The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1338: Shen Hai Hu Tian Xuan

Yunchuan shook his head and slowly opened his mouth. After hearing Yunchuan's words, the main face of many world realms in the hall suddenly showed joy and eagerly tried: "It's okay to be dangerous. I can only improve my strength as soon as possible. To be able to gain a foothold in the midst of this evil. "

"It's true. Only when the comprehensive strength of the entire Tianxuan world is improved can there be better measures in the face of demons."

Yunchuan nodded and said, "However, now in the Tianxuan world, the impact of the fascinating star disaster should be resolved."

"Is there any way to solve this problem? I have taken a lot of measures before, but it is only a cure for the symptoms and not the root cause. I can't really solve the effects of the confusing star."

The eyes of Hei Li, the lord of the Heilong dynasty in Dongzhou, brightened, and looking toward Yunchuan, his face was full of hope. The same is true of the Lord of the Red Fire. The impact is also the most serious, but when they are worried, they also have a feeling of helplessness, and they can't solve this problem by taking various measures.

The master of many other world realms, the elder of the main subject, also looks eagerly toward Yunchuan, especially the super elders of the supernatural powers. The elders of these supernatural powers, after all, are not as good as the spiritual strength. Most of the world has been affected, and many have even fallen. Yunchuan now has a solution. Naturally, they are all looking forward to it.

"The advent of the scourge of the catastrophic star can not be completely blocked by my current cultivation, but with the help of my **** body and the power of the entire universe, it may be possible to scourge the scourge The impact is temporarily isolated, and this requires your assistance. "

Yunchuan's gaze groaned, and she slowly spoke.

"Elder Yun, your **** body can completely block the influence of the entire world of Heaven and Xuan. What a huge **** body is needed to do this!"

After Yunchuan's words were spoken, many world-class figures in the world suddenly looked at each other, some incredible.

"My **** body, after a while, should be able to reach several million feet."

Yunchuan smiled slightly, slowly opened his mouth, and walked out of the hall, and said, "Follow me!"

There are many worlds such as Arakawa Supreme, and there is no one to stay. Following Yunchuan, they all rush towards the direction where Xihuang is.

Under the speed of the silver flying boat, the western wasteland was soon in the distance, and Yunchuan's surroundings no longer suppressed the surging breath that belonged to the demigod at this moment, and the vine vine clone was also a boom at this moment. The rumbling unfolded into a sea of ​​divine power, shrouded in the sky over Xihuang.

This vine vine clone of Yunchuan already had more than 200,000 feet when it was solidified. At this moment, it turned into an ocean of divine power. Previously, these extremely solid divine powers were all dispersed, and soon Yes, it has already shrouded a small half of the Xihuang.

"So huge **** body ..."

"This kind of huge body can almost be called an immortal body. Even if it is obliterated, it will take a long time before it can be done. It is incredible, such a huge body ..."

When the vines of Wandao in Yunchuan were unfolded, many of the world's most supreme characters who came immediately became eyes straight, and their faces were full of shock and incredible colors. When Yunchuan's words were spoken before, they still felt a little bit Impossible, but now, after seeing Yunchuan's huge body that almost covered half of the wild west, then I knew Yunchuan's confidence.

In the area covered by Yunchuan's divine body, it is very clear that the breath exuded by the stunned star is no longer felt, and all are isolated.

"A lot of words are in this divine power."

Qinglian Sword Master and several other top-level figures in the world look up one by one, with a look of surprise and shock on their faces. Above the half of the sky in Xihuang, they have already followed the development of Yunchuan's body. Shrouded with a layer of divine power, this layer of divine power is like a thin film, covering the sky above the Xihuang. Even the supreme characters of these world realms seem to have a sense of innocence, which is very empty. light.

And those super-major elders who have supernatural powers, unless they all use their full strength to fully distribute their own soul power to feel it, otherwise they will not be able to detect it at all, and can only feel the kind of heart in the surrounding space. The breath of life and death has decayed a lot.

"Effective, this method of Yun Sovereign is really effective, but the world of Tian Xuan is too vast, and only a part of the Western Wilderness is shrouded, and it is only ... but it is also very good, at least I Wait for a pure land where you can cultivate. "

"This method of Cloud Sovereign is much better than my previous approach. However, Cloud Sovereign, you use your own divine power as a carrier to shield the influence of the scourge of the scourge. I don't know if it will affect you greatly. Great, if it has too much influence on your self-cultivation of Yunzong's own strength, then this will be more than worth it. "

Some world-class figures appeared a little worried, and asked Yunchuan.

"Anyway, I have found a solution to the two issues that you are concerned about in this period of time."

Yunchuan shook his head and said, "So, I also need your help, so that the power of your soul can be entrusted to my body. In this way, my ten thousand vines can use your power to transfer The scope of this shrouded area has been expanded a little bit more, Lord Komo!

He shouted loudly, and with his opening, then, in the middle of the wild west, a response came. Numerous believers of the former Great Guangming Temple, under the leadership of Kamo Xizun, began to radiate their soul power to Yunchuan. The golden light was spotty, converging on Yunchuan's godly ocean that shrouded the entire western wasteland.

With the gathering of these golden spots, soon, Yunchuan's original sea of ​​magical powers, which had stopped expanding, once again expanded at a very fast speed, directly covering half of the western wilderness, and still With the influx of believers' souls from Xihuang, they expanded in all directions at an extremely fast speed.

Yunchuan's ever-expanding divine ocean showed a little excitement. After possessing the vast and vast body of the vine vine clone, he conveniently used the characteristics of the vine vine clone to come up with this method. .

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