The Legendary Roll

Chapter 852: Bet, variable

"Oh, did I lose?"

Molian smiled and said, "Qing Lian, willing to bet on losing. If I really lose, then I will naturally keep my previous promise. However, Xue Qianji over there has not been defeated. It's too early for anyone to win. "

"I ..... I give in ...."

However, just as Molian's voice fell, Xue Qianjiu's painful voice came from afar.

At this moment, Xue Qianjiu was still surrounded by the enchanting magical energy. Many horrible demonic spirits swirled around him, trying to get into Xue Qianjiu's body.

Obviously, Xue Qianjiu at this moment is still suffering the great pain brought by the seeds of magic gas, and the words just said, he has already suffered unimaginable torture.

"Did I let you lose!"

The voice of Molian was low, and the intention of killing was pervasive. The entire world of Qinglian's dense realm became extremely dim.

With his words, Xue Qianjiu's body was constantly surging and surging magical energy, and the black light burst into the sky, all poured into Xue Qianjiu's body.

Immediately after that, Xue Qianjiu's arm, after being poured into it by those magical qi, instantly became a dark and dark black color.

One of Xue Qianjiu's legs was also infected by those magical qi at this moment. On the black arm of Xue Qianjiu's soaked, a black snow and snow dragon had suddenly condensed, and he was heading towards the cloud Chuan's area attacked.

That leg of Xue Qianjiu who had been impregnated with magical qi, at this moment was also taking a step, striding towards the direction of Yunchuan, and his intentions were boiling.

"Don't think!"

Xue Qianjiu's face was struggling at this moment, and she tried her best to control her arm and arm that had been controlled.

Although one of his arms and arms had been completely shrouded in that magical qi, the other arm and arm had nothing unusual and was not eroded by the magical qi.

His other arm, at this moment, used all his strength, grabbed his other arm, and prevented its movement.

And his leg, in order not to let it go, even directly kneeled on the ground on one knee, so that the whole person showed a strange twisted feeling.

This situation seemed shocking. Although Xue Qianjiu had only half of his body to control, the other half was dragging on the other half of the demonized body.


At this moment, in his hand, a long snow knife was disillusioned, and he suddenly chopped off at his other arm.

"Molian, although the husband said that he wanted to break through the realm, he would never immerse himself in the magic in this way and become your running dog!"

Xue Qianjiu roared loudly, and the resoluteness contained in it made Yunchuan in the distance a little moved. After the ice and snow sword fell, he directly cut off his demonized arm and thigh.

But after his arms and thighs were cut off, there was no blood pouring out, but a thick black gas spewed out of him, and he continued to shroud him.

The gap between strength and the horror on the realm left Xue Qianjiu with almost no resistance, and he was once again enveloped by the endless black magic. This time, his surroundings have been rendered into A dark color.

His originally cut off arms and thighs grew again at this moment. His flesh and blood also turned into a dark color, the color of struggle in his eyes was stronger, but he was bit by bit. That magical energy devoured.


In Xue Qianjiu's mouth, a roaring sound like a beast was made, and it suddenly jumped towards Yunchuan.

In his eyes, this time it has completely turned into a thick black color, which looks shocking. Unlike the previous enlightenment of the master Lingguang Zen, Xue Qianjiu at this moment has no glory in his eyes, only There was an extremely deep, dark color.

Obviously, today's Xue Qianjiu does not have any intellect. All his intellects have been erased, leaving only the instinct left by the existence of the half-step supreme state.

After seeing this scene, the magic lotus above the sky finally showed a smile, and there was a look of expectation in his eyes.

Today, he can be said to have encountered too many irregularities, and there were too many things that exceeded his expectations. Of course, Yunchuan was among its biggest variables.

However, Yunchuan, as a figure favored by Qinglian, can have a lot of surprises. Molian can still understand, but Xue Qianjiu here, one ordinary character, actually counteracts his magical assimilation and erosion. Such a long time really exceeded his expectations and became the biggest variable.

In Yunchuan, although it is said that the demonized Emperor Zen Emperor was beheaded and killed, he himself has already exhausted his lamps. Whether it is the power of the element or the power of the soul, all ten have been consumed, even the flesh and blood. The power is also absent, compared to the previous days of being chased and killed by Molian.

This state, not to mention these people who were present, even a mortal without the power of a chicken, was able to chop Yunchuan there. It can be said that it was the best opportunity to deal with Yunchuan at that time.

Molian he really felt the threat from Yunchuan, and wanted to do it, but his deadly opponent Qinglian was watching from the side. If he shot against Yunchuan, there would be no doubt that Qinglian would also treat him. Hands on, at that time he will also be severely hit, and may even never turn over.

It is precisely because of this that after Master Lingguang ’s death, he put all his previous hopes on Xue Qianjiu, but Xue Qianjiu once again exceeded his expectations, even in his magic. Under the erosion of seeds, he stumbled against him for so long.

Even he had to increase the intensity of the magic gas erosion, which only suppressed Xue Qianjiu's sense of resistance.

However, after a long period of competition, Yunchuan, which had previously been exhausted, has already recovered a lot. Unlike the previous lack of resistance, it has added to it. Less variables.

"I can still win, Qinglian, I won this bet!"

At the moment Molian's face showed a sorrowful color, with a roar in his mouth. With his roar, Xue Qianjiu's body was more enchanted, and his speed increased a bit. He had become weaker because of his resistance to magic At this moment, the breath of breath suddenly rose up at a very fast speed.

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