized seed, but this seed that exudes the dim light of the dim light is as unreal and unreal, Tianjing Zhenshen's big hand stretched out, but passed through without any hindrance. Even if Tian Jingzhen had shown thousands of methods, he could not catch them.

This stream of light galloped, and the momentary effort reached Yunchuan's silver flying boat, passing through the barrier of Yunchuan's silver flying boat.

Yunchuan's face was surprised, and she stretched out her hand. The next moment, this fist-sized seed fell into Yunchuan's hands. After Baoguang's convergence, it didn't look much different from ordinary seeds. When I saw this fist-sized green seed, I never thought that this was actually the huge vine that had covered the sky and had a million feet in the square.

\ "Little thief, what demon method did you use? \"

The treasure that Tianjing really had at hand flew away by himself, suddenly shocked and angry, stepped out, and the phantoms formed by countless lights and shadows flickered. A moment later appeared in Yunchuan, not far away, The big hand cast by the crystal banged toward the silver flying boat.

The silver flying boat flickered and turned into a silver streamer. It disappeared in the place just before Tianjing Zhenshen shot, letting Tianjing Zhenshen's big hand like a crystal directly grabbed an empty space.

\ "The million vines fell into Yunchuan's hands! \"

\ "Yunchuan is just an existence that has just been promoted to the demi-god realm, which is far worse than Tianjing Zhenshen. If this treasure falls into the hands of Tianjing Zhenshen, I will have no chance, but right now, Maybe I can also have a huge body comparable to super life! \ "

"Tianjing true god, this time it's not that we don't give you face. It seems that the seeds transformed by these ten thousand vines really have nothing to do with you!"

On the other side, the original Zijin King, whose face was as mournful as his eyes, also brightened his eyes, and laughed, chasing away towards Yunchuan's silver flying boat. With this move, he immediately caused a series of chain reactions. The original many breaths hidden in the distance caused a sensation and chased together toward Yunchuan.

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