The Legendary Roll

Chapter 919: Do you have any choice?

"how come....."

But the next moment, the excited smile on Bloodsea Supreme stopped abruptly, replaced by incredible, looking forward, there was even a hint of fear in the depths of his eyes.

With the eyes of Bloodsea Supreme looking at him, I saw that the red spear formed by his attack did indeed pierce the red fish, but he imagined tearing this red fish directly The scene of the crack did not appear. The red spear disappeared like a mud cow into the sea.

Moreover, this disappearance does not mean that, as when the Lord of the Buddha had taken his hand to block, the two attacks canceled each other out. In the sense of Blood Sea Supreme, his attack had been absorbed by the little red fish. Become the nourishment of each other.

As if verifying his point of view, as the red spear dissipates, the red fish that originally had only the initial fluctuations in the Yuantai state, at this moment, the fluctuations in its breath increased at a very significant rate. In a short period of time, he has been promoted from the breath fluctuation of the early Yuantai to the middle Yuantai.

The sea of ​​blood is supreme and shocked. If it is said that the other party broke his magical power by normal means, then he has not been so shocked. What shocks him is that the other party can actually absorb his power in this way. Increasing one's own body brings him a feeling, as if the magical powers of the two come from the same source, and the power held by the other party is his superior.

"How is this going!"

He opened his voice again, but there was a trembling in his voice. In the battle of the blood of the Devil's Nest, he felt a sense of restraint in the face of the boundless blood sea, but the feeling at that time was not as strong as it is now. In the face of this little red fish that only had Yuantaiyuan, he felt that as long as the other party thought, he could even endlessly mobilize his original power, which he had previously worked hard, The power of the world will definitely betray it without any hesitation.

Of course, because now this little red fish is just the strength of Yuantai's realm, and he can't accept the power of his world, so he is safe and sound, and the part that the other party can use is irrelevant to him. His power can be called by this little red fish anytime, anywhere, so that the blood sea Supreme's heart is also murderous, even more faint.

He knew, however, that this little red fish now only has the practice of Yuantai, but it does not mean that it will always be Yuantai's state. If the strength of the other party is restored, it means that as long as the boundless blood is transformed. The Red Fish thinks that his cultivation can disappear at any time without any trace, all turned into the cultivation of the little red fish, and he will also be transformed from the supreme figure of the previous world, into a handless The mortal who binds the power of chickens.

This discovery made him intolerable at all, and even made the Supreme Sea of ​​Blood almost mad.

The blood sea supreme fires again, and countless attacks with terror power cover the red fish. The power is stronger than before, but without exception, it is still the same as before, all the blood sea supreme attack power They were directly absorbed by the little red fish, and turned into nutrients for the growth and recovery of the other's strength, so that the strength of this little red fish grew directly from the early meta-natal stage to the middle meta-stage.

Seeing this scene, the crazy color of Blood Sea Supreme had disappeared without a trace. He is now able to confirm that all his attacks have no effect on the red fish. On the contrary It will also allow him to absorb his strength.

There was a tremor in his heart. Looking at the little red fish, he no longer looked at the Lord of the Buddha as before, and said: "The Lord of Buddha, what is going on here, can you make it clear?"

The word of Supreme Blood Sea is no longer as tough as before, and now he can see many doubts, especially in the past, this red little fish transformed by the boundless blood sea is the word of the Lord Buddha. A commanding tone.

The Lord Buddha is the supreme existence of the world. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for anyone to speak to him in this tone. The dignity of the existence of the world cannot be blasphemed, but the opening of the red fish is obedient and obedient. Follow the command in general.

Moreover, he had repeatedly wanted to bombard this small red fish, but the Lord Buddha himself seemed more tense than the small red fish transformed by the boundless sea of ​​blood, and could be said to be doing his best to stop.

"Oh, blood sea supreme, can you believe it now?"

It ’s just that the Lord Buddha has n’t spoken yet, the little red fish made a sound, and there was still evil and jokes in his eyes, and he opened his mouth toward the Supreme Sea of ​​Blood, and continued, “The Lord Buddha has now surrendered to me and has become my most The loyal slave, Supreme of the Sea of ​​Blood, you have discovered it now. The exercises you practice are the flawed exercises that I have deliberately passed down. As long as my mind moves, I can transfer you I am deprived of my strength as much as possible. Now you decide whether you want to give up the arrogant strength of the supreme existence of the world and become a mortal. You still have to rely on me. Like the Lord Buddha, I can promise you, as long as you trust me, Promoting to demigod in the future is a matter of course! "

This little red fish transformed by the boundless blood sea speaks again, but this time there is no previous joke in the sound, but it has a very strong ice cold. The Supreme Blood Sea can feel that as long as he refuses, in his There must be extremely bad things happening to the body.

The threat in the mouth of the little red fish made him a little shuddering, losing the peak of the world, enough to stand on the peak of the entire world of Tian Xuan, overlooking the power of beings, and turning into a mortal without the power of a chicken. It can be said that it is a life punishment.

After all, once having this kind of power, but losing it again, the pain caused by people is far more than never before, and the struggle on the Supreme Sea of ​​Blood is revealed. He knows that although the little red fish at the moment cannot He was immediately deprived of his strength, but he could not do anything to the other side. As long as the strength of the other side was restored, it would be easy to deprive him of his strength at that time.

"Do I have any other choice? Lord Buddha, this is the surprise you gave me, and I appreciate you."

Blood Sea Supreme smiled bitterly on his face, and finally bowed his head. However, when he looked at the Lord of the Buddha, his eyes were cold, and his heart was obviously not calm.

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