The Legendary Roll

Chapter 819: Cyan lotus

Throughout the world, it seems that only this magnificent green lotus is left.

And the entire Qinglian sword sect, all the sword lotus islands, have been merged into that huge and magnificent green lotus. One thing exists.

Even under the slow rotation of this magnificent green lotus, the void seemed to condense. The entire North Sea also stopped the waves and the world became quiet at this moment.

Seems to be everything in the whole world, at this moment is giving way to this green lotus, this magnificent green lotus is the center of this world at this moment.

Looking at Yunchuan here in the distance, I also held my breath at this moment. The scene in front of me was too shocking. The entire Qinglian Sect, all Jianlian Islands, had previously relied on this. On a magnificent green lotus, even if it were not for the first time, even Yunchuan couldn't believe it.

However, when this scene really happened, all the people on the field collectively lost their voice at this moment, not that they could not speak, but they could not find any words to describe the scene in front of them.

Looking around, with this large and magnificent Qinglian as the center, the elder disciples of Qinglian Jianzong and the other elder disciples who arrived at the first glance, there were more than 100,000 people at first glance. There are many, but in front of this green lotus, they are like an insignificant ant, against this green lotus.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

But suddenly, at this moment, the green lotus that was slowly rotating, at this moment, the speed of its rotation suddenly suddenly increased ten times dozens of times, forming a blue light, making At a glance there was a sense of dizziness.

However, even if the speed of this green lotus is dozens of times higher than that of the previous one, the people present can still clearly see the appearance of this green lotus without any blur. .

Some people can't stand the feeling of dizziness caused by high-speed rotation and can't help closing their eyes, but even if they have closed their eyes, the high-speed rotating green lotus is still clear His reflection in his mind could not stop the reflection of that green lotus at all.

Under this circumstance, those who were originally trained as martial arts with insufficient strength, at this moment groaned in the mouth, bleeding from the corners of their mouths, apparently already in the rotation of the Qinglian, directly hurting their souls.

In the high-speed rotation of this cyan lotus, Yunchuan also felt a dizzy feeling. His mind was consumed at a rate visible to the naked eye under the projection of the cyan lotus.

However, despite this, Yunchuan's face did not show any abnormalities, and his eyes were still staring at the cyan lotus that covered the sky.

The strength of his soul is far beyond the existence of ordinary equivalent realms. He has previously absorbed the power of a quintessential soul that extinguishes the demon. The strength of his soul is strengthened horizontally, and the projection of the blue lotus is consumed by ordinary martial art It can be said to be horrible, so that the power of its soul is severely damaged in just a few breaths, but for Yunchuan, this kind of consumption is nothing compared to his huge power of soul. At this rate of consumption, even for the past day, it would be impossible for Yunchuan to cause any trauma.

Because of this, Yunchuan has been staring at the cyan lotus tightly without any concerns. The rotation of this cyan lotus, although it will unknowingly consume people's soul power, but However, it seems to contain a certain sense of reason, giving Yunchuan a familiar feeling.

"It is the power of doctrine!"

Yunchuan always stared at the cyan lotus that was constantly spinning, his eyes were a little sour, and after a long time of incense, Yunchuan finally remembered the kind of familiarity that brought him from where, suddenly Suddenly his eyes widened.

He looked around and found that no one had an unusual color on his face, and then he was relieved, a very depressing shock in his eyes.

According to Yunchuan's observations of the people around him, no one should recognize the power of the Tao in the presence. In fact, it should be the same. Tao is a thing that can exist only in the world. If Yunchuan had previously accepted a void doctrine in the demon shrine, and a colorful doctrine in the treasure land of colorful gods, I am afraid he would not feel anything at all.

However, because Yunchuan had previously contacted and owned two Taoism, at this moment, he was very familiar with the Taoism exposed on the blue lotus flower in front of him.

Prior to this, Yunchuan's Void Path obtained Yunchuan's understanding of the power of the Void at the time of his birth, while the colorful path recently acquired by Yunchuan, It was preliminary that Yunchuan realized the power of the Five Elements.

Today, Yunchuan is on top of this green lotus, but he feels a kind of extreme sharpness, which gives Yunchuan a feeling. If this green lotus thinks, then he can give this world anytime and anywhere. Cut it out.

Even at the moment when this feeling rose, Yunchuan's back, at this moment, could not help but emerged one by one tiny tadpoles, that cyan lotus flower, when looking at Yunchuan at this moment, was more like a The stalk has the edge of a sharp sword.

"No wonder, the former Qinglian sword sigh would sigh, and it is no wonder that this Qinglian secret realm can give Qinglian sword sect the capital to become a super block, now it looks like this green lotus is at least one In no way inferior to the things left by the existence of the colorful true gods, but in the face of such a treasure mountain, the entire Qinglian sword sect was not fully mined, even the Qinglian sword lord and the Qinglian sword sect The ancestor of Kaizong did not do this. If not, Qinglian Jianzong may already have become the first super superzong! "

Yunchuan's eyes flickered, and he looked at the cyan lotus flower that was turning faster and faster, and his heart was groaning secretly, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

"The Qinglian Secret Realm, the reason why the treasure has not been opened up and down by Qinglian Jianzong for so many years, it seems that it is the lack of the three magical tokens like the previous colorful gods treasure. Things have led to the situation today, but even so, this time I am here! "

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