The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1360: Say hello?

The voice of Wu Xiu trembled and said, "How can we make up for the huge gap in these realms, and the true body of Yunzong has not arrived, and the power of Shenhai cannot be used to its fullest. I am afraid that this Shenhai This monster in the true state of God is completely shattered. "

There are also a lot of disciples in the super stout who are brave, and their blood is still there. These are the overwhelming majority of them. They attacked the Zerg mother emperor butterfly and did not hold back. However, they were all around the zerg mother emperor butterfly. Under the power of the horrors that were emitted, before the Zerg mother Emperor Butterfly was in front of them, all of them had become powder.

The horror gap in the realm and strength between the two has reached such a point that it can be called a world apart. Even the elders of the Divine Realm have no ability to do anything, only those of the world. Existence, with the power of its own small world, can barely compete with the terrifying coercion emitted by the Zerg mother Emperor Butterfly.

"I didn't expect it. I didn't expect it. The strength of the past was so powerful that it even prevented the dark world from spreading for a time, but now it has fallen to such a point. Only this kind of strength doesn't require me to come. One little finger can crush it, and the old ghosts in the Tianxuan world are not willing to fall, but they can't escape the destined end. "

The zerg mother Emperor Butterfly's sky blue eyes showed a bit of excitement, and said to herself: "It seems that the little Yunchuan little thief who prevented me from coming down that day should be the strongest person in the Tianxuan world now. It is indeed extraordinary. In such a short period of time, I was promoted from the previous state of supernatural power to the state of demigod. It seems that there are still countless qi remaining in this heavenly world. In this case, I will today The last count is broken! "

The Zerg mother Emperor Butterfly groaned with laughter, but when she spoke, she said lightly, it gave people an unspeakable pressure of terror, and she took a step forward and walked into a place that enveloped the entire world of Tianxuan. Shenhai.

And between her stepping out, in her little world, endless dense crowds of insects came out, covering the sky, covering the sea of ​​gods in the whole world of sky mysteriously, madly swallowing the clouds The sea of ​​gods transformed by the vines of Sichuan.

This Zerg mother Emperor Butterfly also directly entered the Shenhai of Yunchuan, and stirred up, so that the entire ocean of divine power set off a huge wave at this moment.

Although Yunchuan's Divine Power Ocean is said to be very vast and huge because of its occupation of the home field, ordinary monsters that have been thrown into his Divine Power Ocean can be directly melted and cleaned, but for now, the only Under the voluntary counterattack of Shenhai, the Zerg female Emperor Butterfly did not have much influence.

Even many **** cities built on this ocean of **** power have begun to collapse. As long as it continues, such changes outside the world of Tianxuan will start to affect the entire world of Tianxuan. , So that the entire world of Xuanxuan is plunged into complete destruction.

The Zerg mother Emperor Butterfly is charmingly charming and giggling, as if she is playing in this sea of ​​gods, but raising her hands and throwing her feet makes the entire sea of ​​divine power set off a monstrous wave, even for faster speed. By annihilating this sea of ​​divine power in Yunchuan, her body has already entered this sea of ​​divine power.

In the divine cities built by the ocean of divine power, there are many world realms in the Tianxuan world that try their best to cope with this crisis, but they only play a small role in hindering the Zerg female emperor butterfly. It just works.

Because Yunchuan ’s magical ocean has not had much movement since the beginning, there is already a transition in the level of life between the demigod and the world. Among these worlds, there are only old worlds such as Arakawa Supreme. Existence. Only the characters who have touched the threshold of the demigod's realm can mobilize some of the power of the sea of ​​God. Others who cannot convert the power into divine power cannot be mobilized.

"Butterfly, we met again, did you say hello to me this way?"

However, just as the Zerg female emperor butterfly stirred the sky in this ocean of divine power, suddenly a voice with a bit of ridicule came out of the entire ocean of divine power, and the sound was booming from within the ocean of divine power Every trace of seawater sounded, and at this moment, the original surging sea of ​​divine power suddenly became calm and calm at this moment.

It seems that the entire ocean of divine power is solidifying at this moment. Many of the demon insects that had been rustling away have also solidified directly on the entire ocean of divine power, like amber.


"It's Lord Cloud!"

"It's Cloud Sovereign back!"

At the moment when this voice appeared in the ocean of divine power, the Arakawa Supreme and others in the city of God suddenly widened their eyes, and the next moment, a thick ecstasy revealed.

Yunchuan was not here before, and none of them could mobilize the power of this huge ocean of magical power. They could only allow this magical ocean to passively defend, but after Yunchuan arrived, the huge power of this magical ocean. , But it can be fully inspired.

Although they don't know how amazing the power of this Shenhai is under full power, they also know that the power of Shenhai is under mobilization, and they will not be as resistant as they are now. Power.

However, compared with the excitement of Arakawa Supreme and others, at the moment when Yunchuan's voice was remembered, the zerg female emperor butterfly in the sea of ​​God had a shocking color in the beautiful blue eyes, and the next moment Want to rise into the air, leave Yunchuan this magical ocean.

It was just that the thin wings behind her flew a short distance away, and the next moment, a huge palm was transformed into the entire Shenhai, seizing her whole body, and all the power in the entire sea of ​​divine power was used. Once it was up, the zerg mother Emperor Butterfly was once again pulled into Shenhai, and the whole sea was drowned by the surging sea.

"Yunchuan, it's you little bug worm, you're looking for your way!"

The zerg mother Emperor Butterfly's face showed a color of anger, anger, and anger shouted. Previously, this sea of ​​divine power was dead without Yunchuan's urging, and she did not feel it when she entered it. How much pressure, coupled with the existence of a true divine realm, the subconscious mind relaxed her vigilance.

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