The Legendary Roll

Chapter 845: Whoever dares to say I will kill anyone

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

The **** Buddhas made their first arrival after this moment, and they fell directly on the falling silver flying boat. Alas, the overwhelming click of the silver flying boat was released. There are many cracks as fine as spider webs.

Yunchuan's silver flying boat, which was originally tempered by him, is already a treasure of magical powers, but at this moment, under the attack of those black Buddhas who were all over the body, it was instantly broken by the defense, and it was called broken and broken. Exaggerated.

The teenager's face turned white again, his mouth spit blood, and the capillaries all over his body exploded at this moment, a burst of blood mist erupted, making Yunchuan at this moment, the whole person seemed to become a blood person directly. general.

These black Buddhas, which have been completely black, have been assimilated by the Emperor Zen Master by the magical seeds, and the strength of each one has been arrogant compared with the previous one, and Yunchuan's whole person has been hit again.

As soon as that effort was taken, Yunchuan fell into such an almost dead end.

Yunchuan reluctantly stabilized his body, his body was full of blood, and he was able to recover as fast as possible from the severely damaged body. The bones on the whole body clicked and recovered at a very fast speed.

It ’s just that his recovery speed is much faster than the previous one, but it is still far from enough. He has n’t waited for him to fully recover. Xue Qianjiu from the distance and a master Zen Emperor , The two have already come down.


However, just as Xue Qianjiu and Lingguang Zen Master came crashing, just as soon as they reached Yunchuan's whole body, Yunchuan's eyes flashed a sharp light. Away.

Both Xue Qianjiu and Master Lingguang already thought that Yunchuan was under such a horrible attack. Even if he was lucky enough to survive, he was already seriously injured and would not have the resistance. However, Yunchuan The three Jianmangs that were waved between them unexpectedly exceeded their expectations.

"Little devil is looking for death!"

Master Lingguang was the first to be hit by the three sword-mans. The power of the three sword-mans suddenly came to the attention. Now there is a master Ling-chan who has almost the strength of the world, but he does not care about these three attacks. But it contains a weird power that makes him only feel that the body and spirit are directly separated.

However, this feeling of being physically separated from the spirit is only for a short time. Now, after all, he already has the power of the world, after he was slightly hurt by the spirit, the next moment Suppressed.

But this also made him furious. The former Emmanuel Zen Emperor had been stunned by Yunchuan for a long time, and his mood became extremely unstable because of his demonization. Chuan suddenly became furious when he was hurt suddenly.

"Hehe, Master Lingguang, even now you say that I am a little devil, I really don't know how to say you better."

Yunchuan wiped the blood stain on the corner of his mouth, sneered, and looked at the Lingguang Zen Master with disdain, and sneered.

Nowadays, Master Lingguang is so enraged that he can feel a sense of trembling at first glance. It is better to say that he is a downright demon head.

"Master Lingguang, now if you return to Daguangming Temple, if you say that the Lord of the Buddha will directly give you the demon guardian, I am sure that the Buddha ’s deeds will definitely in this way."

At this moment, Yunchuan's entire body exploded at a very fast speed and then retreated. He continued to speak. His words made Master Lingguang's complexion look more like a black pot at the moment, making it extremely difficult to look.

Obviously, although Master Zen Emperor is immersed in the joy of strength improvement at this moment, he still has great worries in his heart. If he returns to the Great Guangming Temple, the former elder elder will definitely be gone. Not only that, he was even taken down by the entire Great Guangming Temple, thinking about it, his complexion suddenly became extremely shivering.

"Huh! What about it, little devil ... you have to come to disturb my mind, now I have roughly the strength of the world, as long as it can kill you, to At that time, Lord Molian will be able to enhance my strength again. How old is the Lord Buddha? I will replace it at that time. If anyone dares to say me, I will kill anyone! "

The pain in my heart was stirred by Yunchuan's words. Master Lingguang's complexion was so utterly embarrassing that he didn't stop any more, and then went towards Yunchuan again.

And Xue Qianjiu, not far behind Master Lingguang, heard Yunchuan's words at this moment. The bouncing magic flame on his body stopped the beat of several beats at this moment. In the thick black eyes, at this moment, the previous struggle appeared again, and the speed was much slower than before.

However, Yunchuan has been retreating at full speed, so the distance between the two has widened. For a while, the pressure that Yunchuan faced was much less than the previous one, only to face it alone. That aura master.

"This snow Qianjiu!"

At this moment, Master Lingguang turned around and saw Xue Qianjiu, whose speed slowed down sharply, and his face was more angry, and he said angrily, "But it doesn't matter, Yunchuan, even if I'm alone, I can definitely treat you. More than enough! "

The magic lotus above the sky, after seeing that Xue Qianjiu appeared abnormal again, also stopped the rotation of several breaths, and angrily said, "Now, even now, I have not been enchanted by my magic. The assimilation of the seeds is unforgivable! I gave up the idea of ​​taking you as a demon servant, but only one aura is enough to deal with that kid! "

Obviously, Xue Qianjiu's current appearance is not the same as this magic lotus, and instead he pinned his hope on Master Lingguang.

The headless man in a distant place standing on a solitary boat had no sorrow or joy, and saw nothing unusual.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

A series of horrific sonic booms came, and the black buddha once again showed the trend of encirclement, completely blocking Yunchuan's way back.

On the front side, there is the Emperor Zen Emperor who has recovered from the three swords that Yunchuan had previously waved, and the black gas is pouring over Yunchuan.

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