The Legendary Roll

Chapter 861: Qinglian sword fairy

The Arakawa Supreme and the Qinglian Sword Supreme screamed and came to Yunchuan's side, both of them looked extremely dignified.

"Hehe, there are two poor and humble worms, and you will all be sacrificed by my blood!"

The magic lotus in the high altitude slowly rotated, revealing the extremely evil voice from it.

"Molian, if you continue like this, you will only perish."

Opposite Molian, Qinglian slowly spoke. Although he said that he had escaped from that smash, he still had a big gap with Molian, especially in terms of true strength. His whole body, the chain of heaven-locked at this moment, has doubled as compared with the previous one. Although the speed of dissolving is much faster than before, it is still far from enough.

No matter from which point of view, there is still a one-sided situation between the two.

"Molian, have you heard of the Dark Lord?"

Just then, Yunchuan slowly opened his mouth, breaking this indescribable depression.

"Dark Demon? Have you seen him?"

Hearing Yunchuan's words, Molian's voice revealed a touch of wonder, and when he looked towards Yunchuan, he was already in doubt.


Seeing Molian's reaction at this moment, Yunchuan's face showed a hint of clarity.

He sent a voice to Qinglian in the distance and asked, "Senior Qinglian, you said earlier that this magic lotus was formed when you were invaded by magic gas, but you do n’t know. What's the inside story, what's wrong with this lotus? "

I am a madman, Tiange laughs at Jiuqiu. Holding the green jade staff, head towards the heaven and earth floor. Fuzhou searched for a long way, and traveled to the North Sea in a lifetime. There are many divergent roads in the North Sea, and the avenue is like a green lotus. I ca n’t find it alone. I always see dragons and snakes walking.

Yunchuan still remembers that when the headless Qingpao Qinglian first appeared, the words spoken in his mouth, and the words, revealed too much news, but the information previously disclosed by the other party, Let Yunchuan just add some speculation, and can not really confirm.

Yunchuan's words asked, and Qinglian's headless body trembled at this moment, but after two breaths, his voice was also transmitted to Yunchuan's ears.

After hearing the voice of Qinglian, a headless man with a robe, his face looked shocked, and his eyes were shocked. Obviously it was the other's voice that raised a wave in his heart.

According to Fang Cai's voice, this green lotus is the master of this green lotus.

At the time of the other party's cultivation, at the peak, he reached the peak of the semi-god realm. Only the last step was necessary to enter the real **** realm. Even his accomplishments on Kendo could cross a realm, and The existence of the real state of God contends.

However, according to Qinglian, the barrier between the realm of the demi-god and the real-god is the harder it is to repair, the more difficult it is to break, and Qinglian is caught in this strange circle, even if he is in Kendo The above attainments have been able to contend with the existence of the true god, but because of various restrictions, he has never been able to break through the realm and truly promote to the real god.

Because of this, Qinglian traveled in many places and wanted to find his own breakthrough opportunities. He once traveled to mountains and rivers, and also to small and ordinary countries. He left legends and legends in it. For Qinglian sword fairy.

Later, due to the coincidence of his chance, he felt a bit and felt that Beihai might be an opportunity for him to break through, so he came to Beihai.

You must know that Xiuwei ’s strength has reached such a level that he is already very keen on his instincts. In this case, he followed his intuition and guided him to the North Sea. Sure enough, he found his own breakthrough opportunity. To enter the realm of the true God.

But what he didn't expect was that when he broke through, a dark gas suddenly appeared in the depths of the North Sea, invaded his whole body, and wanted to erode his soul.

You should know that the breakthrough from the semi-god realm to the real **** realm was a huge thing for the Qinglian Sword Fairy at the time. At the time of the breakthrough, it was most taboo to be disturbed, and Qinglian Sword Xian naturally also knows this, so the breakthrough opportunity he chose has already laid down a rigorous defense, even if it exceeds his realm, the existence of the real divine realm, it is impossible to break through the defense he laid out at that time. , Into it.

Originally, this could be said to be foolproof, but accidentally, under the foolproof arrangement of Qinglian Jianxian, accidental happening happened.

That black gas rushed into his body and turned into a demon head. He wanted to completely take away his mind. The strength of the black gas at that time was similar to him, and he even had to be faint. The means of attack is also unusually weird.

Originally, under normal circumstances, even if the strength of that black gas was similar to that of Qinglian Sword Fairy, he had the absolute confidence to be able to kill it, but the timing of that black gas appeared to be too clever. It was the most critical period when he broke through.

In that state, he can be said to have reached the lowest point of defense. Although he has done his best to defend, he is still being eroded by that black gas, and he will be taken away by that black gas.

However, Qinglian Sword Fairy is Qinglian Sword Fairy after all. In that state, he still fights back to the Jedi. At that time, he had almost completely broken through to the real God's realm, but he resolutely gave up the opportunity to completely break into the real God's realm. With the help of this anti-shock force, most of the black gas that eroded his mind was destroyed.

By that time, more than half of the black gas has become one with his mind, that is to say, although he fights back and destroys this black gas, but at this moment, he is no longer purely him, but changed. Become a mixed existence with that black gas.

The blackness that eroded his mind was always thinking about completely devouring him, and entering the outside world to restore cultivation. In this case, Qinglian Sword Fairy resolutely connected the other party with himself and trapped together. When he was in the secret world of his original small world, this small world became a yoke of both, and has been locked up to this day.

And in this, for a long time, the ancestor of the Qinglian sword ancestor strayed into this Qinglian secret realm, and under various chances and coincidences, he got some of his inheritance, so there was Qinglian Jianzong this super big.

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