The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 1021: I really do not know

After that, Chu Lan was not ready for passive attack.


"Chu Lan, you can't rob me anymore. A year has passed, even if you are a monster, you can't violate the rules of our chaotic cosmic city."


No, at least 1/5 of ordinary people kneel subconsciously.

"This one,"

With the friction and friction between the meteorite and the air, the temperature rises rapidly, and within such a short time, a meteorite with a diameter of several kilometers ignites the air.

But he was afraid to do so.

Half an hour later, Chu Lan is still on the first floor.

When I saw the huge faucet, everyone at Alpha was stunned and said, "Okay!"

Of course, this will have to wait until Chu Lan reaches the level of the king, and there is no crisis of life or death at all.

"Yes, every newcomer will be overwhelmed by the old man from the previous session. This is the first time to grab points. This time is no exception. Although this boy is very talented, it is your talent for Song Zhe.

Chu Lan sighed at the thought of this.

Seeing Chu Lan's behavior, Fang Xingyun nodded and smiled, then flicked blue slate to Chu Lan with one finger. At the same time, Fang Xingyun's voice came:

The sound seems to come from all directions, it seems to be from the depth of Chu Lan's heart. This made Chu Lan's outstretched hand stop in mid-air, and a feeling of terror appeared in his heart.

The mysterious old man directly gave Chu Lan a piece of silver and said, "Ordinary trainers have animal training grounds. Do you think there is no separate shopping center in the chaotic universe?"

Chu Lan did not think about it secretly, but said a few words in a low voice.

The five-tier strongmen of the alien race hope to build a virtual universe at a huge cost.

Another reason is that human ID cards have been secretly upgraded, and the ability to hide identity information prevents the virtual universe from determining specific information, thus playing a complete role in protecting human natural pride and hiding human natural pride.

As he wished.

Even if they do not reach the same level, it is certain that the two will meet in the future, and there will even be a mockery of each other, or even a war.

He controlled the body of RexMiracleX, a lava tyrannosaurus, to recede. Before the red fingers had cracked marks and was about to fall completely, he stirred up all his strength and then cut it off again.

At this time, Chu Lan was a little jealous of Rao Weixiang.

"Master Chu Lan, my name is Huang Dong. I am only 8921 years old. I am definitely promoted as a diamond trainer. I am willing to share a trace of soul power and give it to Master Chu Lan to control. Just let Master Chu Lan agree I’ll be your subordinate."

This fighting technique is a very powerful method even in the king's animal trainer.

"At present, our most amazing genius tarantula in thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, is being pursued by humans in the virtual universe."

The reason why you can add so much power is not because of how good your talent is these days. Even if it is good, it just loses more than the previous day.

But only Fang Xingyun knew that in the end, the Millennium Beast was really infatuated with the talents of Lava Tyrannosaurus and Warcraft, but the reason why he was able to regard the three little guys of these three split beasts as disciples.

Chu Lan! "What is this?"

Chu Lan once again bowed to the last millennium beast: "My three digital beast companions are also very talented," Chu Lan said. If there is something suitable for you, would you like to see it again? "

I don't talk much about it.

30 seconds!

A red koi bite a fishhook without bait. The mud in Chu Lan's eyes disappeared and became more and more clear. There was a stunning light inside. When the Koi bit the hook, Chu Lan reached out and grabbed it.

If a little girl sees what a man is like now, she will not only hate the man's dirty body, but also think the man's back is very handsome.

He did not start robbing other gold trainers for points.

Chu Lan narrowed her eyes and revealed the tail of the fox:

In those two parts of the body, you can see the two parts of the body spread out and become the body of Hongmao and Qin Shaoxiong.

You know, in less than a year, he can understand the law, from 6% to 10%, because he defeated Qin Shaoxiong, Yuan Spider and Yuan Nengwang’s fingers at a time, so that he has a clearer understanding of the law Understanding.

"Old man, let's hurry back to the Beta Galaxy. I want to recruit my 20 security guards as soon as possible."

Interestingly, this boy can defeat Qin Shaofei as a character, but Qin Shaofei's three brothers, Qin Shaofei, is only the weakest being. Now he dares to anger Qin Shaotian, and he really doesn't know what to do.

Chu Lan could hardly speak to this Sun Xiaotian. He is worthy of Sun Xiaofang's brother, and even his character is carved into a mold.

Song Zhesheng was afraid that Chu Lan would disagree and immediately kissed Chu Lan a fart:

He burst out laughing, and appeared directly in front of more than 200 golden 9-level sneakers, with high toes and no nostrils. He said: "No nostrils, no nostrils."

Right here!

"If I go on like this, I'm dead, and you don't want to be accused of killing a talented and proud person, right? We don't have a deep hatred, the old man grabs the new man's points, this is a chaotic cosmic city custom. "

Chu Lan can clearly conclude that the strength of the trainers of the king is much greater than that of Shen Dong and Yang Lin, and there are countless times more power than the trainers of the king, such as Shen Dong and Yang Lin.

In other words, these golden trainers are willing to distribute their own soul power, and life and death are under his control.

Luo Yi, Zhou Sha, Tang Yuan, Xu Neng, Zhao Xing. Five female gold trainers stood respectfully behind Chu Lan and watched Chu Lan fishing in the pond.

This rule should be similar to time, and there is a trace of talent in time!

He saw Chu Lan walking to the exit, and then time and space seemed to stop, Chu Lan's figure in the air!

Chu Lan was too lazy to say such nonsense, took out his ID card, walked to the 99-story steps, and said to the steps:

In addition, there was a conflict with a top freak who did not lose to Wei Chuanxiong at all.

There are rumors that the chaotic universe city is full of soul crystals. Even if most garbage trainers enter the chaotic universe city, they can quickly earn soul crystals.

"Chu Lan, you are a full devil, and I accepted it."

The so-called five-element sword array is not a five-element element of golden wood, fire and earth, but a powerful combat skill created by Wang Xunshi Matsumoto. He can only practice the king.

Shen Dong reached out to find Chu Lan and Li Xinghe, saying, "These two boys, as well as their guards, you send them to Alpha Star and Zichen Star separately. We still have things to do. We will not return to Beta Galaxy for the time being. Alright!"



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