The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1357: Approaching truth

The girl in the sea of ​​flowers recalled the feeling of Fang Cai, and said, "No, it really shouldn't. This feeling, the previous me, was only in the existence of the demon master, the demon master. I have experienced how this happened to Cagliari and others. "

The Lord of the Heavenly Ghosts also came from a distance, listening to the words of the Lord of the Other Side and the Lord of the Forgotten River, with a look of surprise on his face. He was not far too close to the Galileans when he was in the distance. The incarnation of the main power of one of the parties was surprised: "On the people of Kalyle, almost the same breath as the previous Lord of the Dead appeared, how is this possible? If this is the case, then I am afraid that the current Canadian There must have been a big problem on Lilie and others, because I and other Umbra people, and the breath of the monsters such as the Demon Lord, can be said to be a kind of inextricable relationship. Under normal circumstances, this will not happen at all. Problem, the two will not be compatible, and once this kind of problem occurs, there is only one possibility, that is, the leader of one of the several mystical realms of Karelia has begun to be affected by magic. It is even possible that it has begun to transform into a monster of the dead! "

"how come!"

After speaking the words of the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts, the Lord of the other side suddenly widened his eyes and lost his voice: "Although I said that I can't get used to Calilec and others, they are the masters of the old one. Existence, when the God's realm is achieved, its strength is not weak at all, how can it be eroded by magic gas, I have seen the existence of erosion by magic gas, these characters eroded by magic gas, all of them It can be said that they have lost their own self-consciousness and can't help themselves at all. If Jiali Lie and others are really eroded by magic, then my Umbra is really at the point of life and death, if it is not handled properly ... . "

The existence of these leaders of one party stands on the top of countless world pyramids, but at this moment there is a kind of chilling feeling, and some trembling in their hearts.

Although the Lord of the Other Side and the Lord of the Forgotten River are said to be self-cultivated and become God ’s Lord, the strength of Cultivation and other existences is not too weak, and seven of them were born from the will of the Underworld. The leader of one party has always been connected with the same spirit. With the combined strength of the seven, the three of them are still below.

"Perhaps, I should have guessed it wrong. Maybe Calebs and others have suffered some injuries while fighting against the monsters. The injuries have not healed, so that the situation now appears?"

The Lord of Heavenly Ghosts also shuddered because of his own words. He shook his head, and a smile smiled from his face, and he said.

"No, the breath emanating from the presence of God's realm in Caleblie is completely different from the breath when the Lord of the Forgotten River and the Lord of the Other Shore were injured."

Just as the three masters such as the Lord of the Ghosts were having some speculations, Yunchuan walked up, shook his head, and some solemnly said.

"The Lord of the Forgotten River, although she said that because she entered the Ghost Disaster Star and was eroded by the atmosphere above the Ghost Disaster Star, the relationship between the two forces is essentially an incompatible relationship. However, although it is said that Jiali Lie's body is deeply hidden, it gives me a feeling that the enchantment on his body seems to bring generality from its roots. "

Yunchuan started, and continued, "Moreover, in this case, it's like a paper bag can't hold the fire. Nowadays, the magic of several people in Jiali Lie is very slight, but after time, Jia Li Lie and others will definitely be completely assimilated! This has happened before in the Tianxuan world. "

"How could this be, Mo Fei, Jia Li Lie and others were eroded by the magical gas from the beginning, otherwise this would not have happened at all, or several people in Jia Lie Lie were essentially monsters and had been hiding in In the whole Umbra, but this is also impossible, because several people in Jiali Lie are the gods who are born from the will of Umare!

The Lord of the Ghosts heard Yunchuan's words, the ghost fire in the black hole's eyes flickered, almost extinguished horribly, and made a few speculations, but the next moment was all directly overthrown by him, but he There is not much suspicion about Yunchuan's discourse, because Yunchuan's previous performances and his understanding of the entire Umbra can confirm that Yunchuan's discourse is true.

There was a moment of silence among the tops of these ghostly worlds, and each of them was inferring from various clues, the more inferred, the more frightened.

"However, although the seven masters of Galilee and others said that they had the kind of magic on the star, but from his words, it was logical and clear, and it was still selfish. The timid nature is no different from the previous words and deeds. It seems that even a few of them do not know that this change has taken place. "

After a moment, the Lord of Forgetting suddenly said.

Their speculation is really too shocking, so even if some people want to delay here for a while, they must make everything clear to Shun Shun, and one by one the doubts have been raised.

"I now have a speculation, maybe close to the truth."

Yunchuan said, "I am an outsider, so I am more aware of some things. The former Lord of the Seven Sides was indeed the existence of the will of the Umbra. It can be said that there are not many The problem, if there is a problem before that, the Lord on the other side has dealt with him the most, and should be able to sense it quickly, and now several people such as Jiali Li should have problems during the time when the scourge of the disaster came. At that time, the whole stunned disaster star, all the **** cities lost order, that is, this wheel of the Umbra could not play a role. "

He paused, his face groaning, and continued to say, "I was in the battlefield of killing before, I went to see several worlds that had been eroded by the scourge of the scourge, and completely turned into the devil's nest. In the worlds that have become the devil's nest, the origin of the world has been corrupted from the roots, breeding one by one, and the existence of the master level of these parties is not normal at all. How much can be eroded, but some of them are not the main characters of the party who cultivated by themselves, but were born by the will of the nether world. Presumably, this should be the crux of the problem! "

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