Obviously, the rainstorm map is used, but this and the power contained in the finger, it is not that Chu Lan can now compete!

The two little girls looked at Huang Shengyi and Angela with envy, closing their eyes tightly to Chu Lan to show that they understood!

Otherwise, if the number of Yuanneng is large, it will still become the fourth largest race, only under the three major races of astrology, insects and Saiyan.

"Ten days later, you first enter the virtual universe, and then send me a message, I will enter the virtual universe after you."

This is Chu Lan's first time in the rule of law. Three and a half days later, he did not come out.

Chu Lan released all five of his digital beasts.

"No, you put the swords together. Open the transmission array on my side."

Chu Lan mocked the mysterious old man and took out his ID card and said:

However, it is too difficult to understand the law by 10%. The more you understand the law, the more difficult it is to understand. For every 0.1%, it takes countless hours to accumulate.

At this time, he awakened his second talent, and was able to turn all materials into silk threads within a thousand miles to attack.

The important thing is.

He slept endlessly, immersed in fishing all day, hungry, what to eat for fishing, thirsty, and directly drank the water in the river.

But this is just a short year. For Chu Lan, this is a new paradise of heaven, but this is a stage in which power bursts.

Because three people died, no one had their ID cards!

They think this time the bet is correct, this is absolutely correct decision, they are a guard and trainer of evil like Chu Lan.

With this in mind, Sun Xiaotian again had a harmless smile on his face:

His faint shadow gradually dissipated.

"Why do you seem so familiar with this action?" Chu Lan squinted at the idea.

Except for Wei Chuanxiong and Fang Zheng, the other nine people are either already dead or not in a "chaotic" cosmic city.

"Don't think that the diamond trainers are unwilling, they want you to recruit guards, because as long as they are hired as guards, their status is at least equivalent to the top 3,000 in the corner trial.

Just like now.

They leaned on Chu Lan's shoulders, their eyes loosened a bit, and stared at a TV program being broadcast on digital TV.

When Chu Lan, Angela and Huang Shengyi intervened.

There is a good chance that 20% of diamond trainers will break through and become king trainers.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the monument of chaos.

They shot and killed a diamond trainer together. When they reached the back, even if they didn't want to, they had to stand on Chu Lan's boat!

"This is Wanjianchang, Wanjianchang. Impossible, absolutely impossible. How long have you been in the "chaotic" universe city, it is good to know the map of 10,000 years, how can you learn the field of Wanjian? What?" Qin Shaoxiong shivered in his heart.

This huge thousand machine sword cannot be grasped with one hand.

auzw.com Chu Lan left a picture of fishing and saw the five little guys of the lava tyrannosaurus, leaving only the magician beast to practice the minefield map there, and immediately did not disturb the wizard beast. He returned to the manor where he lived by telegraph.

However, mixing "chaos" is not allowed to fight here, of course, these people cannot disturb Chu Lan.

Therefore, he decided not to grab the goods. Of course, more importantly, this year, he estimated that Song Zhe did not have many points. It was not until two hours later that he had the opportunity to grab the points.

But this does not mean that the king cannot complete the entire digital beast zone within the scope of his personal life.

Where did Qin Shaotian put his views, he said sullenly: "Although I am not as good as you are, you better know that our three brothers Qin Shaoxiong and the strongest are the three brothers Qin Shaoxiong.

Founder Master!

"You don't need to go back. Beta is just a small galaxy. You can't recruit a diamond trainer that matches your status and talents as a child."

They looked at Chu Lan one by one and wanted to see how Chu Lan directed Song Zhe.

If we continue this way, it will only take a minute at most, and these two people will have no doubt!

As a senior trainer who can hardly make progress, but has almost eternal and infinite life, the mysterious old man's favorite thing to do is observe human heaven and pride in every move.

But his two brotherhoods are worse.

Chu Lan smiled and said to Shen Dong: "Thank you, old man." Remember to let me know if there is such a good thing in the future.

Yuanzheng galaxy, Yuanyuan star!

But what level is Chu Lan now? Silver "color" 9-level training machine.

"Hush, be quiet. Can you say this in front of so many people? Are you stupid? If Chu Lan listens to you, hates you? With your talents, Chu Lan's men, any gold trainer, Can easily kill you hundreds of times."

Thousands of swords were "swinging" in the red "color" flames, Chu Lan did not even use his fighting skills, but simply integrated the power of law into it.

Immediately, the electronically synthesized voice came from the ID card.

Qin Shaotian raised his palm and looked at Chu Lan with a sneer: "Well, I wanted you to try the strength of your new man first, but since you want to die, let us show you what respect for this man Old man."

Although killing Qin Shaoxiong was not enough, it was enough to pose a great threat to Qin Shaoxiong.

Why is it obvious that it is difficult to carry a Level 5 guard, and it is difficult to study the death of polar digital animals?

Two ancient diamond ancestors blocked their way. They couldn't escape at all, so everyone eventually had to gritt their teeth and give all their points and their digital partners to Lava Tyrannosaurus and Warcraft.

Chu Lan slapped Qin Shaotian's mouth, but in the process of blowing, Chu Lan suddenly thought in his mind: "The fishing map can capture the vitality, but if you combine the kind of things I understand, you can collapse the energy. "

"So, don't I worry that Sun can't stand the pain of leaving his parents and children?"

I only heard "giggling". After a slight noise, all the silk threads were cut by Chu Lan.

His eyes became cloudy, as if he was stunned.

I saw Chu Lan coming out, his figure disappeared. The Yuan Energy Bead near the Yuan Energy Bead "swayed" a strange wave, Chu Lan's body came out of the wave, and stretched out his hand to grasp tightly.

Before their voices fell, the newlyweds "women" began to sarcastically.

Chu Lan won the first prize in the Tianjiao Trial and became the first day in 3,000 years.

Now that we all understand the role of this virtual shadow of will, the rest is a continuous cycle: beating and understanding! ..

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