The Legendary Roll

Chapter 979: Chaos and change

His complexion was a little pale, but the next moment, he was back to normal.

The red flame of the eloquence was integrated into the accomplishments of the Nether Way, which was able to briefly control the half-breathing time of the black Nether channel. However, the situation that Yunchuan did was quite equivalent in a sense. So he faced the little red fish directly, and it was a collision on the road that made him suffer a small loss.

"It seems that the accomplishment of this little red fish in the way of the void is equivalent to the state of demigod, and the one of the void way that I got is not even understood, as long as it is given to me for a while, You can leave this little red fish here for the next moment! "

Yunchuan's eyes flickered, and the only confrontational collision had already made him test out some of the red fish. Although the predecessor of the red fish was the dark creator who could collide with the cricket, but now After all, it is just a few drops of blood dripping, not the true creator of darkness.

This also sighed a relief in Yunchuan's heart. Although this red fish has not completely recovered its true strength, it still makes him extremely jealous. The reason is because it has the darkness Part of the founder's memory, but now Yunchuan's temptation has been able to determine that the other party only has a part of the memory. Even if it is restored to the full repair, there is no special situation, it is impossible to reproduce the terror power of the dark creator. can.

However, the opponent's accomplishments in the way of the void are now more than everyone in the field, and they can completely crush the crowd. In this case, it is difficult to kill them.

"Fortunately, this time the creators of darkness have been hit again. For a long time, they will not be able to make waves again!"

Behind Yunchuan, Qinglian Jianzun spoke without any loss in his face. In fact, many world-class figures in the field knew how embarrassing a world-class figure was. The results of this battle have surprised many world-class supreme existences.

The results obtained this time are really too brilliant. I do n’t know how many years in the world of Tianxuan have seen no supermassive annihilation, and this is the complete annihilation.

"A troubled time, this is a troubled time."

There were sighs in the mouth of the oldest world-class figure, and at this moment his eyes seemed a little more muddy.

The destruction of a supermass will undoubtedly cause a great wave in the entire world of Tianxuan. It will not be calm for a long time. After all, a supermass represents a great force on one side, especially The Great Guangming Temple where the Lord of the Buddha is located has ruled Xihuang for so many years, and the collapse of the Great Guangming Temple represents the absence of Xihuang.

From one aspect, although the entire western wasteland was freed a lot, but there were also many ambitionists who appeared. I do n’t know how many first-class gates were suppressed by the Great Guangming Temple. The battle of the males and females.

"A troubled world also represents opportunity, represents change, and represents the rise of heroes."

Yunchuan heard the words of the supreme figure in this old world, looking dignified and slowly speaking.

The collapse of the Great Guangming Temple will lead to the West being deserted. This is a natural thing. However, after this battle, Yunchuan also got a lot of understanding.

Today's Tianxuan world can be said to have completely broken the previous peace, and before that, one super block held 90% of the resources in the entire Tianxuan world, as if it were snowballing. getting bigger.

There are advantages and disadvantages to this situation. If it is not normal, it may not be manifested, but until now, when there are many evils in the Tianxuan world, Yunchuan has found that he can be qualified and capable to participate in the destruction of the evils. middle

There are only a lot of super sects, while other first-class sects, middle sects, can play a very small role in this evil.

After all, these first-class sects, second-class sects, and many outstanding disciples within them have been integrated into the super-sect, becoming disciples among the super-sects, able to rise among these first-class sects and second-class sects. It can be said that there are very few.

\ "To this day, this calamity of the Tianxuan World is simply relying on a lot of supermass, only by the supreme characters of the world, it is impossible to survive, only the entire Tianxuan World is launched, In order to better survive this evil. \ "

Yunchuan's eyes flickered and he slowly began to speak. After his words fell, a lot of world-class figures in the field showed a thoughtful look.

Yunchuan's role in destroying and demonizing the Great Guangming Temple is obvious to all. In addition, Yunchuan now has a half-step supreme level of cultivation, and its real strength has been compared with the previous one. With great improvement, even the supreme figures in the world such as Lord Heli have felt a faint feeling of enthusiasm.

However, there are also irrefutable expressions on the faces of several extreme figures in the world. This pattern of forces in the Tianxuan world has lasted for countless years, and many of the forces involved in it have also changed. It's too big to complete overnight.

"By the way, the Great Guangming Temple has now been destroyed. Although the Lord of the Buddha escaped, the monk could not run the temple. In his prison, he suppressed many of my demons and so on."

Just then, Wan Yao Supreme's complexion changed, and he said, his voice was a little eager.

The two super monsters of the Yao Clan have also contributed a lot during this period of war. The reason is that there are many big monsters in the two super monsters, which have been locked in by the Lord Buddha. In that prison, nowadays, the Great Guangming Temple has been destroyed. The owner of these two super clan masters naturally wants to go to that prison and rescue many of the demon held in the prison.

"Tunnel ....."

After being reminded by these two world-class figures, the existence of many world-states also reminds me of this. The Daguangming Temple, as a super-mass, naturally has a lot of details, and this town prison is also a super-mass of the Daguangming Temple A great insight.

The town jail is the supreme figure of the world world of the Great Guangming Temple. The small world left over after the death of a group is composed of many demon demons in the Great Guangming Temple. It also contains various dangers.

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