The Legendary Roll

Chapter 939: Jianguang Black Hole

This is exactly why the Buddha Lord was so afraid of the new Buddha before that, even at a great price, he wanted to kill each other. In the past few years, the Buddha ’s Great Guangming Temple has also been The new Buddha who stole his faith was restrained.

Hearing Yunchuan ’s words, the smile on the Buddha ’s face disappeared without a trace, and he looked at Yunchuan fiercely. The fact is exactly what Yunchuan said. Both Heavenly Supreme and Bloodsea Supreme have brought their own small world, but the Lord Buddha cannot and cannot bring his small world, at most, it has brought a Supreme Treasure to the Devil's Pestle.

Originally, the Lord Buddha thought that he should be able to deter a few people, and he would be able to survive this period of time, but as Yunchuan's words came out, his previous intentions became a dream bubble.

The Supreme of the Sea of ​​Blood and the Supreme of Chaos have now started their own small world, and want to break from the area where they are located for a moment. But now, knowing that the Lord Buddha has not brought their own small world, Suddenly the Lord Buddha became the best breakthrough point.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Many world levels have changed their positions one by one, rushing towards the Lord's location, and the supernatural power roared, and that area would destroy the area defended by the Lord.

The white-bone giant to which the black forest devil was originally attached wanted to use the three lords of the Buddha to gain time for him, so that he could complete the absorption of the river of death and recover to the demigod.

As long as a few people of the Lord of the Buddha persist for a while, the white-bone giant can truly enter the realm of demigods, crush the crowds present, and wipe out the world ’s most extreme figures.

In the case of a small world, Xuerantian and Bloodsea Supreme, it can be said that it is more than enough time to stick to half a joss stick, but it is completely secretive. Under Yunchuan's seeing, the Buddha here, compared to It has become the biggest short board.

The bony giant roared angrily, but when the Lord of the Buddha was smashed, the attacks of many world-class figures fell completely on the bony giant, and the bony giant was about to condense again. The flesh and blood was broken. .

The flesh and blood was destroyed twice by many world-class supreme figures, and the bony giant shouted a terrifying roar. This hurts him not much, because his flesh re-condensation is based on the consumption of that river of death. This infinite river of death has already consumed more than half of it because of this, and this time it is interrupted, it is not enough to make it coagulate again.


It is also the supreme existence of a mass of world realms, while annihilating all the flesh and blood of this white bone giant Zhou, Yunchuan, who has been in a position of strength, suddenly shot at this moment. Wan Jun, headed towards that bone giant.

The void in the surroundings of these three sword lights is colorful, and the time and space are distorted and changed, making its power extremely terrifying. Instantly, the three sword lights are chopped down to the body of the bone giant, and the void is split. A black hole in the black cricket entangled half of the bone giant into it.

Kakah Kakah.

A series of cracks in the bones cracked from the inside, which infiltrated the human body. The bone giant's body was originally condensed from the bones of tens of millions of dead, extremely strong, and extremely capable of regeneration. Destroyed, but it can also be regenerated at a very fast speed.

But now, half of the body of the Bone Giant is now involved in the black hole formed by the three sword lights. Although the bone of the Bone Giant regenerates, it will continue to be annihilated.

Originally, the flesh and blood of this white bone giant was blown away by everyone, and it has been severely damaged, completely cutting off the foundation for the promotion of demigods.

The existence of the magical power of Yunchuan had not been placed in the eyes of the black forest monster before, and Yunchuan had not shown much power of magic power before, so that the black forest demon had relaxed his vigilance.

The previous encounter between the Lord of the Buddha and Yunchuan was seen by many people as completely crushing Yunchuan, and the bone giant attached to the Heilin Demon's head was also seen, and Yunchuan was not taken to heart on.

But what he didn't expect was that Yunchuan was so badly hit by the moment he didn't check it. The time and space distortion force formed by the three sword lights is still attached to his whole body, like a 跗Bone ridges are average and cannot be removed at all.

"Yunchuan! Yunchuan! I remember you, you must die, you must be my nourishment!"

The bony giant roared, the huge body had no previous coercion, only half of the body was left, and on that half of the body, the power of the three sword lights was still attached, causing it to emit a click. Acid sound, can't continue to condense.

Seeing this scene, Xueyuan Tian in the distance saw his pupils shrink, and his face was jealous. Yunchuan's three sword lights had previously truly felt, and even fell without fighting, and he achieved it. The supreme prestige of Yunchuan has made himself the supreme figure in this world, becoming a stepping stone for Yunchuan.

Now I feel these three sword lights again, but Xue Luantian is keenly aware that the three sword lights of Yunchuan have been completely different from the previous ones. If Yunchuan was before this time, these three sword lights focused on time. However, until now, this Dao Jianguang is focusing on space, and it seems that it is because of this that it connects different areas.

One of the reasons why Yunchuan's killer was extremely jealous of the previous snowy days was because the three sword lights of Yunchuan involved the change of time. To know the change of the void, he also thought that there was Some accomplishments, after all, a martial art has gradually realized from the beginning of refining the virtual realm, and the change in time, under ordinary circumstances, even the existence of the world can not be controlled.

However, seeing the three sword lights of Yunchuan at the moment, what shocked Xuerantian is that from the miserable situation of the white bone giant, Yunchuan's accomplishments in the void are also very strong, even far exceeding him. The existence of this world.

It ’s not just the snowy sky, the buddha in the distance is also shrinking his eyes. Previously, when he briefly met Yunchuan, he once suppressed Yunchuan fiercely by relying on the falling magic pestle, but now I saw Yunchuan After displaying the three sword lights, he clearly realized the horror power contained in it. Under this horror power, even if he had the supreme treasure as a suppression, he took such a note. Will not be better.

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