The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 1031: No one dares to reject these requests

Song Zhe's whole person is even more terrifying, his body trembling constantly.

He took out his ID card and prepared to go to the legal profession for the final wave. At this time, Sun Xiaofang sitting next to Chu Lan hurriedly took his hand and said he was not satisfied:

If Qin Shaoxiong does not ask them, then the days they provoke before will definitely make them look good.

Force rule: 27.6%

Because doing so will only delay Chu Lan's bright future.

If we divide equally, we can practice at least three days on the monument with the law of chaos, and there is no good luck in five or eight days. "

20%, 3.6 million points!

This dialogue can be heard at any time in many places in the "chaotic" cosmic city.

Not because they are not confident, but because the king's ancestors are too strong.

"Old man, can you tell me this fishing picture?"

The mysterious old man reminded Chu Lan what to do. Although personal talent is really important, digital beasts are more powerful and can also help humans.

I was complaining in my heart, but even everyone including Chu Lan stared at Fang Xingyun, hoping to know the real answer to this question.

The mysterious old man narrowed his eyes and said, "Other people, old man, I suggest I start to practice 10,000 swords, and you, practice 10,000 swords directly!"

"My predecessor, God knows, you know me, don't you say no one can see me? Well, if you don't say that, I won't say, who knows I'm here to practice my skills." Chu Lan Said with a cheeky smile.

After that, the 20 trainers of Shi San and Zhao Zheng also surrounded the bodies of more than 200 gold-level 9 trainers, completely blocking their way of death.

Chu Lan hurriedly smiled and said, "Well, I won't practice sword here again next time, I promise!"

Raptor dragon looked at the lava tyrannosaurus. Brother, have you forgotten that other people still owe 20% of their master's score? "This is also the number of millions.

Huang Tianzhi's helpless voice was full of inexplicable excitement: "One million, at least one million gold trainers stayed in front of our Huang family. They didn't want to leave at all and continued to have a gold trainer."

In the Tianjiao trial, Chu Lan was the person who was proud of them on the first day. After all, the power of others exists.

Almost half a minute later, Chu Lan reached out and a simple silver book appeared in Chu Lan's hand. On the cover of that silver book, there are three big characters that Chu Lan did not know, that is Yuan Neng or other alien characters.

With half a year's appointment, only three days left, Chu Lan decided not to practice anymore.

The next time, the red "hair" orangutan missed thousands of dense swords, but its skin "hair" was burned slightly. It appeared in front of Chu Lan, punching and kicking Chu Lan.

Chu Lan narrowed her eyes and stared at the top of the tablet. In the photograph of the stele, he saw a fish hook, which made him ""hair" creepy!"

Add up to a total of six million points, and almost all the new Tianjiao points are cast on them.

"Okay" a group of little girls were reluctant.

Chu Lan is the first day of pride of the entire family, so their Huang family, the status of Chu Lan’s affiliated family, will naturally rise even more. He, the owner of the Huang family, will also receive great benefits!


The mysterious old man suddenly thought of something. He looked at Chu Lan’s eyes and said, “You’d better go back as soon as possible, your digital animal partner. Although Lava Tyrannosaurus has a 4.6% understanding of the law.

He has a very ordinary fishing rod in his hand.

"Come out, Chu Lan, the child is out." Song Zhe heard an excited voice behind him.

When Luo said this, even Sun Baofan, the emperor's animal trainer, looked at it curiously. Chu Lan’s face changed slightly.

hundred percent?

In the last Tianjiao trial, even though the average talent of Tianjiao is not as good as Chu Lan, but even if the gap is large, where will it be? At best, the biggest monster has a bigger gap.

The time passed by second by second.

On the information screen, there is a picture of a strange creature, but below it, there is another picture of the person.

Not only talents, but also combat power, far exceeding them.

"It would be nice if I had such a boss."

He fell in front of the fishing chart.

What Chu Lan saw here made him feel that he should go back, reminding his sister Sun Xiaofang that it is best not to bet against Chu Lan, he will eventually lose himself.

Suddenly, the ground under his feet changed.

It's hard to figure out who we are, and those exotic hunters have a hard time finding who we are! "

Chu Lan held his little hand.

"This is a fact. This time, it is time for us to compete fairly with a disciple Chu Lan!"

"Even if you can beat the third brother in the future, this year, the third brother can deprive you of all your points. Do you really want to do this?"

Chu Lan was anxious.

"As long as you don't kill each other in a messy universe, and no one cares about what you are doing, you will not care too much about your business. From today, within a year, you will live here."

Therefore, only Wan Jian is the best practice for him.

In other words, "Chu Lan's understanding of the law may exceed 10%!" Everyone took a deep breath and they were all shocked.

He seemed to be adapting to his identity reversal. After about five seconds, he bowed to Chu Lan and shouted respectfully:

Chu Lan not only practiced well, but also achieved 6% of the two laws! This horrible gift made this mysterious old man feel that Chu Lan's talents cannot be defeated by Wei Chuanxiong.

This finger points directly to the middle of the small current.

He didn't look right at once.

When the synthesized sound disappeared, Chu Lan's figure also disappeared, entering the first level of the rule of law.

The length of the river is tens of thousands of miles, and the width of the river is only a few hundred miles. At a glance, you can only see the opposite bank of the river.

Be quiet!

Formed a complete fishing rod.

But Fang Xingyun looked at Chu Lan with a sleepy expression on his face. He smiled and said:

Chu Lan suddenly looked up at Fang Xingyun, and everyone said to him in amazement:

Immediately, he actually executed the "Star Death Ball", which was several times more powerful than before.

No matter what you say, you are a 3,000-year-old predecessor, and your talents are not too bad. You are close to 10% in understanding the law. In order not to become Chu Lan’s enemy, say such brazen words.

I don’t really like the talents of the three little guys in the split wave "tide", but now. Fang Xingyun knew that he liked Chu Lan's last millennium beast very much, so he nodded and agreed with a slight thought.

In his current capacity, no one dares to refuse these requests. ..

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