The Legendary Roll

Chapter 827: It ’s better than heaven

Today's Xue Qianjiu has long been covered by endless fear. In his opinion, the reason why such a terrible change has occurred in the Qinglian Secret Realm is probably the Qinglian sword. Zun, has discovered that he is a fake, and wants to kill him here directly.

Being a thief was guilty, but that was how Xue Qianjiu was furious, and the depth of his eyes was deep but he couldn't hide his fear.

What made Xue Qianjiu somewhat surprised was that although Yunchuan in the distance was in the late stage of refining the virtual realm, the cultivation of the half-step magical power was strength, but at the moment when he was driving the silver flying boat, the speed was still It's a little faster than the existence of his half-step supreme state.

When he tried Yunchuan ’s tentative shot, Yunchuan ’s speed was only the same as his magical speed. In other words, before that, Yunchuan did n’t use his full strength, just playing him. That's it.

"Yunchuan little thief, even if you are clever, but at this moment it is a cocoon to restrain yourself. Even if you have a great ability, it is difficult to escape!"

Xue Qianjiu's heart was full of anger, but looking at Yunchuan, who was also chased in the distance, she was inexplicably relieved.

"Oh, Xue Laogui, you are dead now, and you are still worried about me, which is really touching, but even if you and I are going to die today, but looking at what they are today, you are far away. Far behind me, you can't see how I die! "

Yunchuan heard Xue Qianjiu's words with deep grudges in the distance, but he didn't think of the pestle, and looked back, just seeing that white bone skeleton was running wild at the moment, behind this white bone skeleton, There are already lotus flowers and lotus leaves, and they will spread to all around them.

This skeleton of white bones is like having to abandon Xue Qianjiu, who had fled from the flesh. His body, in the constant pursuit, has no flesh and blood. Death is like a ghost who just stepped out of hell.

The original vitality on his body was a little weak and unheard at this moment, and almost completely disappeared.

Xue Qianjiu's original Shou Yuan had little left. He originally wanted to come to this green lotus and find some opportunities to continue his life, but after a series of changes just before, he had no intention to do it. However, it is not only that the breakthrough of the original realm that can not find the chance of success can continue to succeed, but instead directly buryes the last trace of vitality that he has left.

In other words, although Xue Qianjiu is still able to escape in full force, it is already like a living dead person, and can escape, relying solely on his own superb repair.

Xue Qianjiu's face was gloomy. As a half-step supreme figure, he naturally knew his physical condition very well. He knew very well that with his current physical condition, as long as he could not live longer In ten days, he will completely disappear, and the whole person cannot die.

Without any vitality, even if he is the supreme figure in the world, it is extremely difficult to continue to support it, not to mention that today's Xue Qianjiu can only be regarded as a half-step Supreme, Xue Qianjiu I knew in my heart that there was only one way to change his situation today, and that was to find an opportunity to make a breakthrough in this ten-day period, and to make my own progress in strength and breakthrough into the world. Environment can do it.

"However, under normal circumstances, the old man hasn't stepped out of this last step for hundreds of years. Now he is being pursued and it is even more difficult to break through."

Xue Qianjiu now has a skeleton-like body. Although the flesh and blood is said to be constantly regenerating, it is difficult to attach even a breath time to his body.

And at this moment, after the lotus flowers stretched a long distance, the flowers blossomed suddenly, showing a thrilling beauty at first glance.

Even at this moment, there was a faint scent, which gradually spread out as the lotus bloomed, and permeated the mouths and noses of Yunchuan and Xue Qianjiu who were fleeing.

The next moment, in the eyes of the two who were fleeing, illusions piled up one after another, making them like drunks drunk, and the pace became somewhat stumbled when they fled.

"what is that!"

Just as the two fled all the way, two super-major disciples appeared in the path they passed. The two super-major disciples struck monks' robes, which are two of Daguangming Temple. Disciples inside.

From the appearance of the two inner gate disciples of the two Great Guangming Temples, both of them are in the late stage of refining the virtual realm, and the cultivation of the half-step magical realm is strength. When I saw the vast lotus leaves and lotuses spreading in the distance, my face was astonished, but then, when I met Yunchuan and Xue Qianjiu who were in front of me, they were exposed. Happy color.

"That is not Yunchuan of the Heavenly Emperor's Sect. He actually met him here. Seeing what he looks like, he seems to be chased by something. Murphy, what rare sight did he get in this dense environment of Qinglian? That ’s why it ’s so miserable now? "

At this moment, one of the disciples of the Great Guangming Temple showed shock and joy, saying: "Although the Yunchuan is the same as our realm, under normal circumstances, I and the other two will never decide to be their opponents. I There is also self-knowledge, but now he seems to be hunted for a long time, and his strength has definitely fallen to the lowest point in history. Behind him, he seems to be a disciple of Snow God, but the other party is more It's miserable, even the strength of one's flesh is almost disappeared, and there is only an empty body. I am afraid that its strength is no longer there. It happened that the two of us took the treasure in their hands. Opportunity, let the two of them wait for the wedding dress for me! "

In the distance, the other Daguangming Temple's face is also exposed, shaking his head, sighing and opening his mouth, "It is true, the sky does not take, this is too big, even if my Buddha knows, he will not forgive me. People, however, Brother Lingguang, should I shoot to Yunchuan, or do I like a snow disciple who has only bones left? "

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