The Legendary Roll

Chapter 812: Qinglian Secret Realm

However, although the Daguangming Temple where the Lord of the Buddha is located and the Snow God master who is located in the Chaotian Supreme have repeatedly clamored for the Heavenly King Sect, but when the Blood Sea Demon where the Blood Sea Supreme is also putting pressure on the Heavenly King Sect, the Daguangming Temple and The two supermass of the Snow God, turned their spears directly, and began to deal with the blood sea monster.

Suddenly, the Sea of ​​Blood was a bit self-conscious at a time. When the Buddha ’s Great Guangming Temple and Snow God Buddhism put pressure on the Apocalypse, they at most only dared to move their mouths, and did not dare to take any other actions, but at this moment dealt with his blood. Sea Demon Sect, but the sword and the flesh, even the Lord of the Buddha and Chaotian Supreme both fell off their skins and shot them in succession, killing several elders of his blood Sea Demon, and let him lost heavily.

Among these supermassages, because of the provocation of the blood-faced tudor previously transformed by Yunchuan, they have already established a grudge against each other that is difficult to resolve, and because the previous disposition of Bloodsea Supreme was improper, it caused the two The misunderstanding between them deepened a bit again.

Nowadays, the actions between the two supermassages, the Daguangming Temple and the Snow God Sect, make it clear that they are going to get revenge on the two.

Blood Sea Supreme was burned by the co-operation of two supermassages, and his heart was extremely overwhelmed. However, Qinglian Jianzong, who had previously cooperated with him, has clearly stated his position and has been watching with cold eyes. .

Although it was said that Qinglian Sword Master had previously cooperated with him, he was also blinded by the blood-faced head that was transformed by Yunchuan, and received a lot of resentment between Daguangming Temple and the Snow God Sect, but at this moment Qinglian Sword Sovereign had already The position is clear. It is necessary to make a good relationship with the Sacred God of the Wild Heaven. The Lord of the Buddha and Xuelan Tian did not have enough confidence to face the two super masters at the same time. Rather than provoke it at the same time, I will do my best to deal with the Blood Sea Demon Sect.

For a time, the Blood Sea Demon Sect can be said to be a former wolf and a tiger, and he was too busy taking care of himself. During this period of time, the elders of the Zongzhong Divine Realm have fallen into several statues, leaving the Blood Sea Supreme to burn his head for a while. All the people in Mozong temporarily stopped all the activities outside, but all the turtles shrank into the boundless sea of ​​blood where Mozong was located, which only barely stopped the previous loss.

During this period of time, because of the continuous battle between the three super-blocks, the entire North Sea was caught in a **** storm, and not only there were casualties between these super-blocks, those first-class blocks The gate and the middle gate were involved in the battle between the three superblocks and suffered heavy losses.

However, the storm set off by the Bloodsea Demon Sect is not over yet. After a few days, the Qinglian Jianzong, who is also located in the North Sea with the Blood Sea Demon, announced the news that the Qinglian dense The situation will be opened in this period of time. At the time of the previous many super-Buddhism exchange events, the disciples who have won the top rankings have a total of 20 places to compete for.

The news of Qinglian Jianzong spread to many super-sects in a short period of time. As soon as the wind and the storm surged, many super-sect disciples went towards Qinglian Sect. These super-sect disciples all participated previously Those disciples who have participated in the martial arts exchange event in Qinglian Jianzong have a high ranking.

The reason why there are many disciples gathered is because, according to previous rules, only the first island owner on the major Sword Lotus Island at the time of the Budo Exchange event, only ten places can directly enter the Qinglian Mi Within the border, the remaining ten places need to be contested by many disciples in these supermassages. .

The Qinglian Secret Realm is the ancestral land where the Qinglian Sect was able to rise. There are thousands of mysteries in it. Naturally, it has attracted a lot of super-sects, even many super-sects. His disciples issued a strict order to obtain one of those ten places anyway.

At the time when many super sects are moving one by one, Yunchuan, who is among the sacred sects in the barren sky, has already begun to move towards the North Sea, where Qinglian Jianzong is located.

The Qinglian Sect of Qinglian Jianzong is a full six months ahead of time, which allows Yunchuan not to waste any time.

Yunchuan came very fast along the way. After a while, the silver flying boat had reached the coast of the North Sea. .

On the shores of the North Sea, a faint smell of blood can be smelled, and the sea water is filled with a pale blood color. The previous battle between the three supermass of the Blood Sea Demon Sect, the Great Guangming Temple, and the Snow God Sect Many martial arts have fallen into this vast ocean.

The battle between the super-sects, although it is said that for the high-level super-sects, the disciples and elders who have fallen are not many in terms of base numbers, but each of the disciples and elders who have fallen are enough to be called The above is the existence of the strong.

The super-major warfare, those first-class sects, second-rate sects below, and the fall of martial arts are at least several times or even dozens of times of other super-sects, and it is far more than that. One thing, from the shores of the North Sea, the sea water that has been stained with blood can be seen.

In all directions, there are some super-major disciples continually converging, and they go towards the direction of Qinglian Jianzong. However, these super-major disciples are not much surprising in Yunchuan ’s view. Most of them are just the practice of refining the virtual reality. Occasionally, the existence of the half-step magical power in the later stage of refining the virtual reality has already attracted awe from all around.

Yunchuan shook his head, suddenly remembered something, and was a little dumbfounded, but he was looking at these super-major disciples with his current eyes. His current practice, although also a half-step magical state, However, the enemies facing him are qualified to fight with him, but the existence of a lot of divine realms, even ordinary miraculous martial arts, are no longer his opponents, and now Yunchuan, even in the late divine realms The giant figures are able to compete against one or two, and they can even surpass them.

Even before a few days ago, he relied on the special environment in the land of the true God's treasure, and truly resisted the existence of the world, and even caused the blood sea supreme to suffer a lot.

But just over two years ago, when he just followed Elder Chu Yuanwu to participate in this martial arts exchange event, his own cultivation was only Yuantai.

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