The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1332: Double Forged Rule

In general, as a demi-god exists, the body and the soul are completely integrated into one. Each divine power has its own soul imprinted on it. It wants to completely kill a demi-god. Unless there is too much difference in strength and crushing with absolute strength, otherwise it is difficult to completely kill it. Even if there is only a ray of divine power left, it can be reborn.

Yunchuan is naturally not the existence of the real **** realm. It is impossible to crush these half-step real **** realities to death with a strong and overwhelming power. However, with the bronze gear that is comparable to the real **** treasure, plus his already existing After hundreds of thousands of feet of huge divine body, the surging divine power is like the tide of the sea, and the divine power of these half-step real divine realms is drowned.

Both are like hot soup Wo Xue, the divine power is constantly annihilated in each other, but compared with the huge deity of Yunchuan, these deities that exist in many half-step real divine realms are like a lone boat in the sea, Soon he was completely annihilated.

\ "Tianjing really escaped? \"

The surging and infinite divine power has turned into a million vines. After completely annihilating the existence of the ten or so half-step real divine realms, his vine vines have once again soared by a hundred thousand feet. Reaching 200,000 feet of **** body, countless vines spread out, covering the sky, and dim the whole sky.

Yunchuan's complexion gazed towards the distance. I saw that in the distant place, the phantoms formed by light flowed one by one. Tianjing True God shuttled among these phantoms and soon had to escape the cloud. Chuan's line of sight.

The existence of this real divine realm was shocked away by Yunchuan, a martial artist who had just been promoted to the semi-divine realm, without any pause.

\ "Tianjing Zhenshen has also been eroded by the doctrine of decline, and the strength is greatly damaged, which is the best time for me to shoot, and I have been in danger before. If he let him escape my face, Hold on, huh? \ "

Yunchuan's face sneered, Wandao's vines were taken back, and suddenly his gaze was fixed. He looked at the vines. With his eyes, he saw dozens of vines on the densely packed vines. There are a few faint marks on it, and there is a word on it.

Among them is a faint trace. Yunchuan is very familiar. Those imprinted with the dim purple light, it looks as if it was cast by metal. It is a metal rule that was previously realized by King Zijin.

"This is the imprint of Zijin Wang's metal doctrine? The other imprints are really the imprints of the other half-step true divine beings that were previously killed by me."

Yunchuan looked at another vine, and when he saw it on the other vine, the road was branded with golden yellow, which is a true Tao of the golden ape.

Although these roads are branded on the vines, they are faint and not real. They are just outlines. However, it is Yunchuan's that they saw the dozens of vines that have changed. A look of surprise and joy appeared on the face.

"I didn't expect my vine vine clone to have such an effect. It can absorb the imprint of the humane rule of beheading. Although these imprints are very shallow, it is enough for me!"

These Taos are branded. For ordinary people, there is at most an additional way to perceive other Taos. After all, if you want to comprehend a Tao to a high level, it can be said that it is difficult and difficult, even the killing of Zijin King. The existence on the leaderboard is only proficient in a metal road, it is difficult to realize all the roads to the same level as the realm.

However, for Yunchuan, after the golden scrolls, these are not the problems. The question that previously asked him was how to understand a Taoist entry, but now the biggest problem is that he has been cloned by the vine. solve.

"I have previously killed the existence of dozens of half-step true divine realms of King Zijin, and the soul value obtained from the existence of many half-step real divine realms can just enable me to comprehend these dozens of Dao to half. God ’s perfection, power is soaring! "

Yunchuan's eyes brightened, and with the realization of the rules, the breath around him continued to increase, and Yun Qinger did not stop during this period of time. He drove the silver flying boat and fled to the **** Tianjing. The position was rumbling chased.

Although Tianjing Zhenshen is said to exist in the real state of God, it was affected by the Tao of Decline after all. In addition, Yunchuan's mastery of the Tao of Decline has caused the declining Tao of Tianjing Zhenshen to continue. The existence of more than a dozen half-step true **** realms is behaving vigorously, and under the combination of various conditions, the Tianjing true **** can only flee.

"Yunchuan child, I just don't want to fight with you, do you want to find your own way ?!"

Tianjing Zhenshen felt Yunchuan's unrelenting silver flying boat behind him. He was immediately angry and angry, and his anger opened. He could feel that after Yunchuan used the vines as his avatar, he was in a magnificent spirit. To a degree, it suddenly surpassed his body.

Although he said that it exists in the real state of God, after all, it is not a super life, and the vine vine clone of Yunchuan even surpasses the ordinary super life. Unbelievably, the **** of the heavens alone is no longer an opponent of Yunchuan. .

And Yunchuan controlled the bronze gear of the true god, but it made up for the gap between the two. In addition, it made Tianjing true **** jealous. It was the arm of the former demon master. It is the fundamental reason that caused him to flee without fighting.

Both chased and fled, and within a few moments they had gone hundreds of millions of miles away, and during this period, many people have noticed the scene here, one by one, very surprised. ,

"That's not the true **** of heaven. He was the top three on the killing list and has been promoted to the realm of true gods. I heard that he is about to leave the battlefield of killings. Why is he now chased by a demigod?

"What a huge **** body, that young man in the demigod state, is it possible that a super life cannot be achieved, even if it is a super life, there are very few such **** bodies!"

"How can this be? The demi-god boy chased after the existence of a real deity and hurriedly escaped. Was it a hallucination? And that demi-god boy I have never seen before, it is a strange face, It looks like the killing list is about to change. "

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