The Legendary Roll

Chapter 863: Sword Light Beyond Boundaries

Qinglian Jianzun opened her mouth, and the color of groan was revealed on her face.

Arakawa Supreme nodded his head and said, "After all, the predecessor of Qinglian Sword Fairy is a horrible existence that has once impacted the real state of God. All these means, such as these characters, I have been unable to play any role because of the large level difference , And the sword trick you created earlier has touched the realm of time, and maybe that's what the devil is afraid of. "

The view of Arakawa Supreme is stronger than that of Qinglian Sword Master, and he is more acutely aware of some essential existence, opening his mouth to Yunchuan Road.

Yunchuan passed the reminder of two people, and his eyes brightened, and he also thought of this. His realm, after all, was far from the supreme level of the two world realms, Arakawa Supreme and Qinglian Sword Supreme. As soon as people opened up and analyzed, they suddenly felt that they were turning away from Qingtian and Yueming.

"The devil's killing effect on me was not strong before, but when I created the three swords to kill three lives, his killing effect on me has become so rich that it seems that my sword The trick, judging from various situations, is indeed a great threat to Molian. "

Yunchuan groaned secretly. After reminding them of Arakawa Supreme and Qinglian Sword Master, he thought about the formation of both Qinglian and Molian. According to Qinglian, this Molian was originally a **** of darkness. That kind of devil wanted to seize the green lotus that was breaking through the realm at that time. For various reasons, this formed the situation where the green lotus and the magic lotus were integrated and integrated on both sides.

"Well, you are all going to die now, don't even want to live!"

At this moment, the twirling mound of lotus in the air at this moment came out with a thunderous sound like thunder, mixed with horrible sound waves, and diffused in all directions.

Because this piece of Qinglian Secret had been cut open by a big hole by Qinglian Sword before, the Qinglian Secret that was originally in the void can no longer be hidden, and was completely exposed to the outside world, so that the whole The Beihai is constantly pouring back into the Qinglian dense environment. Within a short period of time, half of the entire Qinglian dense environment has been covered by seawater.

Of course, the three people of Yunchuan and Arakawa Supreme Qinglian Sword Supreme have all been submerged in this endless ocean at this moment, but even if they are in the sea, their cultivation is the realm. Not affected in the slightest by this.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

At this moment, with the roar of the devil in the sky, many seawater around him exploded at this moment, and even transpired into water vapor.

In a momentary effort, the seawater formed a vacuum around the three people in Yunchuan.

A black robe figure of Molien had been differentiated before, and at this moment it was completely integrated into the whispering Molian. The Molian that covered the sky came to several people at this moment. It's more than twice as powerful as before.

This shot, he apparently has no reservations. In this situation, no one has any doubts, even Qinglian cannot resist such a terrorist attack.

Because this kind of attack is no longer the ordinary attack of the previous kind, but has already inspired the power of the entire world of Qinglian's dense environment. At this moment, Molian has obviously decided to go all out, because over time, he will Qing Lian's secret control will become weaker and weaker. If he really delays, his advantage over him will become lower and lower.

In this case, preemptive action is his best choice.

Qing Lian uttered a bang and greeted the Demon Lotus, but the next moment, under the horrible blow of Demon Lotus that engulfed the power of heaven and earth, the whole person went backwards and fell directly outside the thousand feet. The chain is constantly strengthened with the attack of Molian, binding Qinglian's headless body tightly.

"You can't help it."

Molian sneered, Zhang was arrogant. In his opinion, although the situation at this moment can be regarded as a crisis to him, it can also be regarded as a huge opportunity. As long as it is successful Several people were killed at the scene. Even if he lost the bet with Qinglian before and had to stay here again for a hundred years, they could still rely on this one and rely on the one that was previously blasted by Qinglian Sword Master to the outside world. The connected big hole emerged successfully.

Under normal circumstances, Qing Lian has been his deadly opponent for countless years. Although he has been suppressed by him in these years, neither of them can really be better, but at this moment, because Qing Lian must protect Yunchuan behind him. The reason gave him a chance instead.

The coercion of the huge black magic lotus at this moment has even surpassed the previous level, with a level of terror close to the real God.

Qinglian and Molian have been merged into one, but the Qinglian sword fairy long ago had the ability to break through to the true divine realm. However, in this long period of time, the magic lotus was still thought of by Qinglian sword fairy. The converted Qinglian has been imprisoned in this Qinglian dense realm, but the same, he also stole most of the power of the Qinglian sword fairy.

Now it is out, even if it is not as powerful as the real divine realm, but it is not far behind, even if Qinglian is present, it cannot be stopped at all.

"Senior Qinglian!"

As soon as the situation on the field came to an end, at this moment, Yunchuan yelled.

With his roar, Qinglian in the distance, despite being entangled in chains, suddenly rose and greeted Molian.

Moreover, while Qing Lian greeted the distant magic lotus in the distance, all the power and spirit of his body around him, like Wang Yang raging, without any reservation, went towards Yunchuan.

"Are you crazy?"

Molian was startled by this sudden situation, but frowned after seeing Qinglian's situation.

At this moment, Qing Lian has eloquently poured all of Yuan's strength and soul power into Yunchuan. He has no reservations on his own. It can be said that he is weak to the point of no attachment, as long as he moves a little. Attentive, Qing Lian can be killed directly by him.

"It's your own death!"

Seeing that Qing Lian was banging at him, the murderousness of Mo Lian was pervasive, and she was going to shoot at Qing Lian.

But at this moment, Yunchuan in the distance, after accepting Qinglian ’s swarming power of Yuan and the power of the soul, a blue horror sword light seemed to exceed the limit that the entire world can bear. Yokohama The entire Qinglian Secret Realm was condensed and formed.

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