The Legendary Roll

Chapter 954: Crossover Supreme

"No wonder, Lord Buddha, you would have turned to the devil before, so that the black forest nest was born earlier. It turned out that you wanted to steal the power of the devil!"

After hearing the words of Yunchuan, all the world-class figures present at the scene were suddenly shocked. When they carefully examined the Lord of the Buddha at this moment, they had indeed found out that the sacred peace hidden behind their Buddha light The magic of horrible evil and horror that is hidden.

"A nonsense, the old monk has the world in his heart and takes the world to be his own responsibility. How can he coexist with the demon head!"

Hearing the words of Yunchuan and a number of world-class figures, the golden Buddha was furious, and his voice was booming.

His voice seemed to carry a magic power that can wash people's hearts. The words of Yunchuan and many world-class figures have spread all around him, so that many mad believers around him could clearly understand, for a moment, Those zealous believers are a little unbelievable, but when they look at the golden Buddha, there is already a lot of it, and the enthusiasm in their eyes has disappeared a lot.

The Lord ’s words have been enchanted. Before that, many world-class figures have spread throughout the world, but not many people believe it, but at this moment, it is not far from the Lord, and it has always been the same. The sacred and peaceful atmosphere appeared, but it made these zealous believers of Daguangming Temple a little doubtful.

"Yunchuan, you can really reverse the black and white. Previously, the old monk had a lot of effort in the blood devil's nest battle. Everyone can see it. For your own self-interest, you will directly stigmatize the old monk into a demon charm. In the layers of hell, the change in the breath of the old monk is because of the breath that the old monk had when he destroyed the demons that were suppressed in the eighteenth floor of the prison. "

The golden Buddha in the sky opened up again and again, but this time, instead of speaking to Yunchuan, they said to those fanatical believers.

And when the Lord Buddha opened his mouth, many fanatical believers suddenly showed excitement, their bodies were shaking with excitement, and the power of faith flowing around him was more intense.

The deafening words of the world ’s most supreme figures also made them feel a little loose. However, the rule of the Lord Buddha in the Xihuang has long been ingrained, especially for these fanatical believers. In comparison, the two will naturally believe in the interpretation of the Lord's words.

"It turns out they are the real evil heads!"

"No wonder, no wonder, this is a group of demon heads who have lost their faith, and want to come and kill Daguangming Temple, even if they are the Supreme of the world, I will never allow it!"

"A group of demon heads actually wanted to stigmatize my Buddha. In the past, my Buddha once said that there are demon heads in the future, and that I would destroy my Dharma. "

After hearing the words of the Lord Buddha, many fanatical believers around the Daguangming Temple scolded one after another, even as if moths were throwing fire, and went on and on, attacking many super-massive characters.

At present, there are a lot of super masters who ca n’t hold back and shoot directly, but in this scene, the golden Buddha in the sky is indifferent, as if it was not his most devout believers, but some The most unusual grass and mustard.

"Buddha, you don't need to pretend to be a ghost here!"

The Lord of Red Fire roared, and at this moment, he couldn't hold back, and hurried towards the golden Buddha in the sky. Although his cultivation has not yet fully recovered, he has already infinitely approached the middle of the world. Power.

After all, before that, the Lord of the Red Fire was a tyrannical presence in the middle of the world. At that time, the Lord of the Buddha was far from his opponent. Even if it was severely damaged, after this period of recovery, the Red Lord has also let the Red Lord The power of the Lord of Fire is extremely terrifying.

The sudden fire of the Red Fire Lord, even Yunchuan and Arakawa Supreme, did not expect that in an instant, the existence of this world of the Red Fire Lord had already rushed to the location of the Great Guangming Temple. This golden body The area where the Big Buddha is located.

"Don't be crazy!"

This Golden Buddha is not the main deity of the Lord of the Buddha, but it is completely assembled by the power of countless faiths. When I saw the Red Fire Lord coming in, he suddenly rumbling, his voice was like thunder. All are trembling because of this.

The power of the two collided, causing the ripples of the void to ripple innumerably.

This confrontation only lasted for a few breaths, and then, suddenly, the face of the Lord of Red Fire changed suddenly.

At the beginning, a golden Buddha in the sky did not have much advantage, which was also expected by the Red Fire Lord. After all, in his desire, the Golden Buddha was only the result of the Buddha ’s use of the power of faith It's just a ghost image. Even today's Buddha Lord, its real strength has reached the peak of the middle of the world, but with only a golden ghost image, it is impossible to be his opponent.

But in just a few breaths, the Lord of the Red Fire suddenly found that the power of the faith that had flowed in all directions from all directions at this moment was flowing, all converging towards the golden Buddha. And go.

The original strength of this golden Buddha was not much. The Red Fire Lord was fully able to compete with it before, but with the influx of long rivers of faith like golden water flowing in the sky, the two The contrast of power, however, changed in an instant, and it was suppressed instantly.

Immediately after that, the golden river of faith, after suppressing the Lord of the Red Fire, spread to the Lord of the Red Fire.

The speed of this spread is extremely fast. The Lord of the Red Fire did not even respond in the first time, and it was permeated by the endless force of faith.

The long river of belief formed by the power of these beliefs permeates the entire body of the Red Fire Lord, and is directly dyed with a golden look.

Countless Zen sounds, Buddhist singing, rushed from within the flowing beliefs, and within those many beliefs, there are also many prayers and praises from believers. This is the entire western wasteland for countless years Since the prayers of many believers.

The Great Guangming Temple has been standing for countless years throughout the western wasteland. After so many people's prayers have gathered together, the resulting strength can be described as horrible.

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