If watching this battle here is the pride of humanity, then Chu Lan may have to be ruthless and kill it for his own safety.

The combination of the sword of wind and the sword of fire makes the power of this sword even easier to defeat the law, knowing 9% of the little ones! If you add other means of this boy, this boy.

Think about this.

"What kind of freak is this boy? The first practice of Wan Dao was successful. The first practice of Wan Dao not only succeeded, but also made this big sword, and also learned the true meaning of the wind to help the fire.

This is the anger of the king.

He said that if you do not do this, I will not be able to collect protection fees. Unless you all want to leave the "chaotic" universe city, you will not even earn a point this year.

Their three brothers, Qin, stood up on Weiduan and supported them until now. What kind of suffering has not been experienced yet? What pain has not been eaten yet? No matter how powerful the enemy is, the three of them face together.

I am the most amazing heavenly pride of the Yuanneng tribe. You killed me. The power of our Yuanneng King, even the highest ancestor, will surely find you wherever you are. You rescued here. "

No one seems to really know that Chu Lan is practicing his fighting skills here.

What a great gold trainer!

According to rumors, the "chaotic" cosmopolitan city is full of regular air in the air. Even if the understanding of the law is poor, it will take a long time to deepen the understanding of the law.

When Chu Lan's voice fell, the electronically synthesized voice sounded:

Accurate, not much, much. The names of these 12 "brothers" surprised Chu Lan.

With this skill, Tianjiao has accumulated a lot of unknown points. So far, it has broken through more than 20 years ago and became a diamond trainer.

"Are you upset?" Chu Lan was a little impatient.

Even the weakest diamond trainer is stronger than we are now. Don’t we want to sacrifice in vain now?

but now.

Shocking photos.

Because, once entering the virtual universe, as long as the human emperor Sun Feifan wants it, then without any power suppression, he can easily solve the problem of the alien emperor.

"I like it, but it's not as good as he likes. I even think that if this cosmopolitan city of "chaos" doesn't care about anything, he will temporarily rest assured and concentrate on grabbing points."

As long as there are enough opportunities and there are ten talents, it is difficult to advance to the throne.

"Well" Although Chu Lan has been occupied by a group of little girls for so long, Huang Shengyi and Angela are still satisfied that Chu Lan can come out and go for a walk with them.

"Let's go down. What do you want to know? If you go down, you will get the answer!"

Lava Tyrannosaurus smiled and said, this guy looks like a pure fool, what is the smartest character of its boss? Although everyone is comparing Chu Lan and Wei Chuanxiong, does Lava Tyrannosaurus think that Wei Dexiong can compare with his boss?

Chu Lan narrowed her eyes and wanted to see what the three brothers came up with.

Sun Xiaotian also took a deep breath and thought to himself, "But compared to this boy's hostility, the method he just used is really amazing." Unexpectedly, it can directly concentrate energy on the opponent.

But that was what he caught, and Chu Lan's five fingers changed.

His face, like Rao Weixiang, always "exposed" a harmless smile, his smile will never stop, unless he killed a dead person, waiting for Chu Lan to go down.

For a time, all the pride in the rule of law was moved, and the whole person was confused directly!

The body was about to bounce back, and Song Zhe looked up at Chu Lan in frustration and took a drink:

"Humanists like you simply cannot imagine my power."


I didn't see this guy. Now that I have finished reading, does he think I will be indifferent?

Their parents did not actively explain the cause of the problem.

Where is the lava tyrannosaurus not knowing what they should do now?

Indeed, Chu Lan and his five digital beasts are very talented, but this is not why they can practice so quickly.

"You can have the opportunity to practice deep in the "chaotic" cosmic city. It takes half a year to mix in the "chaotic" cosmic city. At that time, someone will naturally take you to the planet where you live to mix in the "chaotic" Cosmic city."

At least we must understand the law to be perfect, so that we can have this means. "

If he wants to get Chu Lan's collapse energy, he must let Chu Lan enter the virtual universe. If he does not enter the virtual universe, what if his power is enough to exceed Chu Lan thousands of times?

Fang Xingyun's eyes flashed, looking at the last millennium beast.

Chu Lan's face changed suddenly. Get out"

Hidden in the past, I was worried that my strength was not enough, and I would be coveted by those powerful people.

"I don't know, will you?"

He thought too much.

"If you can improve your understanding of the law and learn some stronger combat skills, you will not be much weaker than your boss and me."

"I think I can kill you easily!"

A year later, only the last hour left, a six-pointed star array appeared, and a bald young man wearing a Snow White suit came out of the six-pointed star array.

All points are concentrated on Chu Lan's ID card.

The fishing chart is displayed in the sky, so I don’t think it will be found. "

Power can only be truly awesome when it comes out.

"Why are you so anxious?"

When Sun Xiaofang heard Chu Lan say he wanted her 3600 sticks, her face hesitated for the first time.

"And, in the vicinity of every monument that mixes the law of chaos, there is the power of this law, it can provide you with the power to understand it. This is a welfare treatment for you little ones!"

No one hesitated, everyone took out their ID cards.

Qin Shaotian's room!

Chu Lan’s ID card was strewn with an electronically synthesized voice: “Golden Grade 9 trainer Qin Shaoxiong sent a voice message: Brother Chu Lan, we are now on the ground of Jin Trainer.


Sun Xiaofang couldn't resist even this move, so why continue to compare?

Although these people were accused of protecting them, Chu Lan's talent and strength were there. These people nodded and greeted Chu Lan with a smile.

When Qin Shaoxiong shook hands with him just now, it was obviously useless to "plug" this thing into him.

So every time I meet, I want to stab each other.

Then, a breath of fear appeared.

"You can't reveal this." He looked at Founder, warned his son, and said very seriously. ..

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