The Legendary Roll

Chapter 823: Change of nineteen

"Huh? Yunchuan, you junior!"

The long line of snow and ice was galloping, and after a few breaths, it had reached a position very close to Yunchuan. When he saw Yunchuan, his face was suddenly surprised.

Although this Snow God's disciple looks like a middle-aged man, in his words, he feels a sense of old-fashioned.

"who are you?"

Yunchuan's complexion sank, and Shen said, asking.

"Who am I? Naturally, I am a disciple of Snow God's inner disciple, Duan Qianli."

The apprentice disciple of the Snow God heard Yunchuan's words, his face changed suddenly, but the next moment he completely concealed his look, and opened his mouth coldly toward Yunchuan, slowly.

"who are you?"

Yunchuan shook his head, and looked at the disciple of the Snow God with a deep and deep look, and continued to speak, still the same question as before.

However, he asked this sentence in the same way as before, and the disciple on the other side suddenly looked a little ugly. Looking at Yunchuan's eyes, the intention of killing was undisguised.

"Yunchuan, it is indeed Elder Yunchuan Yun. The old man still looked down upon you. He actually saw the old man's true body in a face-to-face meeting. Deliberately cover up, now you actually see a little clue. "

After Yunchuan's words fell, the disciple of the Snow God laughed, his voice no longer covered up, and it became the old and decaying voice.

"So it is."

Seeing the words of this Snow God disciple, Yunchuan also verified some of his original speculation, and sneered and said, "The Snow God is indeed a super stupid. The disciples in China, if I expected it well, the original disciple of the snow god, now I am afraid I can't die anymore! "

A bit of coldness appeared on Yunchuan's face, and the scene today is indeed beyond his expectations. The disciple of the Snow God has long been taken away by the people, and the soul and spirit are destroyed, and that will The one who won the house is the elder of his ancestor.

It can successfully conceal the existence of the supreme class of Qinglian Sword Emperor in this world. According to Yunchuan's estimation, the other party is also at least half a step into the supreme state of repair. This is only possible if the mental calculation is inadvertent. Lian Jianzun concealed the sky.

I am afraid that Qinglian Sword Master would never have thought that this time in his ancestral land of Qinglian Sword Sect, he would actually mix in the elders of each of these half-step Supreme Realms. One Snow God sect did so, others Super big, Yunchuan guesses that it will be the same.

That is to say, the nineteen people in the dense environment of Qinglian nowadays are no longer the original nineteen people, but they are most likely to be nineteen and a half step supreme existence.

In this case, even if Yunchuan, there is no previous grasp of the existence of these dozens of people who have already been taken away. The elder of the super-snow snow sect in front of him is the same as what he has seen before. The elders who are different from each other are different, and their vitality is already very strong. Obviously, it is the kind of existence that is already close to the limit of life.

Yunchuan naturally knows this kind of principal elder. In fact, in his sacred sect, there is also such an chief elder. His cultivation strength has already reached half-step magical power, but because of the relationship between qualifications and opportunities, However, he has never been able to take that last step and become a real world-class supreme existence.

And this kind of elders in general does not appear in front of the world, they are all closed to death, in order to one day be able to break through that last step and become the supreme existence of the real world.

Although Yunchuan is now the elder of the Heavenly King Sect, he knows it. Even in the Heavenly King Sect of Heaven, he has never seen these elders of the Lord before, but now he is here. Arrived at the statue of the Snow God.

When he heard the other party ’s true identity, in Yunchuan ’s mind, the alert moment had reached its maximum. He knew in his heart that these principal elders who were already on the verge of Shouyuan ’s limit, although they were close to their Shouyuan ’s limit. Life is short, but the real strength is not to be underestimated. It is definitely the strongest existence in the world in the respective super block.

"Oh, my disciple can die for the rise of my sect, that is his own great glory. Even if he is dead, he is on the road with a smile. Elder Laoyun is worried."

The elder of the Snow God master smiled and looked at Yunchuan and said, "Not to mention, the old man Xue Qianjiu, although he has not been born for hundreds of years, but my cultivation has reached the most under the world. The strong man, the old man wants to take away an insider disciple of the house, even if he is reluctant, it is still an effortless obedience to me.

Yunchuan's eyes narrowed, and he sneered openly: "Oh, the next sentence is probably the true situation, but Xue Qianjiu, although you say that your strength has reached the strongest in the world, but But I still ca n’t take that last step. There should be very little left in Shouyuan ’s limit. In addition, under the force of the soul, the consumption is already your vitality and origin. If it is expected, you It won't be long before the spirits fly away! "

Yunchuan's words fell, and the face of Xue Qianjiu immediately opposite became suddenly ugly, apparently Yunchuan's words poke the opponent's pain.

The look of Xue Qianjiu suddenly became ugly, and the killing sent out from all over him was not concealed, and the horrible killings shrouded in all directions, saying: "Yunchuan, the old man was out of the mountains this time. I plan to meet you here, but it ’s a surprise to the husband. You know, the snow you have killed earlier is ruthless, it ’s my husband and my nephew. The master needs to consider too much. For the sake of the entire Snow God's consideration, I can't kill you personally. Today, the old man will take his own shot and seek a fair for my bitter nephew! "

"You are also named Xue. It seems to be the relationship between the snow gods. Xuerantiantiantian Supreme is your elder brother? Poor, really pitiful. It seems that your qualifications are really too poor. Xuerantian's old ghost is better than you There are still a lot of old people, and you are still alive today, but you have become so old. "

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