The Legendary Roll

Chapter 972: Ascend


He had just thought of this, and suddenly his face changed. The next moment he opened his mouth, wow, spit out golden blood, and the breath of the Buddha's entire body suddenly became weak.

The breath of the Buddha's body was originally the peak of the middle of the world, but now, after spitting out a few mouthfuls of golden blood, the breath of the Buddha's body has plummeted at an extremely rapid rate. The peak of the world in the middle of the world fell to the point where it was only the beginning of the world, even worse than before.

"Old monk ... old monk ..."

The face of the Lord Buddha is like gold paper, and he wants to speak, but once again wows his mouth and spit out blood.

He could clearly feel that from the previous moment, the half of the spirits he had separated had been completely annihilated, completely gone, and completely cut off from him.

The whole half of the spirits were cut and annihilated directly. This kind of great pain is due to the Lord of the Buddha, and the whole person's complexion becomes extremely pale.

And when I saw the pale look of the Lord of the Buddha at the moment, in the hall, the red little fish swaying in the void, at this moment, a strange color appeared in the eyes of the fish, looking at the Lord of the Buddha.

At this moment, the Lord Buddha was stared at the strange look of this little red fish, and a kind of creepy feeling suddenly rose in his heart. Suddenly his spirit was shaken, the original pale and gray color on his face faded away, haha Laughing: "The old monk has not been defeated, and there is still a great opportunity. The old monk ran the Great Guangming Temple for his whole life, and he operated the Xihuang Temple for his whole life. The Daguangming Temple has been in my hands and has far surpassed the sages of all generations. Under the management of my Great Guangming Temple, although the former zealous believers have dedicated themselves and turned into the fire of the red lotus industry, there are still millions of believers with wisdom roots, as long as the old monk can ascend and exclaim God Traces, at that time, the entire Xihuang will be launched by the old monk! "

When the Lord Buddha said here, his face again came out with a strong self-confidence. Although his previous cultivation was always trapped in the early stage of the world, it was also because he had a great plan and could n’t stop the cultivation. In his Great Guangming Temple, the Lord Buddha is confident, but he is the most powerful of all the super sects, even the super dynasty of the Lord of the Black Li and the Lord of the Red Fire.

Because the vast majority of all believers in Xihuang have already believed in his Great Guangming Temple, and the super dynasty of the black lord and red fire lord, although it is said that the power in Dongzhou is boundless, but for the country and its people But the control of Daguangming Temple is not as powerful as that of his followers.

After all, the people in the super dynasty can go to another country without much coercive force, but these believers developed by the Great Guangming Temple have a hard time betraying their faith.

"Somewhat wrong ....."

The Buddha Lord just frowned, and suddenly frowned. His Daguangming Temple used faith to control the entire Western Wilderness. It was indeed a trivial matter, but that was a time ago. In the recent period of time, a demon head emerged from the Western Wilderness to establish a new one. The Buddha, contending with him for faith, has caused the Lord's faith in the western wasteland to have a lot of loosening.

"However, it is just a demon gangster who wants to steal the faith of the old monk, but the old monk has already destroyed this demon gangster's faith for seven or eight days already, which is no longer a concern.

Although the Lord Buddha said to himself, it was more explained to the little red fish transformed by the creator of darkness to reassure him. His current strength has been greatly damaged by the destruction of half of the spirit. Xiu Wei fell sharply, and the dissatisfaction of the little red fish has reached an extreme. In addition, there are many super-big attacks on the outside. Under internal and external troubles, if the little red fish suddenly rises, control him. It is quite possible to make a cricket.

Hearing the confident words of the Lord Buddha, the strange light transformed by the little red fish's eyes has therefore disappeared a lot, slowly swaying in the void, no longer speaking, but staring at the Lord Buddha, watching the Lord Buddha's Every move.

Outside, at the same time, the red flames surrounding the disciples of the Great Guangming Temple that enveloped the Lord of the Buddha disappeared without a trace.

The disciple of the Great Guangming Temple still looks lifelike, the physical body is not damaged, but the breath on his body has disappeared, and his face has the previous fearful fluctuations.

The young man was spotless in white, his black and white eyes stared at the disciple of the Great Guangming Temple. Some of them were fascinated and sighed for a long time. There was a sense of vicissitude in his voice.

He was previously burned by the fire of the red lotus industry. Although it seems to the outside world that it has only taken less than half a month, the fire of the red lotus industry has caused him to be trapped by various causes and effects, leaving Yunchuan there. This real and magical state has spent thousands of years, reincarnation from generation to generation.

If you are lost in it, you will not be able to distinguish between reality and imagination, and the soul will wither and die completely because of this. However, Yun Qinger's figure always accompanies the causal entanglement. Yunchuan has never been lost and has spent thousands of years.

It is for this reason that Yunchuan's eyes will have vicissitudes. After life after life, his state of mind has also been tempered to a very high level.

"Also Qinger, I have always been sympathetic to Qinger, but because of the relationship of the dark ages, I have always been trapped in my heart. In the causal illusion caused by the fire of the red lotus industry, I have no such bondage. how is it now?"

Yunchuan sighed, in the illusion created by the cause and effect of the red lotus industry fire, the two have been in love for generations, and their love and attachment have become instincts.

"Perhaps, under the interweaving of cause and effect, the scenes triggered by the fire of the red lotus industry are not ordinary illusions."

Yunchuan shook his head, no longer thinking about it, but feeling himself. Although he was burned by the Red Lotus industry fire this time, he was scattered several times on the edge of life and death, but he survived the Red Lotus industry fire. Under the incineration, the harvest was equally huge.

The red lotus karma is an old monk in several world realms of the Great Guangming Temple, plus those enthusiastic believers ignite themselves. If they can not persist, then there will be no doubt that karma fire will go from the body to the soul Both burned to ash, but as long as they can survive the burning of the red lotus industry fire, they will also be fed back by the power contained in the red lotus industry fire.

And because Yunchuan successfully survived the burning of the red lotus industry fire, the various powers contained in the red lotus industry fire became Yunchuan's nutrients at this moment.

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