The Legendary Roll

Chapter 894: Moving sea of ​​blood

With the bombardment of so many super stupid masters and elders, the prescription position that Yunchuan previously pointed to suddenly became a blast, the sea water was trembling violently, and the air was filled with endless water mist. After the red water vapor transpired, it fell directly into a thunderous thunder in the lightning flash.

Although there are more and more snakes and monsters appearing in all directions, it is no longer possible to prevent such a scene from happening. The almost endless water of blood and sea is evaporating and boiling. In that time, as everyone ’s Looking at it, the sea of ​​blood was directly cut out by them all into a large hole, and the original seawater in the big hole was evaporating, so that the water of the blood sea elsewhere could not flow in for a while.

Looking out from the big hole that was cut out, he could clearly see the outside scene. The shocking color appeared on Yunchuan's face, because from the big hole that appeared briefly, he had clearly seen it. The outside world is the North Sea, they are passing through the North Sea at a very fast speed.

In this case, it was as if they had strayed into the belly of a whale and were wrapped around by that huge whale. In this case, even Yunchuan, after seeing this scene, there was a moment A sense of strangeness.

However, the resilience of this sea of ​​blood is extremely amazing. The large and transparent hole that was opened by everyone in a single blow only lasted for about half a breath, followed by the water of the sea of ​​blood in all directions. Already rushing in, blocked that big hole and disappeared.

But half of the breathing time has allowed most of the martial arts to see this situation. The shocking color on each face is not weaker than Yunchuan.

"This ... the reason why I couldn't escape before was because the sea of ​​boundless blood was always moving at high speed?"

Next to Yunchuan, Arakawa Supreme, who has also seen this scene, frowned slightly, and looked around, as if thinking of something ordinary, and said.

On the face of the Supreme Sea of ​​Blood, at this moment, there was also a shock on the face, just a glimpse of the horror. He was also clear and clear. His understanding of the Sea of ​​Blood may be unparalleled at the scene. Naturally, It can be seen that the area where they are now is no longer in the same direction as the sea of ​​blood.

His heart was inexplicable, and at this moment he had once again affirmed the words of Yunchuan, that is, this sea of ​​blood, which is really far beyond the previous, even if his blood sea demon was established in this sea of ​​blood Yes, but the understanding of the whole sea of ​​blood is still far from enough.

In particular, the sea of ​​blood actually moves. For the first time in many years, he has seen it.

It is no wonder that they will always be unable to escape before this, and they will feel that this sea of ​​blood has become infinitely broad. The reason for this should be that the sea of ​​blood is always moving in front of them. This movement is not an ordinary movement, and It is related to space, so that they are always in the center of this sea of ​​blood.

Now Yunchuan and the crowd are like trapped beasts trapped in cages. After being bombarded by the crowd, the sea of ​​blood has become more violent, and the power of corrosion within it has grown out of thin air. It is several times or even dozens of times as much, so that the power of the people and the power of the soul is also ten times and hundreds times faster than before.

Moreover, what made Yunchuan's face even more alarming was that the head-to-head serpent giants appearing one by one around them no longer had only a few as before, but poured out one after another and rushed towards the crowd.

Under this gush, although the strength of these monsters is much less than before, only the higher-level cultivation of the world, but the number is even greater

Continuing this way, I am afraid that at most it will be half a day, there will be major casualties among the people present. In this situation, it is like a beast that is desperate after being injured.

At this time, even the Buddha Lord, Xue Luantian, etc., have no other thoughts, and do their best to resist.

Everyone has been able to see that just before everyone joined hands, the big hole that was torn out of this sea of ​​blood really hurt the monster in this sea of ​​blood. At the moment of the shot, except to deal with those endless snakes The monster, most of the other strengths, focused on bombarding this sea of ​​blood.


Yunchuan's face was dignified, and a wave of falling swords emerged from his hands.

Yunchuan's body was extremely fast, avoiding the attacks that came to him.

Although the monsters of these people ’s snake bodies are already weaker than the previous ones, they are not what Yunchuan can face. Fortunately, the speed of the silver flying boat after Yunchuan ’s recasting is already faster than before. Too much to make Yunchuan like a silver swimming fish, swaying under the huge body of a large snake.

And his attack was very strong for the blood sea below. Each fall of Jianguang caused the blood sea below to directly blast the giant waves. The giant waves have not yet fully risen, and they have already been attacked by Jianguang. The terrifying power it contained was completely annihilated, not even the water vapor.

As time went by, Yunchuan's understanding of the Qinglian Sword Seeds previously obtained in the Qinglian Secret became more and more, and Jianguang's power became more and more powerful.

Yunchuan has now fully realized that if this Qinglian sword-seeking seed can be fully comprehended by him one day, it can be completely transformed into a Qinglian Tao and give him a great leap forward.

If you want to understand the seeds of Qinglian sword, it will take a very long time for ordinary people, and even for Qinglian sword respect, but for Yunchuan, this does not exist. His own details let him It is extremely fast to realize this Qinglian sword-seeking seed, and if he one day, accumulates enough soul value, he will be able to reach a point where the supremacy of these worlds will be dazzled.

Of course, unless Yunchuan has the ability to kill world-class figures, otherwise, it will be difficult to accumulate enough soul value in a short time, but now the fur he has learned to deal with the crisis at hand has already Much better than others.

Yunchuan's face became more and more dignified. At this moment, the sea of ​​boundless blood was more and more difficult to cause effective damage to the opponent when he bombarded. The sea of ​​blood surged, giving Yunchuan a feeling just like this blood. The sea is the stomach of a fierce beast, and they are the food in the stomach.

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