The Legendary Roll

Chapter 930: White bone giant

For today's Yunchuan, this level of magical treasures already belongs to the best range he can control now. After all, his current state of strength is insufficient, even if he really gives him a supreme treasure, In the hands of Yunchuan nowadays, the power displayed in Yunchuan is not as good as the magical power of the present.

"However, the ice and snow maps I obtained earlier have given me a lot of repairs in this period of time, which can exert many effects far beyond the previous, even the power of the world ’s most precious treasure. It takes a few minutes to use it. If it is used well, it will be a big killer. "

Yunchuan stood on the silver flying boat, looking at the river of death below, with some thoughts in his heart.

However, this long river of death is extremely wide. After a long time, at the speed of everyone's rapid advancement, it is worthy to travel to the middle of this long river of death.

By the middle of this death river flowing red-brown river, all kinds of death smoke clouds had begun to float faintly. These death smoke clouds showed a gray color, like a mist. When they were inside, they looked around, There is a feeling of not seeing flowers in the mist.

And this kind of gray mist has brought a lot of pressure to everyone. Yunchuan can clearly feel that the strength of body protection outside his body is facing this ubiquitous gray mist. But like hot water cooking oil, the two constantly corrode and dissipate.

Yunchuan has previously tested that if there is no body protection, exposed to the gray mist emanating from the river, the physical and blood power of the whole person will dissipate at a very rapid rate, and will be dissipated by These misty mists swallowed.

Of course, all the people who came here are the supreme existence of the world. These gray corrosive mists, for ordinary martial arts, even if there are ordinary magical powers, I am afraid they will not be able to withstand it in a short time. live.


At this moment, the river of the dead long river below suddenly set off a huge wave at this moment. The red-brown river exploded suddenly at this moment. Countless blood water rushed to the sky and swept away towards many world-class supreme existences. .

"Are you here? I don't think this devil can sit still!"

Seeing this scene, Hei Li, the Lord, did not have any surprise on the face, but on the contrary, he saw the hunting delight, and snorted, from top to bottom, countless purple and black flames were rising, falling and falling with the blood and water. hit.

There was a breath of anger in the Lord of Hei Li, and the elder of the Heilong Dynasty died here, and he was transformed into a black mother tree.

It's just that the demon head in the black forest's devil's nest has never appeared and never appeared, so that the anger of the Lord of Heli could not be initiated.


The purple-black flames collided with the blood and water emerging from top to bottom, and in an instant, the two made a harsh sound, offset each other, and melted each other.

These blood and water are gathered by the flesh and bones of tens of millions of people, and they have an unbearable breath of death. Ordinary people can directly melt away the bones with a touch of it. However, although the flesh and blood of tens of millions of people have gathered into death Qi, for the supreme existence of a world like the Black Lord, can still be blocked.

Coupled with the fact that the master of one of the other supermassions was unwilling to show weakness, they shot one after another, and on this long river of death, those rushing blood and blood were all wiped out by everyone and disappeared without trace.

Click, click, click.

But at this moment, on this red-brown blood river, an endless forest of white skeletons suddenly emerged, these bones were originally scattered and floated on this whole blood river, but with The people wiped out the blood and blood, but these bones, like life, began to converge.

Suddenly, a burst of soothing sounds rang from above the blood river below. Many forest white bones were extremely fast. In just a dozen breaths, this red-brown river had been exhausted. It turned into Mori white.

"Weak little ants who don't know whether to live or die, since you are so dead, then I will complete you, you all will die!"

Numerous Mori white bones gathered at this moment, and the voice of resentment came. Then, an extremely large white bone giant was formed under the aggregation of Mori white bones on many blood rivers.

This extremely huge white-bone giant, the bones around him, are all the bones of the dead in those tens of millions of nations, and the dark green bones of the black holes of countless skulls emerged. When standing up, most of them Although his body is under that blood river, the upper body of the outside world has already reached the size of tens of thousands of feet. When overlooking the world, it looks like looking at some ants.

And the breath revealed in the body of this white-bone giant is also extremely terrifying. Although it does not surpass the level above the world, it also surpasses everyone present, at least it is the peak of the world.

"This is the body of that monster? No, this is just a grievance collective ..."

Arakawa looked at this white-bone giant from a distance, frowned slightly, looked at the other side, shook his head the next moment, and said to himself.

Yunchuan is also looking at this white bone giant on the side, and he can clearly feel that this white bone giant condensed from above the blood river, although the breath is far beyond the existence of a number of world-class supreme existence, but its The breath on the body is chaotic and chaotic, like countless breaths coming together to form a whole.

"Sure enough, the demon head in the black forest devil's nest was previously born and slaughtered several kingdoms without any purpose. Now everything I see and come all the way in this black forest devil's nest, again In addition, the white-bone giant that appears now can clearly show that the demon in the black forest's nest and the many souls slaughtered can be merged with each other and transformed into a unique power. "

Yunchuan was a little frightened. From this situation, he was a bit shocked, because the birth of the Black Forest Devil's Nest just slaughtered a few countries in Dongzhou, so that the colossal bone giant now has With the highest level of repair in the world.

If the Black Forest Devil's Nest continues to expand, and if several kingdoms are annexed again, I am afraid that by then, the colossal bone giants will have a great possibility of exceeding the world.

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