The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1328: Haha, walking the dog

However, at this moment, the seed on this section of bone suddenly flew back automatically, but it made Yunchuan become the target of public criticism. Tianjing Zhenshen and other existences have seen this kind of flying back, one by one, and they were angry and banged again toward Yunchuan Rumble, come bang.

"Man, I don't know how it flew back."

Yunchuan's face suddenly showed an embarrassing color, and she continued to throw the seed to a distant place with strong hands. Suddenly, Tianjing Zhenshen and others couldn't bother to find the trouble of Yunchuan, but continued one by one. Booming, rushing for the direction of the seed, the dust was splashing and the sand was flying.

However, immediately after that, there was still no time to breathe, and the complexion of Tianjing Zhenshen and others became ugly and abnormal, and they turned back again, looking towards Yunchuan, and angrily said: "Little animal, you are Joke me and wait! "

I saw that seed had just been thrown out by Yunchuan, and the next time it flew back again, fell into Yunchuan's hands again, slowly drifting up and down.

It looks as if Yunchuan is manipulating this seed and letting it fly back again, but it makes these half-step existences of real gods or the characters of real gods all exhausted and exhausted, They even fought.

"Oh, walk the dog ..."

In the distance, there are still a lot of people here, but because of the lack of strength, they ca n’t really participate in the battle group. They can only see this from a distance. Someone whispered. Although the voice is light, but But it was clearly transmitted to the ears of the existence of these half-steps of the real state of God, so that Tianjing Zhenshen and others could hear it clearly.

Cold sweat percolated on Yunchuan's forehead, and the smile on his face seemed a little embarrassed. He grabbed that seed and threw it away into the distance again, but this time, there are many true gods such as Tianjing true **** and half-step true god. Existence did not chase the Wandao vine seed as before, but looked at Yunchuan with extremely bad looks.

The next moment, the vine seed flew upside down again and fell into Yunchuan's hands, dripping and spinning, making Yunchuan's already awkward complexion even more awkward.

"Chuan, what do you do?"

Yun Qinger also saw the tense atmosphere at the moment, and whispered and asked, but the silver flying boat was already filled with the girl's power long ago. The next moment, it turned into a streamer. , And suddenly went away.

\ "Tricked me to wait so long and want to escape! \"

Seeing Yunchuan and Yunqinger fleeing in the distance, suddenly this group of popular Qiqiao smoked, and the horrible divine passages were endless, blasting towards Yunchuan's silver flying boat.

\ "You can't hide it, you forced me! \"

Yunchuan stood on the silver flying boat, watching the overwhelming horror of mighty power, and these horrific mighty powers came under, just like the sky, it was shocking, and people's hearts could not help rising A sense of despair.

Not to mention that Yunchuan only existed shortly after being promoted to the semi-god realm. Even if a true **** came, he couldn't persist for a moment and a moment under these numerous attacks.

Even though the distant Tianjing true **** said that such a blow exploded, he couldn't help showing a sense of fear. Under this level of attack, almost every void corner had been shrouded in the void. Every smallest particle was shattered, and even the light ceased to exist. He couldn't escape under this level of attack.

\ "This little beast ca n’t die anymore, forcing him, hum, a being who has just been promoted to demigod, what can he do for him! \"

Tianjing Zhenshen sneered on the crystal-like face and looked at Yunchuan above the silver flying boat, but it was done once Yunchuan was crushed, he would grab the treasure from Yunchuan directly .


However, at this moment, there was a buzzing sound between heaven and earth. Before the silver flying boat, bronze gears popped up to welcome the storm and shroud the silver flying boat directly behind.

Kakah Kakah.

The divine channel like black clouds fell down and collided with bronze gears. In the void where the two collided, there were rumbling cracks, and this crack was not simply the fragmentation of the surface void. Rather, it became a nothingness, spreading continuously to the depths.

Yunchuan's face turned white, and some of the divine power had just been restored. Soon, the atmosphere above the bronze gears had weakened, and it was about to be depressed by the many **** channels.

Under the urging of Yunchuan, this bronze gear can exert the power of the true god's treasure, but his divine power has not been fully restored, and the bronze gear is not facing a half-step existence , But the existence of dozens of half-step true gods, plus Tianjing true god, a real god, is naturally unable to compete.

The pressure on Yunchuan was horrible, the silver flying boat creaked, and even Yunchuan's legs fell directly on the deck of the flying boat, and cracks appeared on the silver flying boat.

With one person's strength, against the existence of dozens of half-step real gods and one real god, such a scene is also beyond the expectations of distant Tianjing true **** and others, but one by one surprise and coveted The color was stronger, and once again increased the impulse of his own divine power and Tao Zewei.

\ "With a bronze gear, this junior who has just been promoted to demigod is able to compete with me waiting so long, and it is indeed a rare treasure, and the vine seed is stronger than this bronze gear! \"

\ "Fight hard, I have waited for so many existences on the killing list to join forces with this junior, he can die without regret even if he is dead! This treasure should belong to me!"

"As before, don't be fooled by this little beast again. I'll wait to kill it before deciding on the ownership of the treasure!"

The existence of the real state of God in the top half of a killing list has once again increased its power, which has increased the pressure on the bronze gears a bit, and Yunchuan ’s divine power is almost exhausted. The energy and power were transmitted to the silver flying boat through the bronze gears, and several cracks appeared on the silver flying boat.

\ "The existence of a real divine realm, a half step real divine realm, is so shameless, join hands to deal with me. Since this is the case, then I am also rude, give me the arm of the master!"

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